Allure of a Country Maiden

Chapter 93 Long Sleep Gu

An Yi, is that An Yi? The daughter of An's International, the girl who was swept away by an inexplicable tornado on the cruise ship, the person who could not be found after searching the entire sea, she also came here through time? She remembered that she was almost involved in it, but her cousin and eldest brother were by her side, and they pulled her out quickly. And the tornado left the moment it took a breath, and many people disappeared into the sky without even reacting.

"In the house, go in, she has been waiting for you for a long time."

Xiao'er opened the door with anticipation and anxiety and walked in.

A woman was lying quietly on the pearwood bed, with familiar eyebrows and a familiar face. It's Anyi, the grown-up Anyi!

She remembered that she and she were only 12 years old at the time. She was seven years old now. How old was she? Did she come through with her body attached? ! I am about to enter my third year in the modern world, but she looks to be in her early twenties, probably because the time difference here is different from that in the previous life.

"What's wrong with An Yi?" The person on the bed was breathing evenly, as if she was asleep, but Xiaoer knew that she was not asleep.

"I was poisoned three years ago, and I haven't woken up since." Thinking of the vicious woman who poisoned her, he wanted to tear her bones apart and spread her ashes! He searched for famous doctors all the way from the Eastern Jin Dynasty to Min Zeguo, but could not cure the poison. Later he met Master Yunfa. He told him that An Yi's poison could only be cured by meeting a destined person, and then gave him a stone. He also said that whoever recognizes this stone at a glance is the destined person. If that person refuses to take action, tell him that they are old acquaintances.

After waiting for three years, he finally arrived. Then he sent someone to check their family. There was nothing special about them. However, he believed Master Yunfa's words. Later, he also saw the girl's ability, and then he felt relieved. , vacating the shop and waiting for her to come.

"What kind of poison did An Yi get? How did you and An Yi meet? What's the relationship?"

"Eternal Sleep Gu. If you are infected by this Gu, you will sleep for a long time until you die of old age. I am her husband." The owner of the junk shop did not answer the question of how we met. In fact, he didn't know how to answer it, and no one might believe him. Yi fell from the sky. He was riding on the road at that time. He saw a human-like object falling from the sky in the distance. It turned out to be a human. Fortunately, she was hung from a tree later, otherwise she would have fallen if she fell. die!

An Yi said that she was swept up into the sky by a tornado and then fell down, but he did not see the tornado at that time, and there was no wind everywhere except the wind caused by running.

Is there such poison in the world? What is the difference between sleeping for a long time and dying?

Xiaoer asked Bai Tian whether the space spirit liquid could detoxify the poison, and she felt relieved after receiving a positive answer.

"Master, you first make an incision on her arm, and then use the spiritual liquid to attract the Gu insect out, and then slowly detoxify it. The poisoning is too long and cannot be cured all at once. You have to do it slowly, otherwise her body will suffer. No way. And as soon as the Gu insect comes out, burn it to death immediately. Don't let it escape, otherwise no matter how far away it is, it will follow the breath and find its way back, enter the body where it originally resided, and then it will not come out easily. The bug is cunning and only fell for it once. The bug is afraid of fire."

"You know so much during the day!" Xiaoer praised sincerely.

"That's right!" Bai Tian raised his goose head proudly.

"Do you have a dagger?" Xiaoer raised her head and asked the junk shop owner.

"Are you going to detoxify now?" Don't you need to make preparations? The poison is not so easy to cure.

"Can't you?"

"No!" Of course he hoped it would be as soon as possible, "Is there anything I need to prepare?"

"Prepare a torch. As soon as the Gu insect comes out, it will be burned to death immediately. Don't let it escape, otherwise it will return to An Yi's body again, and then there is nothing I can do if it comes out!"


"First pick An Yi up and let her sit on the stool, then lie down on the table, and then straighten your arms on the table."

The second-hand shop owner carefully picked up An Yi and did as Xiaoer said, letting An Yi lie on the table.

Xiaoer had never detoxified the poison, so she could only do it according to the method she thought of. She poured a drop of the spiritual liquid in the bottle on the table.

The Gu insects in An Yi's body smelled the scent of the spiritual liquid and began to move around. Sometimes you could see the bulge on her face moving quickly.

The Gu insect really liked the water in this bottle. The second-hand shop owner felt relieved, something he had never reacted to before.

Xiaoer rolled up her sleeves and made a cut with a dagger near the spiritual fluid, and blood immediately flowed out.

Both of them stared closely at the wound. They saw a bulge on An Yi's arm moving quickly, and then a red-black insect crawled out of the wound. With a pop, it jumped to the spiritual fluid on the table. superior!

"Quick!" Xiaoer immediately removed Anyi's hand.

The owner of the junk shop had been waiting for him for a long time. As soon as he came out, he immediately smashed the torch on the table.

The Gu insect felt the danger and jumped back. Xiaoer waved the torch in his hand.

"Ouch!" The smell of burnt meat immediately appeared in the air, some from Gu insects and some from Anyi.

At this point, both of them breathed a sigh of relief!

Xiaoer put out the torch, "Sorry, I hurt Anyi."

"It's okay. I have to thank the girl. As long as the poison can be detoxified, the injury will be healed!" The insect was so fast, so alert that it jumped back as soon as it landed. If Xiaoer hadn't made a decisive decision, he would have regretted it to death, and he wouldn't have disliked the scar. Although it was heartbreaking, it was worth it.

"Anyi has been poisoned for too long, and the toxins in her body must be slowly cleaned out. This is the antidote. You give her one pill every day for a month, and then take this bottle of medicine again. She will also take one pill every day. After a month, she will be back as before." Xiaoer gave him a bottle of pills made of spiritual liquid and a bottle of pills made of worry-free fruit.

"Thank you, miss. We will never forget your kindness to us. I am Zhuge Xin. If you encounter difficulties in the future, you can send a message here."

Zhuge Xin picked up the pen and ink and wrote down an address, then pulled off the jade pendant from his waist and handed it to Xiaoer.

Xiaoer took it and said, "You're welcome, I still want to buy this shop with one hundred taels. An Yi won't wake up for a while, but she will probably wake up in the afternoon. It will be good to drink some porridge first. point."

"Thank you for the tip, girl. I can't accept money from the girl in this shop."

"Okay, favors are favors, and the amount must be clear. Let's stick to what we agreed before! You owe the favor first, and I will pay it back to you later. Let's go out. My father should be waiting in a hurry."

After the two of them went out, Shen Chengyao and Shen Chengzu immediately greeted them, "Are they people you know? Why did it take so long?"

"We know each other. Let's explain to dad when we get back. Now let's buy the shop first!"

"This shop is good, but it is not suitable for a large shop. It is too wasteful. This shop can be converted into a restaurant. We can just find a more remote blacksmith shop." Shen Chengzu felt that the location of this shop It's nice and big. Most importantly, the backyard is so big. It would be a waste to build a blacksmith shop.

Xiaoer glanced at Shen Chengzu appreciatively, the hero saw the same thing! She is planning to renovate the backyard of this shop and open a restaurant.

After hearing this, Yang Yaqi immediately said, "I still have a few shops in my hands, both young and old. Do you want to go and have a look?"

Xiao'er naturally thought about it, and with Yang Yaji's help, she bought this shop for one hundred taels, then left and went to see the next one.

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