Seeing Xi'er's series of actions, Xiao'er sighed in her heart: As expected, the master will know if there is anything wrong as soon as he takes action!

This is how professional you are!

The three of them were just bluffing and trying to please others!

The old man with an air of immortality glanced at Xi'er, then at Xiao'er and the other three, and then touched his long beard with his hand thoughtfully.

After two people gave up and left, everyone quickly recovered the three souls and seven souls that were frightened away, and began to concentrate on dealing with the poison in front of them!

Poison is never a joke. If you are not careful, you will be irreversible and your life will be ruined!

After Xiaoer sat down just now, she wrote the antidote formula and then gave it to Poison Girl to grab the medicine and prepare the antidote.

After a while, Poison Girl cooked the antidote according to the formula given by Xiaoer.

Xiaoer took the antidote cooked by Du Nu and smelled it, confirming that it was cooked from the recipe she had written down and that there was nothing wrong with the antidote.

Although people from the Li clan have held so many poison fighting competitions, it is impossible for anyone to do such a despicable thing. If the people from the Li clan would poison the antidote for the contestants, who would dare to participate in such a competition if word spread about it? The poison fighting contest!

But Xiao'er thinks it's better to be cautious and sail the ship of ten thousand years! Of course she had to make sure there was nothing wrong with the antidote.

After confirming that there was no problem, Xiaoer looked at the man in blue sitting opposite and smiled slightly: "Brother, do you want to test the poison?"

The poison of the man in blue is very overbearing. If you only eat a little bit, you will immediately convulse your whole body and foam at the mouth and die. If you test the poison before preparing the antidote, even if it is too late, Xiaoer does not want to make a fool of himself in front of others. Naturally, after taking the antidote, he tried the poison again!

After Xiaoer said this, she deliberately glanced in the direction of Shangguan Xuanyi and Shangguan Xuanyao: "We are from the same school!"


This sounds like a threat!

Everyone looked at the man in blue with sympathy: Brother, please forgive me!

The man in blue glanced at Xiaoer, and then looked down at the bottle in front of him. Cold sweat broke out on his back.

I was struggling in my heart: Try? Still not trying?

If you don't try, you won't be able to complete the task assigned by your master!

That is also a dead end!

Moreover, the other party may not be able to detoxify your own poison. Even if he knows one of the poisons, so what!

This was something she had spent a lot of time researching, and there was no way she could see through it at a glance!

She must be bluffing on purpose, wanting to admit defeat on her own initiative!

Maybe she didn't really get rid of her own poison!

The man in blue gritted his teeth and said, "Try!"

Since the other party doesn't admit defeat, this is better. This is someone sent by Nangong Kingdom!

Their mortal enemy!

It couldn't be better to be able to remove it so easily and openly!

Xiaoer smiled lightly, then picked up the bowl of antidote, blew a few more times, and drank it with pride.

That action will be as handsome as you want it to be!

After Xiaoer drank the antidote, she picked up the bottle of poison prepared by the man in blue, opened the cork, and dropped a drop of poison into her mouth without hesitation.

That way, it's as if what's dripping into your mouth is not poison!

Shangguan Xuanyi watched Xiaoer's movements without blinking, and he didn't notice that he had clenched his fists unconsciously.

Others couldn't help but stare at her.

The man in blue also looked at Xiaoer without blinking.

After Xiaoer drank the poison, she yelled back: "Yes, it's colorless and odorless! It's awesome!"

After Xiaoer said this, she gave the man in blue a thumbs up and a thumbs up!

This is simply infuriating!

Is this really a compliment?

Everyone couldn't help but look at the man in blue sympathetically.

Shangguan Xuanyi unclenched his fist, leaned back on the chair again, and looked coldly at the man in blue opposite Xiaoer.

The man in blue couldn't help but stood up and looked at Xiao'er carefully.

Xiaoer winked at him mischievously, then grinned.

Nothing! Nothing happened at all! And you can still laugh!


Did she really detoxify herself easily just by looking at and smelling it?

How can this be!

Even if she recognized one of the important toxins by smelling and looking at them, there were others!

Some of them are colorless and tasteless, and they won’t show their expression unless they are eaten!

But the facts were before his eyes, and what he thought was impossible became possible!

How on earth did she know!

This man's poison skills seem to have surpassed him by several blocks!

Xiao'er saw the man in blue staring at him for a long time without trying the poison, so he said: "Brother, I have already tried it, why don't you try it? This is against the rules!"

The poison test must be done by two people, otherwise it will not be fair.

You can admit defeat before testing the poison, but you can't agree to test the poison and then back down, if that's really the case! You will be permanently disqualified from participating in the drug fighting competition!

The man in blue finally believed that Xiaoer was not poisoned! She really detoxified herself!

He glanced down at the bottle of poison on the table and felt that his hand was heavy and he could not lift it to pick it up.

After waiting for a while, everyone saw that he didn't dare to try, and they couldn't help but despise him: "Brother, try it quickly, you just said you wanted to test the poison! Otherwise, you can just admit defeat, so that people don't have to take the risk of testing the poison! "

"Yes, you should have said it earlier if you were afraid, and don't do evil things!"

"It's not bad, it's bad! People who agree and then go back on their word are simply bad! Such people are not worthy of being a poison master at all. They don't even dare to try poison. Why are you here to participate in the poison fighting competition? Where can I go to cool down?"

The man in blue couldn't help but clenched his fists after hearing everyone's words. He looked at the bottle on the table, but he just didn't have the courage to pick it up.

What should I do if I drink it and my intestines are broken?

What if I drink it and burn myself to death?

What if it turns into a pool of blood after drinking it?

What if I never wake up after drinking it?

He played out countless scenes in his mind of what to do if he drank it!

When the man in black heard everyone's scoldings, he couldn't help but reach out and pull his companion who was already in a daze: "Try the poison!"

The man in blue came back to his senses and glanced at the man in black, testing the poison? He said it so easily, he hadn't even tried why he wanted to try, so the man in blue sat down!

"I haven't researched it yet, I'll try again later!"

No one said anything after hearing this, because many people had not yet figured out what the opponent's poison was.

They lowered their heads again to study the poison they needed to study.

Poison Girl also prepared Xi'er's antidote at this time.

Xi'er took it and said, "It's so hot. It needs to cool down for a while before drinking!"

Xi'er raised her head and looked at the man in black opposite: "Brother, can I give you half a quarter of an hour to think about it and test the poison?"

The man in black said without hesitation: "Of course!"

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