Seeing the hesitation of the man in blue, those who had finished testing the poison couldn't help but urge:

"Since he said that your antidote can cure hundreds of poisons, brother, drink it quickly. If you don't drink it, the sun is going to set!"

"That's right, we are still waiting to enter the final level! Hurry up! After all this time, do you still look like a man?"

"You don't even dare to try poison, why do you want to imitate other people's poisoning? Are you here to participate in the poison fighting competition to embarrass yourself? Mother-in-law, you don't look like a man at all!"

"Hey, don't force him, everyone. He can be forgiven for being like this. My senior brother's poison skills are even more powerful than mine, so! It's right for him to be afraid!" Xi'er said again at this time. .

"I'm afraid, I gave up just now! A man is a man who dares to act! What's the use of being afraid now? If I tried it in one bite, wouldn't I be a good man twenty years later!"

"Brother! You are brave! I like it!" Xi'er cupped her fists and cupped her hands to him to show respect!

"Disrespectful! I'm such an upright person!" After the man said this to Xi'er, he urged the man in blue:

"Brother, don't waste time, drink it quickly! Others have tried the poison, and it's unfair to others if you don't try it!"

"Yeah, hurry up!"

"Hurry up, I can't wait!"

Under everyone's urging, the man in blue picked up the bottle of poison as if he was dead. He opened the lid and was about to pour the poison into his mouth. Suddenly he turned around and used Qing Kung Fu to quickly run down the mountain: "I can't compete in this competition!"

"Bah, you actually ran away, who did you come from?" Some people couldn't help but sneered when they saw this.

"This is a complete embarrassment to our poison master. This kind of person should not be allowed to participate in poison fighting competitions in the future!"

"What a bastard! He still calls himself me! His grandson is not as good as him!"

"It's so shameless! It's extremely shameful!"

Everyone cursed one after another, but unfortunately the man in blue could no longer hear them.

Shangguan Xuanyi narrowed his eyes dangerously as he watched the man in blue leave.

The old man with Taoist immortality said at this time: "Well, that person will be permanently disqualified from participating in the poison fighting competition! Such a person with no backbone is indeed not worthy of becoming a poison master!

Now let’s see who wins the third level of the competition. The winner can stay and enter the final level. Those who fail should not be discouraged. In the next three years, learn the poison skills well and come back to participate in the next session!

I hope we will still have the chance to meet again in three years! I'm waiting to see everyone's faces again! "

Everyone happily said see you again in three years.

After hearing this, Xiaoer couldn't help but look at the old man in surprise. She didn't expect that this old man with a moral integrity, who seemed to have no desire to live in the world, could also say such sensational words.

After the third level of competition, there were twenty-five people left.

These twenty-five people are all considered members of the Li Clan.

The last level is to help four people detoxify. Whoever can detoxify all four of them will be the winner and can become the leader of the Li Clan!

If no one can detoxify all four people, then whoever detoxifies the most people will be the winner.

After the Taoist and Immortal-style old man explained the rules of the competition, he took everyone to see the four poisoned people.

The four poisoned people lived in four houses respectively.

Among the four poisonous people, two were unconscious after being poisoned, one of the other two had poisonous sores on his face, and one had weak bones all over his body and could not even stand firmly.

The Taoist fairy-style old man divided the twenty-five of them into four groups, with six people in each group and one group of seven. Xiaoer and the four of them happened to be divided into four different groups.

Seeing this, Xiaoer said: "Sir, you separated us on purpose!"

After hearing this, the Taoist and immortal old man stroked his beard and said: "You are so smart, little brother, I did it on purpose!"

"Why?" Xi'er asked unconvinced.

"Do you still need to ask? I'm worried that you guys will cheat!" the Taoist and immortal old man said matter-of-factly.

"We have very good characters, how could we do such a thing as cheating! You are looking at people through a crack in the door and looking down on them!" Xi'er said angrily.

"That's good, keep up your good character! Alright, let the game begin!"

Xi'er: "."

Continue to be a good person, asshole! She wanted him to divide the four of them into a group! How could Shangguan Xuanyi and Shangguan Xuanyao tell what kind of poison a person had? If the four of them are separated, how can they help each other? Shang Xi'er thought depressedly.

It was rare for someone to make Xi'er feel embarrassed, so Xiao'er couldn't help but laugh.

The twenty-five people were quickly taken to see the four poisoned people by the poisonous girl.

There are seven people in Xiaoer's group. The first poison they need to detoxify is the poison of the person whose face is covered with sores.

Seven people took turns to come forward and inquire about the poisoning of the man.

Xiaoer originally planned to be the last one to step forward and ask, so that she could be lazy and talk. Everyone had asked all the questions she wanted to ask, so she didn't need to ask anymore.

Everyone said that she should be the first to ask because they thought her poison technique was the best.

The decimals obey the majority. Xiaoer is outnumbered and can only take the lead and die!

Xiaoer symbolically asked the poisoned person, when he was poisoned, what he had eaten before being poisoned, and so on. Then he took his pulse like a doctor, and Xiaoer went out to write him an antidote formula.

Of course, Xiaoer didn't come up with the antidote formula herself, it was told to her by the golden python.

However, this man's poison is easy to cure, but it is not easy to cure, and it is not difficult to cure it, because the poison he is poisoned is a kind of poison carried by deep-sea fish.

As long as you know the source of toxins, you can detoxify them. But Xiao'er has never heard of that kind of fish. It's called blue marlin. It can spray a blue poisonous juice to attack the enemy. When the poisonous juice comes into contact with human skin, it will cause skin ulcers and sores. .

Ordinary heat-clearing and detoxifying drugs cannot detoxify this poison, so poison can be used to fight poison.

Xiaoer wrote down the detoxification formula and gave it to the old man with Taoist immortality.

The old man took one look and couldn't help but look at Xiao'er again: "Not bad!"

You can see this, which shows that this person has been exposed to many poisons!

Blue marlin, rare in the world! Because it is deep in the sea, it is difficult to catch, and very few people know about it.

Xiaoer smiled and said nothing, thinking: Of course it is true! This is what the golden python said!

Next, Xiaoer and the others went to see a man who was unconscious due to poisoning.

Since everyone is unconscious, there is nothing left to ask.

Everyone stepped forward to check his pulse, look at his breath, and examine his hands and feet to determine what kind of poison he was poisoned with.

But everyone is a poison master, not a doctor, and being able to take the pulse correctly cannot be considered proficient.

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