Although many people were worried, they had to bite the bullet and try the poison.

This world is such a reality, if you want to get something, you have to pay something for it! Including risking your life to gamble!

Everyone in the world thinks that making colorless and odorless poison is the highest level of poison making, but in fact it can be even higher, and that is to confuse the real with the fake!

Xier's poison is fake. She mixed several smelly poisons together to prepare a new toxin, and the smell emitted by this toxin is exactly the same as that of a certain poison. !

Therefore, experienced poison masters will subconsciously think that the poison she prepared was extracted from that kind of poison.

If they really try to detoxify like this, not only will they not be able to detoxify, they will add poison to the poison, making it hopeless! Do or die!

Seeing that everyone's antidote was ready, the man in blue bit the bullet and wrote down what he thought was the most likely antidote formula, and then gave it to the poisonous girl.

At this time, a poisonous woman brought up the antidote for the man in black and placed it on the table.

Xi'er glanced at the antidote on the table, then took a deliberately exaggerated breath, shook her head, and said seriously: "Well, I understand! Your antidote can't cure my poison, drink it. It will only add poison to poison!”

The man in black was indifferent after hearing what Xi'er said!

This fake man is so noisy!

Did she think she would be fooled if she acted like this?

The man in black glared at Xi'er, then blew on the hot soup to cool it down quickly.

How could Xi'er let him go?

Xi'er saw him blowing air through his mouth to try to freeze the bowl of antidote juice as quickly as possible.

This is because you don’t want to listen to your own nonsense!

He didn't want to hear it, so she insisted on saying: "Hey, why are you so anxious to drink the antidote?

No, that's not an antidote, that's a reminder. Let me tell you, if you drink it, you will immediately become more poisoned, and within two steps, you will bleed to death. Do you believe it? "

The man in black rolled his eyes at Xi'er and deliberately blew harder!

"Don't disbelieve me! I really didn't lie to you! I just said this because I wanted you to live a little longer!"

The man in black blew hard, and the bowl of antidote was finally cooled down by his blowing. Without thinking, the man in black broke off a little of the poison pill prepared by Xi'er, then put it in his mouth and swallowed it!

Seeing this, Xi'er gave him a thumbs up: "Hero! You have courage and courage! I like it!"

Xiao'er cast a sympathetic look at the man in black who was so angry that Xi'er was so angry that his head was smoking!

The man in blue was very envious of the man in black for meeting such an idiot opponent!

The poison must be easy to spot! That's why he dared to eat it so firmly, without any hesitation!

After the man in black swallowed the poison, his throat felt extremely hot and stinging as if it was on fire.

Yes, that’s what that poison feels like!

The man in black quickly picked up the bowl of antidote and was about to drink it in a big gulp.

Xi'er quickly stopped her: "This bowl of yours is really not an antidote! You will die if you drink it!"

The man in black couldn't bear it anymore: "Shut up, it's none of your business if I die! This is a poison fighting competition! Someone dies in every poison test!"

Xier breathed a sigh of relief after hearing this: "It's none of my business! Then you can die! Oh, I'm wrong, you can drink it! But you will die after drinking it!"

Everyone present was laughed at Xi'er's words!

The fairy-like old man stroked his beard and looked at the quirky Xi'er with a smile in his eyes.

Man in black"."

At this second, he couldn't help but hesitate, but the familiar feeling in his throat wouldn't lie to him!

So the man in black drank the antidote in large gulps.

"You died heroically!" Xi'er covered her face with five spread fingers, making a look that she couldn't bear to look at!

After the man in black drank the antidote, a cold feeling passed down his throat. He felt happy and looked at Xi'er. He was about to say: "You..." Didn't you say that this was not the antidote?

Then he felt that his entire internal organs were like a pile of firewood, and someone poured oil on it. "Boom!" With a sound, the flames started to burn, and the blood in his body boiled.

At this time, Xier took two steps and said, "One step, two steps!"

"Poof!" With a sound, the man in black spat out a mouthful of black blood, and then fell to the ground.

Everyone looked at the man in black on the ground in shock: Sure enough, he was bleeding to death from seven holes!

What this man just said was not a lie or alarmist! You really used the truth to scare him!

Xi'er glanced at the people on the ground: "I told you, I didn't lie to you, why don't you believe me! If you don't listen to the old man's words, you will suffer a lot!"

Xiao'er: This is a typical example of getting a good deal but still acting nice!

Why is this sister so bad? I don’t know who she learned this from!

Everyone glanced at Xi'er as if she wanted to recognize her. They must remember this person and try to stay away from her. Don't mess with her!

The man in blue felt even more uneasy when he saw his friend on the ground disappearing like this.

Those who had not yet tried the poison were even more uneasy.

The whole place fell into deathly silence again.

The old man with a Taoist spirit said to the poisonous girl on the side: "Find someone and take him down."

There are risks in fighting drugs, and there are risks in playing drugs. It is easy to lose your life accidentally. This is something that everyone who loves drugs knows.

After everyone came to their senses, they resumed testing the poison.

People who play drugs have relatively strong psychological qualities. Although they are also afraid of death, poison is used to poison people! So when your skills are inferior to others, isn’t it normal to die?

Soon, the man in blue's bowl of antidote was also served.

Soon - for the man in blue, Xiaoer felt that it had been so long that she was about to lose her patience.

Time is money. If she uses the time she waits here to make money, she doesn't know how much money she can make!

Xiaoer glanced at the bowl of antidote given by Poison Girl, and the golden python revealed the ingredients inside.

After hearing this, Xiaoer didn't show any emotion on her face, but she couldn't help laughing in her heart: This is completely random!

The man in blue stared closely at Xiaoer's face, trying to see some clues on her face as to whether this antidote could cure the poison she prepared!

But Xiao'er was sitting there at this moment, expressionless, not saying anything, and he didn't know how to judge.

Xi'er spoke at this time: "Why don't you drink? You are the only one left. Hurry up! I think your bowl of antidote can cure hundreds of poisons! It's amazing! It's amazing!"

The man in blue's bowl of antidote can indeed cure many poisons, almost a hundred poisons! When Xi'er said this, he was even more unsure!

He saw with his own eyes how this girl had just told the truth to deceive her companions!

This person has the ability to tell the truth into lies and make people not believe her, so she must have the ability to tell lies into the truth and make people believe her!

Now she must be trying to lie to herself, but he can't figure out whether she is telling the truth or lying!

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