"Are you really trying? My poison skills are not very powerful, but! Compared to the two of them, my poison skills are much more powerful!" Xi'er gestured to Shangguan Xuanyi and Shangguan Xuan with her eyes. The direction of the sun.

"Of course!" The man in black remained unmoved. This was clearly a bluff.

On the contrary, he felt that she was the one among the four who thought she was the least skilled at poisoning!

Xi'er glanced at him with regret: "I gave you a chance, brother, take a good look at the sun in the sky! I'm worried that you will never see the sun tomorrow again!"

The man in black ignored Xi'er and just lowered his head to study the poison in the bottle.

A little brat whose hair hasn't even grown yet dares to play tricks in front of him. If he can't tell it, she is deliberately intimidating him and making him admit defeat, then he will have been walking around in the world in vain for decades!

Don't talk about the old man in black. Xi'er's purpose of deliberately intimidating is too obvious. Everyone thinks that Xi'er is bluffing. Maybe it's because she is the youngest among the four, so everyone thinks that she is poisoned by the four. The worst in skills!

Seeing this, Xi'er sighed: "I'm obviously telling the truth, so why doesn't anyone believe it? I'm a person who never lies!"

Shangguan Xuan Yao quickly said: "I believe you, he doesn't believe you, he is the one who suffers!"

"You still have vision!" Xi'er gave Shangguan Xuan Yao a bright smile, and then said to the man in black: "Then I tested the poison! It's too late for you to regret it now!"

"Don't worry, I won't!" The man in black looked up at Xi'er with disdain in his eyes.

"I really tried poison!" Xi'er said again deliberately.

"Try! If you don't dare to try, just admit defeat!" The man in black finally became impatient.

"I will never admit defeat in my life! Don't regret it!" After Xi'er said this, she picked up the bottle of poison with a look of death on her face. This expression was consistent with what she said. The meanings are simply thousands of miles apart!

For a moment, everyone became more convinced that she was deliberately trying to scare people!

Xier only drank a drop of poison, and her lips immediately turned black.

Shangguan Xuan Yao stood up nervously.

Xi'er gave him a calm smile. Because of the black lips, this smile looked as weird as possible!

Xi'er picked up the bowl of antidote calmly and drank it in one breath.

After Xi'er drank the antidote, she couldn't help but stick out her tongue: "Please, I am most afraid of suffering. If you still have a chance to survive, please don't do this kind of poison next time. You need to use Huanglian to detoxify this." !”

The man in black gave her a disdainful look at these words. The poison he prepared did not require Huang Lian to detoxify it!

But he still couldn't help but look at Xi'er's reaction.

The poison he prepared, after being poisoned, if there is no antidote, the whole body will turn black, and then the whole body will feel like ants are biting off the flesh in small pieces. There will be a little numbness at first, and slowly Slowly, it becomes numb and painful, and then the pain becomes more and more painful. Of course, the whole body becomes darker and darker!

When the whites of his eyes turn black, even the gods can't save him!

Xi'er's skin was indeed slowly turning black. Seeing this, the man in black lowered his head in relief and studied the poison prepared by Xi'er.

The poison prepared by Xier is not colorless and odorless, but has a special smell!

The man in black has been thinking about what kind of poison this smell is, and he forgot for a moment...

Wait Huang Lian? He thought of it!

The man in black glanced at Xi'er triumphantly, and then was dumbfounded. The area on Xi'er's face that had slowly darkened had returned to its original color!

In other words, the poison has indeed been cured!

Why didn't he know that Huang Lian could detoxify the poison he prepared?

When Xi'er saw him looking over, she couldn't help but waved to him and said mischievously: "Brother, my poison has been cured! You have to work hard!"

The man in black was disgusted by Xi'er's movements and expressions!

He is obviously a man, but why does he always act like a woman? Could this man be a eunuch?

The man in black thought of this, glanced at Xi'er's lower body, and then showed a look of contempt. Then he lowered his head and quickly wrote down the antidote formula, and gave the formula to Poison Girl, asking her to prepare the detoxification.

Xi'er is so smart, she immediately understood the meaning of the other person's eyes! The smile on her face froze, and then she sat down with her buttocks between her legs!

It’s really a mistake that will lead to eternal regret! She forgot that she was now a woman disguised as a man!

"Pfft!" Xiaoer smiled unkindly after seeing this scene!

Xi'er turned her head and glared at Xiao'er in aggrieved manner!

She worked so hard to be cute, wasn't it just to win the position of elder! How dare you laugh at her!

There is really no sympathy at all!

"Haha." Xiaoer couldn't help but laugh, but she quickly covered her mouth. The laughter disappeared, but her shoulders were shaking!

Seeing this, Xi'er suddenly thought of the two trembling snakes in the morning, and said: "Brother Riyao, why do I think your trembling looks like the two snakes you caught in the morning? They were also trembling and trembling in fear of you! "

After hearing this, Xiaoer immediately remembered the two snakes that made them tremble with fear, and then Xiaoer immediately stopped laughing!

It’s really a matter of which pot is not opened!

Xi'er's face returned to a triumphant look.

At this time, many people had cracked the opponent's poison, and everyone wrote down the formula and gave it to the Poison Girl to prepare the antidote.

Fortunately, everyone has a poisonous woman to serve them, so you don't need to worry about getting it wrong.

Being bullied by her sister, Xiaoer felt unhappy. What should she do if she felt unhappy? She could only bully others, so Xiaoer glanced at the man in blue opposite her and asked with a half-smile: "Brother, you haven't done it yet." Did you remember? Everyone has already handed in the detoxification formula."

Of course the man in blue knew that everyone had handed over the antidote formula, and even his companions confidently handed over the detoxification formula to the poisonous girl!

But he still has no clue!

The man in blue was so nervous that he broke out in cold sweat all over his body, and the clothes on his back could be squeezed out of water!

He glared at Xiao'er, with a dark look in his eyes, and gritted his teeth and said: "The time has not come yet, why are you in a hurry!"

"I'm not in a hurry, I'm just anxious for you! It's really no reward for your kindness! I originally wanted to give you a reminder, but since you don't appreciate it, forget it!" Xiaoer shrugged.

Being interrupted by Xiaoer like this, the man in blue became even more irritable, really anxious and angry! But there is nothing you can do!

Xiaoer just sat opposite him, appreciating his anxiety with a half-smile, exerting an invisible pressure on him.

Two quarters of an hour later, everyone's antidotes were released one after another.

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