When the general guarding the city saw Shangguan Xuanyi and the others, they were really about to fly to the city. He said angrily: "Shoot the arrows! Hurry up and shoot these three people to death!"

Seeing this, Di Shaowei shouted loudly: "Protect General Shangguan and the others!"

The archers started firing arrows at the soldiers on the wall again!

Dishaowei stared at the three figures closely in case something unexpected happened.

Another round of rain arrows has begun!

Shangguan Xuanyi was holding the person with both hands and had no hands to resist. Xiaoer and Shangguan Xuanjun took out their swords and tried their best to block the incoming arrows.

In the blink of an eye, Shangguan Xuanyi flew up to the city with them.

When he landed, Shangguan Xuanyi quickly kicked away a soldier who was slashing at him!

Xiaoer and Shangguan Xuanjun took action before Shangguan Xuanyi's feet even touched the ground.

Xiaoer also used a long whip. The long whip filled with 100% of her internal strength knocked away the ten soldiers who gathered on the city to try to prevent them from landing on the city.

Shangguan Xuanjun swung his sword and killed several soldiers as well.

The three of them successfully landed on the enemy's city, and then quickly started fighting.

"Kill, everyone, throw these three people down quickly!" the general guarding the city ordered as he stabbed Shangguan Xuanyi with his spear.

But without his reminder, many soldiers were already coming towards the three of them with weapons in hand!

The soldiers of Min Zeguo below the city cheered!

Oh my God!

Their general is so powerful that one person and two people can actually fly up to a city ten feet high!

This is simply more powerful than the flying birds in the sky!

Birds can fly, but birds cannot fly with people! And it’s one person with two people!

Do you want to be so awesome!

The soldiers and people in the city were in despair when they saw that the enemy troops had suddenly boarded the city!

No one could have imagined that this would happen!

"Oh my god! Why did the enemy general get on the city so quickly? Can he fly?"

It can’t fly!

"Oh my god, what should I do? The enemy has broken the city. Will they massacre the city?"

"Hurry and guard the city gate, don't let the enemy attack! We must wait until reinforcements from the court arrive!"

The soldiers on both sides of the city below watched the battle above without blinking an eye. Some were really happy and some were worried!

They saw Xiaoer holding a long whip, rolling up one or two people, and then throwing them down the city!

Shangguan Xuanyi was even worse. He held a golden whip. The whip seemed to be alive and glowed with a golden dazzling light. He swept up several people with one swing, and then with another swing, several people flew out of the city screaming. .

Falling from a ten-foot-high city, even if you don't die, your body will be shattered!

Shangguan Xuanjun's martial arts is also very powerful. He can kill one person with one sword very neatly!

It's just that after he saw Shangguan Xuanyi's whip technique, he felt that he had to start practicing using the whip after returning from the battle this time! I didn’t expect that whips are much more powerful than swords, especially when attacking a city!

The three of them were one against ten, and they quickly killed half of the soldiers on the city.

The soldiers and people in the city were heartbroken.

The soldiers of Min Zeguo outside the city were simply ecstatic! They were so excited that they wished the city gate would be opened immediately, allowing them to go in and fight the enemy bravely! Capture this city quickly!

"Open the city gate! Ladder hand, go up to the city!" Di Shaowei was always paying attention to the battle situation above the city, and he said when he saw this.

Now Shangguan Xuanyi and the three of them have basically cleared a wall so that the soldiers can climb up to the city on ladders.

Long ladders leaned against the city wall one by one, and the soldiers lined up to climb up as fast as they could!

Everyone is very excited at this moment! Morale is at an all-time high!

Their general can fly into the sky, how can you not be excited?

Less than half an hour after the battle started, you can already climb up the city using a ladder. How can you not be excited!

This battle between them will probably be famous throughout the ages!

In any battle, the ability of the generals leading the troops is very morale-boosting!

Shangguan Xuanyi and the others killed the enemy above the city, and at the same time prevented the enemy from throwing stones below.

Below, Min Zeguo's soldiers were climbing up using ladders, and a group of them were also crashing into the city gate!

Three people are responsible for one place. It's like one man is in charge, and ten thousand men can't get close to him!

Soon the soldiers on the ladder climbed up and joined the battle!

The soldiers below the city called on the people to work together to prevent the enemy from breaking down the city gate.

Some people were not happy and were beaten by soldiers if they were not happy!

Some Nangong soldiers quickly ran to the city, trying to knock down the enemy troops on the city.

It's just that more and more enemy troops are climbing up. The soldiers of Nangong Kingdom are not even climbing up the city as fast as Min Ze Kingdom!

Just when the city gate was about to be breached, enemy reinforcements arrived, a hundred thousand troops!

Shangguan Xuanyi looked at the billowing yellow sand in the distance and saw the dark crowd of soldiers rushing towards him. He narrowed his eyes slightly and said, "Break the city gate quickly!"

Dishaowei also heard those footsteps, and he quickly ordered: "Brothers, the enemy's reinforcements are about to arrive. Hurry up and break the city gate for me! Add another piece of wood to attack the city!"

When the Nangong soldiers on the city saw that the reinforcements had finally arrived, and there were so many people, they said happily: "The reinforcements are here, everyone, hold on! We must not let the enemy break through the city gate and enter the city!"

Shangguan Xuanyi looked at the 100,000-strong army that was about to arrive.

He jumped off the city decisively, and when he was about to land, he used all his strength to whip out a whip. The murderous intent on the whip forced several people back at once, and then he landed successfully.

When the soldiers saw him landing, they turned around and stabbed him with their spears.

Hundreds of spears formed a circle and stabbed Shangguan Xuanyi, with no blind spots from 360 degrees.

The soldiers of Min Zeguo were very moved when they saw this scene on the city!

"General, be careful!" someone couldn't help shouting.

Just when the spear was about to touch the corner of his clothes, Shangguan Xuanyi tiptoed and flew straight up.

At the same time, the city gate was breached, and two huge logs broke in at once, knocking down many soldiers who could not avoid it!

Min Zeguo's soldiers immediately poured into the city!

Soldiers and horses from both sides quickly started fighting.

At the same time, 100,000 reinforcements from Nangong Kingdom also arrived!

The general leading the Nangong Kingdom reinforcements shouted loudly: "Kill me!"

"The city gate is broken! Charge!" Min Zeguo's soldiers also shouted loudly.

Shangguan Xuanyi's body quickly fell down again, stepping on the shoulder of a certain Nangong Kingdom soldier, and said to the soldiers who were still holding up the wood: "Give me the giant wood!"

Shangguan Xuanyi found a gap among Min Zeguo's soldiers and landed on the ground, holding up the huge tree that was still in the hands of the soldiers.

Then he moved on tiptoe, holding a giant tree weighing several hundred kilograms. He jumped up, performed Qinggong, stepped on the shoulders of the soldiers, and came to the front of the 100,000-strong army of Nangong Kingdom. He raised the giant tree horizontally with both hands. He poured ten success powers into the giant tree, and then threw it towards the enemy.

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