As soon as Shangguan Xuanyi saw the venom appearing purple when it met water and then quickly turning blue, information about a poisonous weed automatically appeared in his mind.

Since he had excellent eyesight and avoided making mistakes, he was kicked out in the first round. He still waited for a while, and when Xiaoer stopped writing, he glanced at her answer sheet, and then started writing as if nothing had happened.

The four of them were the fastest in the audience to write their answers.

When Shangguan Xuanyi saw that the four of them had finished their work, he asked, "Sir, if you have finished your work in advance, can you hand in the papers first?"

It took half an hour to end, and it was only half an hour later. Shangguan Xuanyi always cherished time, but he didn't want to waste time waiting for others here.

The Taoist and immortal old man looked over after hearing these words, then walked up to Shangguan Xuanyi and glanced at his answer sheet: Good word! It is powerful and powerful, penetrating through the back of the paper. Each stroke is full of character, free and easy, as if a dragon is wandering between the lines. It has a majestic flavor!

For those who don’t know, you might think you’re here for a calligraphy competition?

Contest? Yes, this is a poison-fighting competition. The old gentleman with a moral integrity quickly came to his senses: the character written in this character is very different from his appearance, and he doesn’t know whether his poison skills are different from his character. He looks the same as his person.

The Taoist and immortal old man took a look at the ingredients of the poison, and then his eyes widened, "It's all right?"

He took another look at the antidote formula, and his eyes widened even more: Is this right?

The Taoist and immortal old man glanced at Shangguan Xuanyi: This man has a good understanding of poisons and can write well, but why is he so ugly! Sure enough, no one in this world is perfect except yourself!

The old man with a Taoist spirit put away Shangguan Xuanyi's answer sheet: "You passed this level with full marks. The next level is to go into the mountains to find poisons. You go to the poisonous girl in front to get a paper. You will be back here at four o'clock tomorrow. .”

"Sir, it's only a quarter of an hour now. Why did he come back here after a quarter of an hour? Isn't the next level of competition time twelve hours? Why did he have three quarters of an hour longer?"

"Oh, don't you know? If you hand in this competition in advance, you can go directly to the next level. These time can be regarded as a reward!" The Taoist and fairy-like old man said, touching his white beard.

Is there such a thing as a reward? How do they know? They haven’t heard of it before!

After hearing this, everyone quickly lowered their heads to study the bottle of venom in their hands.

You have to buy more time to go into the mountains to find medicine.

Xiaoer quickly raised her hand: "Sir, I will hand in the paper too."

Xi'er and Shangguan Xuanyao also raised their hands: "First, first, I'll hand in my paper too!"

The old man with a Taoist spirit stood between Xiaoer and Shangguan Xuanyi. After hearing this, he directly picked up Xiaoer's paper and took a look: This word! It's so beautiful, powerful, and celestial, making it a pleasure to look at!

He glanced at Xiao'er, "Well, he's elegant and handsome, but he's a little weak!" It feels a bit congenital! A man who looks so weak must not be able to rely on him!

The Taoist and immortal old man commented in his heart, and then started to read the contents of the paper. Then the old man's eyes widened even more: It's all right!

And not only are the ingredients correct, but the weights are also correct?

This man! This man! How come I feel more divine than myself! ! !

It's a pity that it's inherently deficient!

The Taoist and immortal old man said what he just said to Xiaoer, then walked to Xi'er and Shangguan Xuanyao, picked up Shangguan Xuanyao's paper and read it.

Then he quietly looked at Shangguan Xuan Yao, and he was surprised: What happened today? Isn’t it said that words are like people’s words? Why are there so many people today whose words are not as good as their own?

Then I read the contents of the paper:

I got all the answers correct again. Although not as comprehensive as the previous two, it still meets the requirements!

The old man with a Taoist spirit said roughly the same words as before, and then looked at Xi'er's paper. With the first three people as a foreshadowing, he was much calmer this time!

He also writes well! This paper got full marks!

Have this year's test questions been leaked? This is impossible! The old man shook his head.

Then he took a look at Xi'er: This person looks like, well, his skin is a bit too white, a bit too un-androgynous!

However, people who have been studying poison for many years have never seen the light of day, and this person looks very young! Material that can be made, material that can be made!

The Taoist and immortal old man commented in his heart and said the same thing again.

Xiaoer and the four of them went to the poisonous girl together, took a paper, and then left the platform.

Seeing that the four people got perfect scores too easily, the old man started to inspect it. When he saw that everyone's answers were about the same level as the previous session, he finally believed that the test questions had not been leaked!

As for all four of them getting full marks, why didn't the old man think that the four of them were cheating? Because the distance between the tables was too far, he believed that no one had the eyesight to see what the people in front, behind, and on the left and right had written!

Even if you, who is known as a clairvoyant, can't see it, how can others see it!

After the four of them got the questions from the second level, they entered the mountain from one side of the platform, where there was a path leading into the mountain.

Because no one else had finished the first level, there were only four of them in the mountain.

Xiaoer opened the scroll in her hand and took a look. What she needed to find was: Barefoot Snake! Rattlesnake! Tricolor grass!

Xiaoer became angry when she saw it. Two of the three poisons were snakes! This is obviously against her! I know that what I am most afraid of is snakes!

"What is the poison you are looking for?" Xiaoer poked her head towards the paper in Shangguan Xuanyi's hand.

Seeing this, Shangguan Xuanyi handed the paper in front of her so that she could read it.

Purple hibiscus, dancing grass, and drunken leaves are all plants!

Xi'er and Shangguan Xuanyao named the three things they were looking for, and they were all plants.

Xiaoer looked at Shangguan Xuanyi a little aggrievedly.

Shangguan Xuanyi took a look at Xiaoer's paper and laughed: "Don't be afraid, I will help you catch the snake!"

So why is it allowed to bring maids or servants with you in this level of the game? It's because some poisons can bite people. Just in case someone is bitten, there are people around who can save lives!

After hearing this, Xi'er took Xiaoer's paper and took a look at it, then burst out laughing: "Sister, you are so lucky!"

Everyone in the family knew that Xiaoer was afraid of snakes, and the papers everyone got were written about medicinal herbs. Only the paper in her hand had snakes written on them, and there were two of them! It's not just good luck!

"I remember that poisonous girl just looked at me specifically. Do I look like someone who can catch snakes?" Xiaoer said depressedly.

Even if Shangguan Xuanyi helps her catch the snake, what if her hand shakes and the snake falls out when she hands it over?

Xiaoer thought of a hundred thousand possibilities in her mind!

Then we are still going further and further on the road of catching snakes!

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