Allure of a Country Maiden

Chapter 94 Buy! purchase! purchase!

As soon as a few people walked out of the shop, someone called out to Yang Yayi.

"Shopkeeper Yang, it turns out that you are here, causing me to search everywhere. It just so happens that my two shops are for sale. Please register them for me. I am in a hurry to sell them. The price is 500 taels for each of the two shops. It cannot be cheaper. Now." Mr. Hu said, pointing to the two shops next to the old grocery store.

"Master Hu, are you rushing to sell the shop and go to Yonghe County to enjoy the blessings of your son? Master Hu, you have managed to survive!"

"Isn't that right? He sent someone to pick me up and told me to get there before the year before. He said that the family hadn't had a reunion dinner for several years and it happened to be a reunion dinner for the family this year. I was thinking about this I can't stand the old bones anymore, so I want to sell the shop. The leases of these two shops will expire in two days, and they will vacate the shops by then."

After hearing this, Xiaoer felt that God was helping me. It was such a coincidence. Just when she thought it would be better if the shop was bigger, she happened to encounter two shops next to it that were ready to sell. All your wishes come true!

"Dad, let's buy these two shops as well. I have great uses for them." Xiaoer tugged on Shen Chengyao's sleeves.

Shen Chengyao thought about the remaining money at home, nodded, and bought more shops. Even if he didn't open a shop, he could rent it out and collect rent. Didn't Mr. Hu rent it out too?

Anyway, Xiaoer always said that money will not produce money if it is left unmoving. Silver must be circulated to produce silver.

"Shopkeeper Yang, Mr. Hu, we are thinking of buying a shop. Can you take a look? If it is suitable, I will buy it."

"That's a good relationship. I'll take you to see it!" Mr. Hu was very happy after hearing this. He was really dozing off and someone gave him a pillow.

The layout of the two shops is the same, as is the eldest one. There are three main rooms, three east and west wing rooms, and the length of the backyard and the old grocery store are the same. Xiaoer expressed that she was very satisfied, and Shen Chengyao and Shen Chengzu also thought it was very good. It's just that the shop is a bit old, and five hundred taels is a bit expensive. The shop just now only cost 100 taels.

These two shops are a bit smaller than the old grocery store, but the three shops combined are enough, Xiaoer thought to herself.

"How about it? These two shops of mine are very upright and have good feng shui. I relied on these two shops to support my son's studies, and then he was admitted to the imperial examination and became an official. This brother saw your face. You are even more blessed than me. If you buy it, your son will definitely become a high official in the future! Even a disciple of the Emperor!"

After hearing this, Xiaoer couldn't help but want to laugh. This Mr. Hu really knows how to talk! And you dare to say anything! A disciple of the emperor, luckily he dared to say it, but the price still has to be kept high! Since you said that you want your son to read the high official's book! Then this shop must be very old!

"Dad, these two shops are good, but are they too old? In a few years, there won't be a heavy snowfall, and they will collapse!"

"Don't worry, it won't happen. My shop is well maintained. It won't be a problem even if it snows twice!" Mr. Hu assured, patting his chest.

"The next two games are fine, but what about the third game?"

"Little girl, the snow on the roof needs to be swept away. No matter how thick the snow is, the house will fall down, right?"

"Mr. Hu, just see if you can get it cheaper. Your shop has been built for a long time. The shop in the middle was renovated not long ago and the price is not as expensive as yours."

"Nonsense, doesn't this shop cost one hundred thousand taels?" Mr. Hu stared at him after hearing this! There is no way to lie to him.

"That's what the boss said before because he didn't want to sell it anymore. Now he has figured it out and sold it for four hundred taels."

"Are you telling the truth?"

"Can I still lie to you? You see, Brother Shen has even signed the contract. I am about to apply for the red contract." Yang Yaqi took out the contract he just signed.

Mr. Hu took one look and was really sold! One hundred thousand taels, to four hundred taels! The owner of this shop is either crazy or stupid! If he knew that the price was one hundred taels, he would probably vomit blood. "I can sell these two houses for at least four hundred taels each. It can't get any cheaper. If you don't buy it, forget it!"

"Buy, of course!" Two hundred taels were suddenly reduced, which is a good deal, isn't it? Xiaoer smiled with crooked eyebrows.

Shen Chengzu was shocked. How much money did the third brother's family have? For nearly a thousand taels of silver, I bought it without blinking an eye!

Several people set up the purchase and sale documents and paid the banknote, Xiaoer asked shopkeeper Yang to lead the way to see the shop.

"Xiao'er, do you want to buy more? Can't we just pick one of these two and open it?" Shen Chengyao felt that he had bought enough shops, and even if he had money, he should buy some land or something.

Shen Chengzu also nodded hastily, "In fact, it's good to buy some good farmland." Farmers have farmland in their hands, so they don't panic.

"I want to buy the fields, but I have other uses for these three shops. It would be better for us to buy another shop to open an iron shop."

Yang Yashi felt happy after hearing this. He made as much money today as he did in the past month. "I also have some fertile fields on my hands, which are large areas, and some are relatively close to your village. If Brother Shen wants to buy them, you can take a look."

"Okay, let's take a look at the shop first and then take a look." Xiaoer nodded in agreement.

"Okay, okay, let's go this way!" Yang Yaqi walked with wind in his steps.

In the end, at the request of the two elders, Xiaoer chose one of the remaining shops in a not-so-good location, but bought the largest one. Because the location was not that good, she only spent three hundred taels.

Xiaoer is not afraid of a bad location, after all, it has the natural scent of musk. Bicycles, pedal threshing machines, hand-operated water pumps, etc., don’t worry that no one will come to buy them! The place is big enough, and the warehouse is big enough!

After buying the shop, Xiaoer felt hungry, "Dad, let's go have a meal first, and then look at the fields. If it's suitable, we can plant them in the spring."

"Why don't you buy the land first? You have to leave some money for the opening of this shop!" Shen Chengyao hesitated.

"Don't worry, dad, I've done the math. After the New Year, the store's dividends will definitely come down. Even if there are no dividends yet, the money we have now is still enough. Take advantage of the good times and buy more fields, and you won't be afraid of the bad years. The food is eaten.”

Later, Shen Chengyao was persuaded by Xiaoer and planned to check out the land and buy it if it was suitable.

Yang Yaqi took them to Yuanjia Village. This time the land was sold by landlord Yuan's family. His son was tricked and owed thousands of taels of gambling debt, and some land needed to be sold to pay for it.

"These are fertile fields. Landlord Yuan wants to sell a whole piece of land, one hundred acres, for seven taels of silver per acre."

"Dad, how are these fields?"

"I think it's quite fertile, what do you think, Fourth?"

"It's good land. Landlord Yuan's land is also famous for being fertile."

"Yes, Landlord Yuan couldn't bear to part with it. He kept sighing. If his son hadn't failed to live up to his expectations, he wouldn't have sold the land!"

"Gambling is the worst thing to do." Shen Chengyao is very tolerant of others, but very strict with himself.

For seven hundred taels, he bought another hundred acres of land.

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