The general of Nangong Kingdom was so frightened that his face changed. He jumped up from his horse and ran away.

Seeing this, the densely packed soldiers in front quickly retreated.

When Shangguan Xuanyi dropped the giant tree to the height of a person's waist, he flew forward and kicked it hard with one foot. The giant tree straightened and flew towards the soldiers of Nangong at a very fast speed.

The giant tree that was infused with Shangguan Xuanyi's skill was as powerful as a broken bamboo and was as powerful as lightning. It knocked down a large number of Nangong soldiers at once, and then hit a bunch of Nangong Kingdom soldiers hard. , that bunch of people couldn’t get up!

The soldiers of Min Zeguo reacted very quickly. When they saw that a large number of Nangongguo's soldiers fell down, they immediately stepped forward to kill the enemy with their spears.

"Damn! It turns out that giant wood can still be used like this!" Seeing this, Di Shaowei quickly used Qinggong, came to the city gate, picked up the remaining piece of wood, and then quickly ran towards the 100,000-strong army of Nangong Kingdom.

Forgive him for not being the pervert Shangguan Xuanyi. He can still perform Qinggong while lifting a giant tree that weighs hundreds of kilograms. But he can only run away while holding this giant tree!

"Get out of the way! Get out of the way!" Di Shaowei shouted loudly as he ran, asking his soldiers to get out of the way.

When the soldiers of Min Zeguo saw Di Shaowei running toward Nangong's 100,000-strong army holding a giant tree, they all dodged and made way for their generals to pass.

When Di Shaowei was about to reach Shangguan Xuanyi's side, he shouted loudly: "Xuanyi, follow on!"

After Di Shaowei finished speaking, he pushed the giant tree towards Shangguan Xuanyi with all his strength.

The giant tree hit Shangguan Xuanyi straight away. Shangguan Xuanyi held one end of the giant tree with one hand and held the bottom of the giant tree with the other. In order to prevent the giant tree from hurting the soldiers of his country, Shangguan Xuanyi jumped up, and then when the enemy troops came over, Shangguan Xuanyi jumped up. Landing in the middle of one hundred thousand soldiers and horses.

Nangong's soldiers had just seen how powerful the combination of this man and this piece of wood was. It was simply impossible to defeat ten thousand with one.

The soldiers of Nangong Kingdom were so frightened that they all fled and successfully landed for Shangguan Xuanyi, making a place free.

Can the cheetah avoid its favorite prey?

Shangguan Xuanyi held one end of the giant tree and swept through the army like a whirlwind among the soldiers of Nangong Kingdom.

The soldiers of Nangong Kingdom were knocked away by the giant trees, fell down because of dodging, and then were trampled to death and injured by their comrades!

Because you dodge and get in front of the enemy, you will die!

In less than a quarter of an hour, another large number of Nangong Kingdom's soldiers fell.

People who don't know better think that these 100,000 reinforcements are not coming to support, but coming here specifically to die!

After Shangguan Xuanyi swept through thousands of troops in a whirlwind, he seized the last opportunity and repeated his old tricks. He knocked the giant tree horizontally, and then towards a group of Nangong Kingdom soldiers who happened to arrive, he kicked the giant tree away with a strong kick.


The giant tree flew out sideways, and then fell down in a large piece, crushing a group of people to death.

This time, it was General Liang, the hussar general of Nangong Kingdom, who came with 100,000 reinforcements!

General Liang glanced at Di Shaowei, Shangguan Xuanjun and other enemy generals wearing general armor, and couldn't help but sigh in his heart:

Sure enough, a hero comes from a boy!

Could it be that Nangong Guo’s strength has been exhausted!

Among the new generation of generals in Nangong Kingdom, he has never seen such a talented general.

These generals are more than capable of fighting against ten!

The Holy One is determined to unify the world, and he plans to start with the newly rising Min Ze Kingdom. Now I think he chose the wrong goal!

Although Min Zeguo has just emerged, with these young and promising generals, in the next few decades, if Minzeguo's emperor is not a coward, it is estimated that Minzeguo will definitely stand firm on this continent!

The city gate has been breached, and the people in the city were driven out by the soldiers of Nangong Kingdom to fight against the enemy together.

Most of the people were old, weak, women and children. If they dared to kill the enemy, they could only hide everywhere. However, Min Zeguo's soldiers had no intention of killing ordinary people, so to a certain extent, these ordinary people could be said to have hindered Min Zeguo's soldiers from killing. Enemy.

The benevolent are invincible! General Liang saw the scene where the soldiers and horses of the two countries were also fighting fiercely, but Min Zeguo's soldiers still did not kill the common people, and thought of these words in his mind.

But no matter what, as the general of Nangong Kingdom, no matter how powerful or admirable the enemy is, it is his responsibility to protect Nangong Kingdom and fight off the invading enemy forces!

When Shangguan Xuanyi was holding the giant tree, the famous General Liang, who was known for being fearless in the face of danger and strategizing, did not dare to get close. At this moment, the giant weapon in Shangguan Xuanyi's hand was finally thrown away, and General Liang dared to fly forward and quickly fight with Shangguan Xuanyi started fighting.

General Liang became the general of Nangong Kingdom for no reason. His martial arts skills were very high. He had never lost a battle in his entire life, so he was called the Undefeated God of War.

General Liang has been guarding the border of Nangong Kingdom. Everyone is afraid of his reputation. For decades, no one has dared to invade the place where he led the troops. It is a rare peace!

Shangguan Xuanyi admired this general very much, but if he admired him again and again, he would always be his enemy, so Shangguan Xuanyi did not show any mercy.

Shangguan Xuanyi dealt with General Liang while dealing with the weapons being attacked by soldiers nearby.

After a few rounds, General Liang was clearly at a disadvantage.

General Liang was secretly shocked. He didn't expect that Min Zeguo's new generation of generals had such high martial arts. This man's internal strength was many times deeper than his own!

Seeing that he could no longer defeat Shangguan Xuanyi, and that his life would definitely be lost if he continued like this, General Liang chose to escape.

Shangguan Xuanyi would naturally not let go of the opportunity to kill a strong enemy general. He whipped his whip and was about to roll him back. At this time, a soldier rushed up and stood in front of General Liang. General Liang Got away successfully.

Immediately afterwards, more than a dozen soldiers with extremely high martial arts surrounded Shangguan Xuanyi and attacked.

Shangguan Xuanyi saw that their moves were the same as those of the dozen black-clothed killers he met last time, and he knew it well!

He flicked his long whip, and it flew towards them like a golden spiritual snake.

More than a dozen soldiers jumped up, some jumped up, some retreated, and they all dodged.

The martial arts of these dozen people are obviously much higher than the ten killers they encountered in the Imperial Capital last time.

But so what, do you really think you can take his life just like this?

Shangguan Xuanyi snorted coldly in his heart, and swung the long whip in his hand with an even more powerful gesture.

We must deal with these dozens of killers as soon as possible, and then help kill the enemy, so that we can capture the city as soon as possible and reduce the casualties of our country's soldiers.

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