The next day, the Li clan's famous poison-fighting competition began.

Xiaoer and others arrived at the foot of the mountain in the early morning and lined up to enter the valley with their posts.

There were a total of 130 people participating in the poison fighting competition this time.

Most of them are people who left the county, and only a few are people who came from other places.

Everyone participating in the drug fighting competition is allowed to bring a maid or servant.

Some poor people think this is unfair, especially when they are looking for medicinal materials.

It’s just that the Li Clan people said that the maids and servants are only responsible for protecting the safety of their masters and cannot help find medicinal materials. If you find out, you can report it. Once confirmed, you will be disqualified!

Those people didn't have any objections after hearing this. Of course, the real reason is that after entering the mountains, we can help each other find poisons. One more person means more strength. Who would have any objections!

Therefore, although Zhao Yong and Fang Shun have no posts, they can still follow them into the valley.

As soon as she walked into the valley, Xiaoer discovered that there were poisonous weeds and medicinal materials everywhere.

There are few medicinal materials and many poisonous plants.

These plants should have been deliberately planted by the Li tribe people to make it easier for the Li tribe people to adopt them.

"Oh my god! There are so many poisonous weeds. In the future, I will also buy a hilltop and plant all kinds of poisonous weeds. Then I will build a house on the top of the mountain and I will live in it. This is so convenient!"

After hearing this, Shangguan Xuan Yao thought to himself: Are there any houses with back hills in the imperial capital? My brother Liu Huang has already occupied one, and Prince An's Mansion has also occupied one!

The remaining houses seem to have no backs!

Even if there were, those houses were too small and did not meet the specifications of a royal palace!

Shangguan Xuanyao couldn't help but asked weakly: "Does it have to be planted on the mountain? Can't it be planted in the garden?"

"Of course, some herbs can only grow in a specific dark and humid environment on the mountain!" Xi'er said firmly.

After hearing this, Shangguan Xuan Yao glanced at his Sixth Emperor brother and wondered if he would be willing to exchange a palace with him when the time came.

"Brother Six."

"Huh?" Shangguan Xuanyi was walking at the front side by side with Xiaoer. When he heard Shangguan Xuanyao calling him, he turned back and glanced at him.

"Do you think the mansion my father gave me is good?"

"Of course!" Shangguan Xuan Yao's mansion is very exquisite.

After Shangguan Xuan Yao heard this, he thought it was funny!

He couldn't help but test it again:

"So do you like it?"

"It's okay! What? Do you want to sell it to me?"

It happened that the two houses were adjacent to each other, and his family had many children. He bought the house and then moved the children to live next door to prevent them from interfering with the world between himself and his girl!

Of course not! What if the mansion is sold! Where will he and Xier live after they get married? !

"No! If you like it, I would like to exchange a mansion with you!"

Shangguan Xuanyi's face turned dark when he heard this: "Don't even think about it!"

What a beautiful thought!

That mansion was carefully decorated by him and the girl!

Especially that garden! Every flower and tree was designed and even planted by the girl herself!

In the entire imperial city, who would not praise his garden as unparalleled in the world!

What a good calculation! He actually wants to exchange residences with himself!

Shangguan Xuanyi decided not to pay attention to Shangguan Xuan Yao. He pulled Xiaoer and walked a little faster to get rid of them.

Shangguan Xuan Yao also knew that Shangguan Xuan Yi would not agree, so it seemed that he would have to ask his Uncle Wang!

But you can’t ask directly!

Uncle Wang has such a wide range of hobbies! He had to think of a way to win Prince An's Mansion over!

After Shangguan Xuan Yao made up his mind, he quickly followed.

After entering the valley, there is a very spacious platform, which is surrounded by carved guardrails. Under the guardrail is a clear stream with gurgling water.

As soon as you step on the platform, you can see a waterfall in the distance, gracefully twisting and turning, like a dancing white line.

Although it was late autumn, the mountains were covered with dark green everywhere, and occasionally two trees with red leaves would appear.

Xiaoer took a look at the surrounding scenery and only thought of six words: The scenery here is picturesque!

There are many desks placed on the platform. On the desks are placed a set of the four treasures of the study and a bowl of water.

As soon as a few people stepped onto the platform, a poisonous woman in white led them to sit down in a certain position.

The four of them happened to be sitting in a row side by side.

Soon after the four people sat down, the game started on time.

Because the competition time is written on the post, we won’t wait if it’s late! So everyone reported on time, and those who were late were turned away.

The first round of the competition is to identify the poison.

The poisonous women in white distributed a bottle with a pill in it to each person.

An old man dressed in white, with a white beard and a head full of white hair, who looked quite spiritual. After everyone got the pills, he said: "There is a little venom in the bottle. Please analyze the main components of the venom." , write it on the paper, and write down the detoxification formula, the time is half an hour. Now, the game begins!"

Xi'er uncorked the bottle, put the mouth of the bottle close to her nose, and smelled it. There was a smell of grass and a faint scent of flowers. Then she poured the venom into the bowl of water, took a look, and started The writing is on.

She wrote quickly, and in less than a quarter of an hour she wrote down the ingredients and detoxification formula of the poison.

In the audience, it can be said that she was the fastest to write and the fastest to finish.

Xiaoer also smelled the venom, and then poured it into the bowl of water. When the venom was poured into the water, a wisp of purple appeared, but the purple disappeared quickly, so fast that people thought that she was dazzled just now. , and then the whole bowl of water turned blue.

Xiaoer pretended for a while and saw that most people were starting to write, so she followed suit.

In fact, the golden python has analyzed the composition of the venom a long time ago. It knows much more about poison than they do during the day. Who made most of its species poisonous!

But even if the golden python didn't tell her, she would know it, because she also gained some knowledge about poison.

She always believes that what she learns is her own!

In the past, I felt that there was no need or use for poison, so I didn't learn it, but now that I have participated in the poison fighting competition, it has proven that it is necessary. Anyway, I have a lot of time in space, so Xiaoer made up for it.

Shangguan Xuanyi and Shangguan Xuanyao actually came to join in the fun because they were worried about Xiaoer and Xier.

However, Shangguan Xuan Yao has played with Xi'er since he was a child, and he actually knows a lot about poisons under his influence.

It was precisely this kind of poison that would produce a wisp of purple poison when it came into contact with water. He saw that Xi'er had prepared it, and he happened to remember it, so after he imitated Xi'er's actions, he began to write.

Shangguan Xuanyi knew that Xiaoer decided to participate in the poison fighting competition. As the twenty-four filial piety husband, he naturally had to accompany her, so during these days of traveling, he read a book in the study room of the space when he had time, such as the Encyclopedia of Poisons in the World! Analysis of various animal and plant toxicity! Encyclopedia of Poisons! After reading all the books about poisons, I just had to make poison myself.

besides! Wait until I finish correcting the typos and post them!

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