Others have either only solved two people, or only solved one person, or more often have not solved all of them. Shangguan Xuanyi and Shangguan Xuanyao are two of the people who have solved everything. !

Xi'er looked at Shangguan Xuan Yao with disgust. She had been with her for so long, but she didn't learn any poison skills. Is there such a stupid person? !

Shangguan Xuan Yao: "..."

The Taoist and immortal old man looked at Xiao'er and Xi'er and said with a smile, "Congratulations to the two for becoming elders of the Li Clan."

The others looked at them enviously after hearing this.

Moreover, if everyone comes to compete at the same time, they will be superior to me from now on. When everyone meets in the future, I will respectfully call them elders.

But their skills are inferior to others, so they have nothing to say!

Poison Master is a world that values ​​strength! It’s not about age!

Xi'er: "Sir, what are the benefits of being an elder from the clan?"

The old man with Daogu Xianfeng blew his beard and stared at him after hearing this: "It's no good. If something happens to the Li clan, you have to come out to help without hesitation! From now on, everyone will be people sitting in the same boat!" The old man meant something.

Xiao'er: It's really a good plan. I want to bring him together to deal with Gu Xuan!

But who let them have a common enemy? The enemy of the enemy is a friend!

"Then I don't want to be an elder anymore!" Xi'er said after hearing this.

"It's okay if you don't want to be an elder of the Li clan, then you should be your husband's daughter-in-law! My husband happens to have an unfilial son who hasn't married yet!" the righteous old man joked.

"You have a beautiful idea!" Xi'er couldn't help but roll her eyes after hearing this.

Shangguan Xuan Yao heard this and quickly stood in front of Xi'er, blocking the old man's sight: He was obviously here to participate in the poison fighting competition, but how did it turn into a blind date in the end!

"Haha." The Taoist and Immortal old man finished laughing and said, "You two, come with me. I have something to tell you about the elders of the Li Clan."

After he said this, he looked at Shangguan Xuanyi and Shangguan Xuanyao and said, "Since you came together, then come to my room and wait!"

So a few people came to the yard of the old man with a fairy-like skull.

Although the leader of the Li clan looks quite righteous, his yard is anything but magical.

There are poisons everywhere, and there are many flowers, plants, birds, animals, fish and insects! All are poisonous!

I also raised a lot of snakes!

Xiaoer regretted stepping into this place!

Seeing this, Shangguan Xuanyi took her little hand.

Xi'er looked at the yard with bright eyes: "Sir, you are so discerning. This yard is just what I like!"

"Haha. Since you like it, then after you become my daughter-in-law, I will let you two live in my yard!"

This person really got involved in matchmaking in just a few words!

"You know, beautiful, I want to marry you with a courtyard!" If she wants a courtyard like this, she can get one by herself!

Shangguan Xuan Yao glared at him with blazing eyes: "Xi'er, it's okay to be an elder of the Li Clan! If you like a yard like this, I'll get you a more beautiful, bigger, and more poisonous one in the future!"

Who dares to take advantage of his own Xier!

Xiao'er: "Xie'er, if your yard looks like this from now on, I won't visit you anymore!"

Xier: This problem seems a bit serious!

"Little girl, how do you want to get married?" The leader of Daogu Xianfeng returned to the previous topic.

"At least use the whole Li Gu as a gift! Then I'll think about it!" Xi'er joked!

"Okay! No problem! It's settled!" Anyway, Li Gu will belong to his son from now on.

Shangguan Xuan Yao became anxious after hearing this: "Who made a deal with you! Didn't you hear that they said to think about it? Marriage is a major matter of parents' orders and the matchmaker's words. Don't you know? Besides, Xi'er has already been there for a long time. Engaged!"

Xi'er gave her a strange look: "When did I get engaged? Why didn't I know?"

"When I came out, the emperor issued a decree for you to marry, of course you didn't know!" The fact is that he did ask his father to decree a marriage, but his father has not agreed yet!

When he goes back tonight, he has to write a letter to urge his father. Otherwise, if it is too late, he will not have a wife anymore, and he will not be able to have a grandson!

Xi'er glanced at him, but did not refute him, because she was just joking just now. Who wants to marry someone they have never met before?

The Taoist and immortal old man didn't say anything else. Although he liked Xi'er, he couldn't make the decision on his own son!

He was just joking.

After entering the room, he invited several people to sit down, and then the maid served tea.

Fortunately, the inside of the house is the same as that of ordinary people!

"Is this tea not poisonous? Isn't the fifth level of competition starting?" Xiaoer joked.

"Don't worry! You don't need to go through five levels and kill six generals to come to my place! I can't even invite you distinguished guests!"

"Yes, we came uninvited!" Xiaoer said with a smile.

"Welcome!" The Taoist and immortal old man smiled.

"Why did you invite us here, sir?" Xi'er asked.

The old man with a Taoist spirit put away his impropriety and said: "I invite a few of you to come over. They should have guessed what is going on."

"I'd like to hear the details!" Shangguan Xuanyi gracefully fiddled with the tea leaves with the lid of the cup, then took a sip of tea before speaking calmly.

Now that he knew what the opponent's brand was like, Shangguan Xuanyi was naturally not in a hurry.

When asking for help, of course you have to show some sincerity!

Although he was also planning to deal with Gong Qinghua, Gong Zixuan, and Master Gu Xuan, the other party didn't know his eagerness!

Old fox! No wonder there are rumors that King Rui is difficult to deal with.

It was obvious that they came to participate in the poison fighting competition just to gain the support of Li Clan, but now that they knew their trump card, they pretended not to be in a hurry at all!

But he was so eager to save his daughter that he didn't care about so much anymore.

If his daughter continues to sleep for a long time and does not wake up, her body will definitely deteriorate. Now he uses medicine every day to maintain her body, but this is not an option in the long run!

"You guys came to Li Valley to participate in the poison fighting competition, maybe they want to become the elders of the Li clan!" The old man with Taoist immortality also kicked the ball back.

"Not interested." Shangguan Xuanyi took another sip of tea and told the truth.

The old man with a fairy-like skull: "..."

Xiaoer said at this time: "Sir, I actually thought of a way to save Ling Qianjin, which is to kill the person who controls her soul. The only way is to kill that person, and then feed Ling Qianjin a bowl of soul-reviving soup. Ling Qianjin You will wake up! And I have the recipe for the soul-reviving soup!"

If you want the recipe for soul-reviving soup, you have to show some sincerity!

The Taoist and immortal old man couldn't help but stand up after hearing these words: "Is this true?"

"Of course! If you tell a lie, you will die!"

Shangguan Xuanyi glared at Xiaoer! What kind of oath can you make if nothing happens?

Today’s update is finished! Baby is so tired!

One hundred thousand words, fifty chapters, guess how long I spent coding?

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