Everyone who came forward to take their pulse was confused, but the man had two wounds on his feet, as if he had been bitten by a snake.

Xiaoer knew the answer from the golden python, and she quickly wrote out the antidote formula.

This man was bitten by a two-headed snake. Both heads of the snake bit him, so he was unconscious.

Because the toxins contained in the two snake heads of the snake were different, the two toxins collided with each other in his body, which caused him to become unconscious!

Xiaoer handed the detoxification formula to the old man. The old man looked at it, then looked at Xiaoer again, and said two words this time: "Very good!"

Xiaoer smiled and thought: Later, will he say to herself: "Awesome!"

The person who needs to be detoxified next is a person who is weak and weak all over. With such symptoms, it is easy for people to think that he has been poisoned by Chondro Powder.

In fact, this is not the case. This man was also poisoned, but he had been eating high-protein and high-salt foods for many years, which caused a large amount of calcium loss in his body. Coupled with the poisoning, his whole body was weak and weak. Unable to stand.

With the help of the golden python, Xiaoer is simply invincible!

The old man with a Taoist demeanor couldn't help but raise his eyebrows when he saw that Xiao'er's detoxification formula even appeared on his diet.

Then he gave Xiaoer one word: "Strong!"

Xiaoer also smiled, and then thought to herself: Why can't it be called "awesome"?

The last unconscious person!

The golden python secretly hid in Xiaoer's sleeve and glanced at the woman lying on the bed, with a serious expression on his face: Master, this person is not poisoned!

Xiao'er was surprised after hearing this. Wasn't she poisoned? How could she be unconscious if she wasn't poisoned? Could it be that he was injured? Became a vegetative state?

The golden python shook his head: No!

"It's not this, it's not that, what is that? Xiao Huang, your pretentious look is very scary, you know?" Xiaoer couldn't help but said.

"This man ate the soul-leaving grass, and his soul was controlled by others, so he was unconscious."


"No wonder you are so deep. This is indeed a very deep thing!" Xiaoer couldn't help but feel horrified.

Is there anyone in this world who can control a person's soul?

Then will she, a reborn person, be dangerous?

Her soul must have flown here!

It's not original, it's not very reliable!


Xiaoer: "What are you doing! Don't call me in such a profound way! Can't you add another one?!"

She had a bad premonition in her heart, but when the golden python called her, Xiaoer's bad premonition became even stronger!

"Because my intuition tells me that this matter may have something to do with you, Master!"

"Do all snakes have intuition? The snake's intuition must be wrong!" Xiaoer said unintentionally.

"My intuition is usually very accurate, don't distrust me!"

"Get out!" Xiaoer feigned anger.

Nowadays, there are actually people who have the ability to control souls, and they can't help but come over to watch during the day, wanting to see what's going on.

During the day: "It's true that someone took control of his soul because he ate the soul-leaving grass."

"Then what should I do? Is this considered to be poisoned by the soul-living grass? What needs to be done to make this person wake up?"

"The Soul-Leaving Grass is not poisonous, and it doesn't matter if you eat it normally. But if a Soul-Leaving Grass is nourished with menstrual blood for ninety-nine and eighty-one days, and then eaten by someone, the person who nourished the Soul-Leaving Grass with blood will , you can control that person's soul.

It is not considered poisoning and does not require detoxification! This is an ancient secret technique that has been lost for a long time. If you want this person to wake up, you need to practice it! " Bai Tian explained.

"How? Then I can't help you!" Xiaoer shrugged.

She is not a mage or a master, and she does not know how to practice magic.

Xiaoer remembered that she was almost controlled by someone because of a hair in Xiyue Kingdom. Looking at the unconscious person on the bed, she felt her scalp numb.

"Although this man has been in coma for more than a year, his soul has not been tamed yet. He should be able to wake up easily." Bai Tian said.


"The soul has not been tamed after being comatose for more than a year? The person who performed the method is not very capable, right? Can you do the method during the day?" Xiaoer asked after hearing this.

"Master, I'm just a goose! How could I do this?"

"I have never seen a goose that knows so much! If you can, then you can secretly rescue it. If you can't, there is nothing you can do. I don't know who this person has messed with. Let’s not meddle in other people’s business! Besides, we don’t know anyone who knows how to do it! How can we help her!”

She also has a lot of things to do, so she doesn't have time to meddle.

The golden python wanted to say something, but he was probably overthinking it.

Moreover, Xiao'er really doesn't know anyone who knows how to do it, and the national master in the palace obviously doesn't have enough Taoism.

So it said nothing more.

Let’s forget about it if we encounter it!

Xiaoer left the house, while everyone else was still in the house, studying what kind of poison the girl had been poisoned by.

The Taogu Xianfeng old man was standing under a ginkgo tree waiting for everyone. The cool breeze blew by, and the golden ginkgo leaves floated down.

The immortal old man and the ginkgo leaves flying all over the sky!

Xiaoer: This fairy spirit is even stronger

Then Xiaoer thought of the unconscious person inside, and she shook her head: Maybe the evil spirit is getting stronger!

Then Xiaoer knocked on the head again: What are you thinking about? This is the mortal world! It’s not the Three Realms!

Because she is a time traveler, Xiaoer believes in the existence of the soul, but she does not believe in anything else!

The old man turned around when he heard the door open and glanced at Xiao'er, with an imperceptible expectation flashing in his eyes.

Xiaoer's eyes flashed slightly, she walked up to him calmly, shook her head and said, "I didn't see what kind of poison the girl inside was, but I don't think she was poisoned."

"Oh? What if it's not poisoning?" The old man in white asked curiously after hearing this.

After she fell asleep, she suddenly couldn't wake up. At first, he thought she was poisoned by the sleep poison, but he didn't expect it to be the case.

Except for the poison of the Everlasting Sleep Gu and the two-headed snake, which can make people feel as if they are asleep and unable to wake up. He has studied poisons all his life and has never seen any other poison that can make people suddenly unconscious.

He also asked a doctor to check her, and there was nothing wrong with her body.

"Actually, the first three people are just cover-ups. Sir, the one you really want us to detoxify is the last girl, right?" Xiaoer asked, looking at the righteous old man's answer.

The Taoist and immortal old man was slightly startled after hearing this, and then smiled and said: "Yes, you guessed it right. I really hope that someone can save her. If someone can save her, his affairs will be settled in the future. It’s Li Clan’s business! If he needs Li Clan’s help, Li Clan will do its best to help!”

The temptation is really great!

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