At the first stop of attacking Jiangdong County, Min Zeguo can be said to have won a great victory!

This time only a few dozen soldiers died, and more than a thousand soldiers were injured, and the injuries were not as serious as the last time.

Zheng Huaiyuan directed the soldiers to send the wounded soldiers back to the camp for treatment.

Shangguan Xuanyi and the others did not continue to attack the city. Although it was a good idea to take advantage of the victory and capture the city directly before the enemy's reinforcements arrived, the imagination was beautiful, but the reality was cruel.

They had just fought a battle and the soldiers were exhausted, but the soldiers of Nangong Kingdom in the city were full of energy!

The energy of one enemy soldier can equal the energy of two of our own soldiers. Under such circumstances, it is unwise to attack the city!

Shangguan Xuanjun ordered to station ten feet away from the city!

Wait until the soldiers' physical strength recovers, then attack the city again!

Every city is the most difficult to capture! It was difficult to win for several days.

After the soldiers were stationed, the cooks began to build temporary stoves and cook food for the soldiers who had just won the battle.

Seeing that the soldiers' food was too simple, Xiaoer said, "Brother Shangguan, I saw a lot of wild vegetables and prey in the dense forest yesterday. Let's go get some and bring them back to add food to the soldiers."

This battle went so smoothly, so we had to celebrate it no matter what, and the celebration at the city gate would probably piss off the enemy troops in the city!

"Okay!" Shangguan Xuanyi rarely said no to Xiaoer's suggestions.

After hearing this, Di Shaowei said: "I'll take a team over there, let's hunt more and come back! It's rare to encounter so many prey, and the soldiers haven't had a good meal of meat for a long time!"

Shangguan Xuanyi nodded and agreed.

So Shangguan Xuanyi, Xiaoer, and Di Shaowei led a team and entered the dense forest of the Death Grassland.

They quickly came back with a lot of prey, and of course some Xiaoer took the opportunity to take it out from the space.

After putting down the prey, Shangguan Xuanyi and Xiaoer led another team into the Death Grassland.

Mr. Lu Xun once said: There is no road on the ground, but when there are more people walking on it, it becomes a road!

Such a situation has occurred in the Death Prairie now.

They had led a hundred thousand soldiers through the Death Grassland before, and it was obvious that they had made a path through the Death Grassland.

Why is Jiangdong County said that the terrain is unique and easy to defend but difficult to attack? It is because it faces the sea on one side and this swamp on the other side. The terrain is very strange, so it can be regarded as a natural barrier for Nangong Kingdom.

The Death Grassland, which is now regarded as a scourge by the people of Nangong Kingdom, has been cracked by the people of Minze Kingdom.

In order to prevent the people of Nangong Kingdom from using this way of survival and treating them with their own medicine, Shangguan Xuanyi and Xiaoer had to lead their people to set up formations in the dense forest and death grassland.

The two of them led a team and worked until dawn to complete the arrangements. Shangguan Xuanyi and the soldiers did not sleep for two consecutive nights.

Xiaoer was a little better, because she needed to go into the space to accompany her child, and she took a nap in the space while feeding her child.

After their team set up their formation, they returned to the camp with a bunch of prey.

Then early in the morning, the cooking soldiers began to boil water, light fires, and process the newly hunted prey by Shangguan Xuanyi and others.

The main thing is to roast it. Xiaoer brought some seasonings with him and sprinkled them on the venison, mutton, and robe meat, and the aroma of the meat spread out.

"Brothers, eat meat and drink wine. Once you're full, we'll break the city in one fell swoop!" Di Shaowei got a few jars of wine from nowhere and each of them took a sip.

Drinking too much wine can be bad, but drinking a little can make you brave.

"Okay!" the soldiers responded loudly.

Meat and wine are one of the joys of life!

The soldiers in the city were startled when they heard the cheers, and then looked over, Damn! They eat meat and drink alcohol early in the morning. This is probably to stimulate them on purpose!

They just had a bowl of gruel and a steamed bun in the morning!

Isn't the food of Min Zeguo's soldiers too good?

At this time, the aroma of meat and wine filled the air, and the soldiers of Nangong Kingdom couldn't help but swallow their saliva!

The faces of the generals guarding the city of Nangong Kingdom turned dark!

This is intentional! Deliberately disturbing the morale of the army here!

Di Shaowei saw Nangong's soldiers standing on the city wall, watching them from a distance, and he deliberately said loudly: "Brothers, eat your fill. After Jiangdong County is captured, I will treat you to delicious food and spicy food!"

"Okay!" the soldiers responded in unison.

The soldiers in Nangong Kingdom's face turned dark after hearing this.

Someone responded loudly: "If you want to capture our Jiangdong County, just dream!"

"If you don't want us to capture Jiangdong County, just dream!" A soldier shouted back immediately.

"Come here and see if you can capture it. I'll shoot you to death with one arrow!" Nangong Kingdom's soldiers yelled back.

"Just pass, do you think we are afraid of you? Just wait!" After Min Zeguo's soldiers said this, they quickly ate the meat in their hands.

"Everyone, hurry up and eat the meat. Let's drag down those bastards in the city!"

So Min Zeguo's soldiers quickly ate the meat in their hands.

Seeing that everyone was full, Di Shaowei began to blow the horn, and everyone quickly lined up and set up a formation.

Seeing this, the soldiers defending the city in Jiangdong County began to be afraid again. They just said this just to vent their anger, but the soldiers of Min Zeguo are now attacking the city. How can they withstand it?

The reinforcements hadn't arrived yet, so they naturally thought of waiting for the reinforcements to arrive before dealing with Min Zeguo's soldiers together!

But the soldiers of Minze Kingdom naturally thought of this. Of course, they had to capture the city as soon as possible before reinforcements from Nangong Kingdom arrived.

Even if the city gate is just opened, it will be of great benefit to them!

Dishaowei sat on a tall horse. When he saw that the soldiers were ready, he said: "Siege the city!"

"Defenders prepare!"

The soldiers holding a large shield quickly lined up and used the shields to build a high defensive wall to protect their comrades from the sharp arrows fired by the enemy.

"Archers prepare!...Fire arrows!"

After hearing this, the archers hurried forward, hid in the copper and iron walls built by the defenders, drew their bows, aimed at the enemy on the city, and fired arrows.

At the beginning of the siege, there was an arrow battle!

Dishaowei watched the enemy's situation without blinking an eye. When he felt that the enemy's bows and arrows had run out, he began to order again: "Prepare to open the city gate!"

So dozens of soldiers lifted up a huge log and prepared to knock the city gate open.

At this time, Shangguan Xuanyi flew up to the city with Shangguan Xuanjun and Xiaoer on the left and right!

The soldiers of Nangong Kingdom were dumbfounded when they saw this scene!

This person must not be stupid!

I want to use Qinggong to fly up to the city!

Did he think he was a bird?

Does he know how high this city is?

It’s simply overestimating one’s abilities!

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