The four of them walked around the mountain, letting many people see that they were still looking for poison in the morning, and then went back to the platform yesterday to hand over the poison they found.

At this time, two people in blue clothes and black clothes blocked their way: "Brothers, can you take a step to speak?"

The four of them looked at each other and then followed.

Let's see what these two people want to say when they stop them!

It's three o'clock

The platform was filled with people who came back from looking for poison one after another.

It takes twelve hours to find all three kinds of poisons on the mountain. It's not difficult, it's not easy.

Because the poison on the paper everyone gets exists on this mountain.

As long as you understand the habits of those three poisons, you can find them out in one day.

These people who left the valley were all included in the calculation.

Xiaoer and the four of them handed over the poison together.

Xiaoer was holding a trembling cloth bag, and her heart was shaking!

Because the golden python was hiding in Xiao'er's sleeves and playfully putting pressure on the two snakes. The two snakes were trembling with fear!

Xiaoer felt it because the snake was shaking. Although she couldn't see it on her face, there was still a kind of fear in her heart.

The golden python couldn't figure out why Xiao'er was afraid!

As long as it was there, the two snakes wouldn't dare to move at all!

Although Xiaoer was scared in her heart, it didn't show on her face. Except for Shangguan Xuanyi who saw her nervousness, no one else could see anything unusual about her.

Xiaoer handed the bag to the old man with a moral integrity and breathed a sigh of relief.

The old man took it and opened the bag as casually as if he were opening a money bag.

He reached in and grabbed one of the snakes like a silver coin and took it out.

Xiaoer's whole body froze instantly.

"Yes, you actually caught this snake! Yes! Yes! Haha... But why does this snake seem to be trembling? What did you do to it? How did you catch it?" The old man held the snake's seven legs with one hand. Cun, stroking his beard with one hand, asked curiously.

With this movement, all the immortal energy was instantly gone!

The snake's tail hangs down long, and the snake's body trembles! When the old man stroked his beard, Xiaoer almost thought he was stroking the body of a snake!

The corner of Xiaoer's mouth twitched, revealing a stiff smile: "This is a secret method passed down from our ancestors and cannot be passed on to others!"

Also, how dare she do anything to the snake! She has always kept him at arm's length!

"Is there an ancestral secret method for catching snakes?" the old man said in surprise after hearing this.

Xiaoer just smiled and didn't answer.

Xi'er added in her heart: The ancestral secret is to marry a good husband, then you don't have to worry about anything!

The old man threw the barefoot snake back into the bag and grabbed another trembling rattlesnake.

Xiaoer: That’s enough!

The old man who had no immortality said when he saw that both snakes were caught correctly: "You passed this level!"

Xiaoer secretly breathed a sigh of relief and walked away pretending to be calm.

Anyone who knows her well knows that her steps are faster than usual!

Next, Shangguan Xuanyi and the other three also handed over the poison they collected.

The old man with no fairy spirit glanced at Xi'er's paper and nodded: "Not bad, not bad, I found them all and passed!"

Facing Shangguan Xuanyi: "Very good! I found everything correctly and passed!"

Facing Shangguan Xuan Yao: "Okay! You found all of this! What a good luck! Haha... Passed!" The old man with a Taoist spirit was quite happy today.

Can you be unhappy if you have found a few very talented people?

As for those people who lined up behind the four people who had spent a day and night looking for poison on the mountain, they couldn't be happier looking at the beautiful four people in front of them!

They were in a mess and exhausted, but the four of them were neatly dressed and full of energy! It doesn’t look like someone who spent a whole day and night looking for medicinal herbs!

Not far behind them, a middle-aged man in blue and a man in black glanced at the backs of the four of them with complicated eyes.

These people are so powerful, they must be the elders! This is the person the master ordered to pull the cage!

Because this term of Li clan elders must belong to them!

They had tried to win over them just now, but unexpectedly all four of them refused!

The master said: If the cage cannot be pulled, it will be destroyed!

No matter how powerful a person is, it is useless to keep him if he cannot be used for himself!

The elders of the Li clan must not be obtained by others!

Especially people from Min Zeguo!

These people didn't accept his invitation, and they didn't know if they were sent by Min Zeguo!

"Wait! Sir! I suspect some of them are cheating!" The man in blue with a Chinese character said at this time.


Everyone in the audience was shocked when they heard this.

Then all eyes fell on Xiaoer and the four of them.

Xiaoer turned her head and looked at the man in blue who was speaking, and snorted in her heart: Huh, if you can't win them over, do you want to destroy them?

Why join their sect, become a subordinate of their master, and enjoy endless glory and wealth in the future! It’s not impossible to be a high-ranking official and well-paid!

When they said this, Xiaoer guessed that they might be people sent by the Nangong Kingdom's court.

It was impossible for Gong Qinghua not to want to get the position of elder of the Li Clan.

Because they are also rushing to be the elders of the Li Clan!

Since I can think of relying on this competition to get the position of elder of the Li Clan, and then get the support of the Li Clan!

Gong Qinghua naturally thought of this method.

The Taoist and immortal old man looked very surprised when he heard this: "Oh? Cheating? Why do you say that?"

"Because we met the four of them yesterday on the mountain except at the beginning, and we never saw them at other times!"

Xiao'er couldn't help laughing after hearing this: "You didn't see us appear, does that mean we are cheating? This mountain is so big, do you have clairvoyance, so you can see every corner of the mountain? "

"You don't have to quibble. Everyone else has been in the mountains for a day and a night. Who is not in a state of embarrassment! Look at yourselves. Not to mention that there is no dirt and dew on your clothes. There is not even a trace of wrinkles. If you are here I spent a day and night searching for poison on the mountain, how can you look so polished and tidy?"

The words of the man in blue made everyone's attention fall on the clothes of Xiao Mo and the four of them! Sure enough, it’s a bit too clean and tidy!

"When did I say that we spent a day and night searching for poison in the mountains!" Xiaoer said after hearing this!

"Admit it! You went down the mountain to buy these poisons! You didn't find them from the mountain yourself at all!" The man in blue said proudly after hearing this.

He couldn't find them last night, so he guessed that they might have secretly gone down the mountain to buy poison!

really! You guessed it right!

Dare to cheat! That would directly disqualify you from the competition!

Lan Renren saw Xiaoer and the others triumphantly!

Waiting for them to be driven down the mountain by the Taoist and Immortal-style old man!

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