After hearing what the man in blue said, Xi'er gave him an idiot look: "She just said that she didn't search for poisons on the mountain for a day and a night, but she didn't say that these poisons were not found on the mountain! Idiot, Why is your understanding so poor! Are you so stupid to participate in a drug-fighting competition? It is an insult to the brains of us drug-loving people!"

"Hmph! There are so many people here. Tell me, did any of you meet them last afternoon or evening?" The man in blue believed that among the people participating in the poison fighting competition, who would not want to drive away such powerful opponents? !

Moreover, at dawn this morning, he also asked many people if they had seen them, but everyone said no!

These people must not have been on the mountain yesterday afternoon and last night!

"No, I just saw them this morning."

"Neither did I. I saw them once at noon yesterday, and I haven't seen them since!"

"I've never met them once!"

Therefore, if you want others to not know about the things in the world, you have to do nothing about it! Xiaoer thought to herself.

None of the four people spoke, just watching everyone's words quietly.

Everyone said that they had not seen themselves yesterday afternoon or evening.

Until everyone has finished testifying and delivered their testimonies.

The old man with a Taoist spirit touched his white beard and looked at Xiaoer and the four of them: "Why don't you speak?"

Xiao'er looked at his movements and thought to herself: Fortunately, he wasn't stroking the beard with the hand that caught the snake!

"What else do they have to say! Everyone's words prove that they simply ran out of the mountain secretly and went to buy poisons. So almost all of us didn't find all the three poisons in the competition, only they did!" Lan Yi The man spoke again at this time.

Xiaoer suddenly smiled. She looked at the old man and said, "I have to wait until everyone has finished talking! I want to hear what everyone said and then explain it clearly at once."

The old man nodded: "Yes, then how do you plan to explain?!"

Why does this person love to say yes! What's good? Xiaoer complained in her heart and then said: "You are right not to meet us in the afternoon and evening!"

"Look, admit it! I knew you must have gone down the mountain to buy poison!" The man in blue shouted again at this time!

Xiaoer turned her head and cast cold eyes on him: "When did I admit it! You always said that we went down the mountain to buy poison and cheated! Then tell me! Did you see us going down the mountain from that direction? What? When did you go down the mountain? Which shop at the foot of the mountain did you go to buy poisons? How much money did these poisons cost us! Please show us the evidence!"

The man in blue was frightened by Xiaoer's aura, and he said naa: "I haven't gone down the mountain, how do I know!"

"I don't know. Please shut up and don't interrupt me while I'm explaining! Otherwise, I'll suspect that you deliberately sabotaged this poison-fighting competition!" When it comes to casually accusing people, who wouldn't?

The Taoist and immortal old man glared at him after hearing this.

The men in blue immediately silenced their voices. Their mission this time was to gain support from the Li Clan! What if he was misunderstood and ruined the game?

Seeing that he didn't dare to speak, Xiaoer said: "We found all the poisons at the end of noon, so we found a big tree and hid in it to sleep during the rest of the time. Of course, no one saw us. Got it!"

"You found all the poisons at the end of noon? Who are you lying to? The mountain is so big, everyone has been searching for two hours and they probably haven't found any of them yet. Didn't you even think about it before you lied?" Heiyi said. People couldn't help but laugh after hearing Xiao'er's words.

"Poisons all have growth habits. As long as we understand their growth habits, there is nothing strange about finding them in two hours!" Xi'er also said at this time.

"You are definitely not the only one here who understands the habits of poisonous people. Why haven't others found them as long as you have?"

"Because we are lucky!" Xi'er said matter-of-factly.

The truth is, she does think they are lucky, sometimes they find what they are looking for just by walking by!

It’s so effortless!

There is no way to convince people about luck, but Xiaoer feels that since the competition question is to find these poisons on the mountain within twelve hours, it proves that the Li clan people know that there are these poisons on the mountain, and where exactly are these poisons? They also know where it is. Maybe those poisonous people on the mountain are from the alien race!

So Xiaoer said: "Barefoot snake! I found it in a snake cave under a tree named Xiaoyetung tree on the east side of the mountain; rattlesnake, I found it in...; as for the tricolor grass, I found it at the entrance of a cave in the valley. Found it above!”

After Xiaoer said this, Shangguan Xuanyi also said: "Purple hibiscus grows on the east side of the mountain top, in the most sunny place; Dancing grass grows on the mountainside, and Zuiyelu grows at the foot of the mountain."

Immediately afterwards, Xi'er and Shangguan Xuanyao also revealed where the three poisons they were looking for were found in the mountain.

Xiaoer waited for them to finish and then added: "When I was looking for these poisons, I also saw eelgrass near the redfoot snake, five-color sunflower near the rattlesnake, and... near the tricolor grass. I also saw it along the way. "

After listening to Xiao'er's words, Xi'er also told the poison she saw near the three poisons, and finally added: "I went up the mountain from the three-fork road in the south and took the middle road. , I saw it along the way."

Shangguan Xuanyi and Shangguan Xuanyao also told where they found the three poisons.


The whole place was deathly silent!

The words of the four people not only shocked the contestants, but also shocked everyone in Li Gu.

People who don't know even think that they planted the poison in the mountains, so they know it so well.

After a while, Xiaoer saw that everyone had not recovered yet and said: "Sir, is the location we mentioned correct?"

The old man with a Taoist spirit came back to his senses and laughed: "Haha. Not bad! All the answers are correct!"

The old man's laughter woke up everyone. At this time, everyone who had inquired about Xiao'er before started to speak: "No wonder when I saw them just now, I asked them where my duck's palm red plant was. They You can say it all at once, my God, it’s so amazing! It’s really embarrassing!”

"Yes, I also asked them about it, and they told me that it turned out that they could write down all the poisons they encountered on the road! It's amazing! Brother, how did you do it? ?!”

Xiaoer looked at the men in blue and black and asked, "What else do you have to say now?"

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