The soldiers of Nangong Kingdom waited in the valley for two days, but none of them fled back. General Jiang of Nangong Kingdom couldn't help but wonder: "Did the enemy army pass through the legendary grassland of death?"

After hearing this, a deputy general named Zhao immediately denied it: "It's impossible. No one has ever come out after entering! I don't know what exists in the grassland. Maybe the whole army will be wiped out!"

"I think it is impossible for the enemy army to cross the Death Grassland, but it is also impossible for the entire army to be annihilated. Those who are not dead are probably hiding in the dark, waiting for us to withdraw our troops, and then escape!" Another deputy general named Zhang analyzed .

After hearing this, General Jiang felt that Vice General Zhang's analysis was reasonable, so he decided to wait on the mountain for another day or two.

Unexpectedly, it rained heavily that night, and it didn't stop until dawn.

Vice Admiral Zhao said to General Jiang: "General, it's raining so hard. Should we retreat overnight?"

"No, just because it's raining so hard, maybe Min Zeguo's soldiers can't stand it any longer and will escape from the grassland of death!"

Having waited for so long, General Jiang decided to wait another day or two.

The soldiers of the Nangong Kingdom waited in the mountains for a day and a night in the rain. Not even a single soldier from the Minze Kingdom arrived, but Shangguan Xuanjun of the Minze Kingdom came and attacked the city with 100,000 troops!

General Jiang's face turned pale after hearing this!

Fell into a trap!

No wonder this station was fought so easily. In less than half an hour, the enemy's formation dispersed, and Di Shaowei immediately led the soldiers to escape! It turned out that he wanted to distract them and let Shangguan Xuanjun lead the troops to attack the city!

What a good Deshawei who deliberately misleads himself! Make yourself think that they are sending troops to use up their poisonous powder!

Fifty thousand soldiers attack the city! Although there are 50,000 soldiers guarding the city, if Di Shaowei's 100,000 soldiers did not die, but were lucky enough to bypass the Death Grassland and return to Jiangdong County through the dense forest, then the Jiangdong County city would be in danger!

"Min Zeguo's soldiers have attacked the city, retreat! Go back and save the city!" General Jiang shouted with all his strength.

The soldiers of Nangong Kingdom also knew that something was wrong, so they quickly gathered together and rushed back to rescue the city.

When the soldiers of Nangong Kingdom rushed back, Shangguan Xuanjun was commanding the archers to shoot the soldiers on the city wall!

The soldiers on the wall also kept firing arrows at the soldiers below the wall.

For a moment, the arrows in the sky were denser than raindrops.

"Kill!" General Jiang shouted loudly.

Shangguan Xuanjun glanced at the soldiers from Nangong Kingdom who were coming over, and the corners of his mouth raised with a sneer: I've been waiting for you for a long time!

"Come on, brothers! Our goal this time is to leave no trace behind! Don't let anyone go!" Shangguan Xuanyi used his inner strength to push his voice out so that every soldier could hear it!

"Kill! Leave no one behind!" Min Zeguo's soldiers quickly responded loudly!

So the two armies started fighting quickly.

The soldiers of Nangong Kingdom stayed in the valley for two days, and then they were soaked in rain for a day and night. They had just quickly ran for dozens of miles. When they came here, they were already exhausted, and they had already set up their formations. The enemy of Min Zeguo's soldiers waiting here!

It's just that on the battlefield, it's not about playing games. People who lose their lives if they are not careful. The soldiers of Nangong Kingdom started to resist with all their lives!

But even if they tried their best, the soldiers of Nangong Kingdom fell at an extremely fast speed!

Seeing that the situation was not good, General Jiang was about to order the withdrawal of troops, but...

At this time, Shangguan Xuanyi and Xiaoer also arrived with 50,000 elite cavalry!

It really happened that the house leaked and it rained all night, and the boat leaked even more!

"Go!" Shangguan Xuanyi said coldly without saying a word.

With the addition of 50,000 elite cavalry, the soldiers of Nangong Kingdom fell faster!

Seeing the corpses of Nangong soldiers everywhere, and the number of Nangong soldiers becoming less and less in the battle, General Jiang thought of leading the soldiers to rush back to the city, but there were dense soldiers from Min Ze guarding the city gate. As soon as the door opened, before his soldiers could hide in, Min Zeguo's soldiers probably rushed in, and the city would be destroyed without any attack!

It is impossible to enter the city, but if he does not enter the city and escapes with his soldiers, the county seat of Jiangdong County will be captured by Min Zeguo's soldiers. He and his soldiers are here to save the city, so escaping like this is nothing!

But if he doesn't escape, none of his 100,000 soldiers will be left alive! Then Jiangdong County was captured by Min Zeguo's soldiers!

General Jiang feels a little bit like he is riding a tiger but cannot get off!

He regretted it now. Why did he have a brain cramp in the first place and was waiting in the valley to intercept and kill Min Zeguo's soldiers who were escaping back?

Now we are in a dilemma!

The generals on the city wall watched as Nangong's soldiers were beaten to pieces, with only a scrap of armor left!

He was also anxious in his heart!

What should we do? Should we open the city gate and send soldiers out to provide relief?


He glanced at the tens of thousands of enemy troops standing in front of the city gate and hesitated!

If the city gates are not opened, it will still be difficult for the enemy to capture the city. Maybe they will be able to wait for reinforcements to arrive! In this way, Jiangdong County will be saved!

So he shouted to General Jiang: "Retreat! Go bring reinforcements!"

After hearing this, General Jiang realized, yes! Go back and bring in reinforcements! Seeing more and more soldiers falling down, if they don't retreat, there will really be nothing left. He hurriedly said: "Retreat!"

Then he took the lead and retreated in the direction of the Death Grassland.

Since Min Zeguo's soldiers were able to retreat there just now, it means that there is still a way to survive in the Death Grassland!

The soldiers of Nangong Kingdom heard General Jiang's words and retreated quickly.

"Chase!" Shangguan Xuanyi quickly chased after him.

So the soldiers of Nangong Kingdom fled in front, and the soldiers of Min Ze Kingdom chased after them!

When he arrived at the valley, General Jiang was dumbfounded.

Di Shaowei and his soldiers were waiting in the valley. He looked at the dumbfounded General Jiang and said with an unusually bright smile: "General Jiang, you're welcome and safe!"

Only then did General Jiang realize that all those Min Zeguo had rushed over just now were elite cavalry, and not a single infantryman could be seen!

It turns out that they are all waiting here!

Min Zeguo had already made arrangements and blocked all their escape routes!

There were jackals in front of them and soldiers chasing behind them, and there were mountains on the left and right. What else could they do besides running towards the mountains!

"Run! Everyone run to the mountain!" General Jiang quickly ordered.

The soldiers fled to the mountains on both sides. This was the only way out.

Dishaowei showed a sneer, and he happily uttered two words: "Fire the arrow!"

Min Zeguo's soldiers quickly retreated, and then the soldiers ambush on the mountain fired arrows at the Nangongguo soldiers who had been climbing up the mountain.

A dense rain of arrows was shot out. After being hit by the arrows, the soldiers of Nangong Kingdom fell back, knocking down the people following them, and then rolled down the mountain together.

"Kill! Fight a bloody path for me!" General Jiang said loudly, his eyes red with anger.

A fierce battle began again, with sounds of fighting one after another, so frightened that the birds in the mountains fluttered their wings and flew away!

For a long time, there were flashes of swords and shadows, and wails filled the fields before they returned to peace.

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