After hearing these words, the old man with Taoist immortality clasped his fists and said to Shangguan Xuanyi and Xi'er: "I want to kill Gu Xuan. If King Rui is willing to help me, then the war between your country and Nangong Kingdom, the people who leave the clan will I will definitely not participate! Li County also voluntarily belongs to the Minze Kingdom! If King Rui needs help from the Li Clan in the future, the people of the Li Clan will do their best!" the Li Clan elder made a promise.

Shangguan Xuanyi also stood up at this time: "Okay, it's a deal!"

He originally planned to kill Gu Xuan, but if he could get the support of the Li clan, his trip was worthwhile!

Seeing that he had agreed, the old man of Daogu Xianfeng took out two tokens: "These are the tokens of the elders of the Li Clan. Li Clan disciples are all over the continent. If you need my help in the future, let me hold it." Token, just go to Baicao Valley Pharmacy and find the shopkeeper there."

Baicao Valley is a drug store that is open in every country on this continent. The owner of the drug store has always been very mysterious. Unexpectedly, it turned out to be a store owned by Li Clan!

No wonder!

"I didn't expect that Baicao Valley actually belongs to you. You really can't tell a person's face! Then I'm not polite! Thank you sir!" Xi'er took it over without politeness.

Shangguan Xuanyi agreed, and the immortal old man was relieved, so he joked: "Now that I know, are you willing to marry my son? One Li Valley is not enough, plus Baicao Valley as a gift How about it? My name is Li Guzi, so you don’t need to call me sir, just call me Shibo!"

"Hey, why are you acting like this? Didn't I just say that? Xi'er is already engaged! Uncle Huan Shi, you are taking advantage!" Shangguan Xuan Yao shouted after hearing this.

Shibo? What a good calculation!

"People from the Li Clan have always been deviant. How could they have come here if they didn't act indiscriminately?" Li Guzi said in anger.

Shangguan Xuan Yao: "..."

After Li Guzi said this, he didn't care about the boy who didn't have all his hair. He turned to look at Shangguan Xuanyi: "Gu Xuan's power is very big, and his power is not a normal power, they are all deviant. ! Very weird!”

Shangguan Xuan Yao: "Isn't that just like you if you are a deviant? Can't you still deal with it?"

Li Guzi: "..."

Why does it feel like I'm shooting myself in the foot?

"Gu Xuan is a man with strong magic skills, but he is following a different path..."

Li Guzi said some things he knew about Gu Xuan. Gu Xuan had forces in many countries. These forces were not cultivated by Gu Xuan through normal means. He used magic to control them; or through his magic. , helping those people deal with some things, making them very afraid and convinced of him, and then they dare not disobey him.

"If he hadn't been doing deviant things, he wouldn't have been expelled from the school!" Xiaoer thought it was normal after hearing this.

If a person who can control other people's souls is controlled by him, who dares not to listen to him!

"Gu Xuan came to me before and asked me to help him develop some poisons that would make people obey his orders. I refused! Because poisons are not omnipotent at all, how could there be poisons that would make people obey their orders! And to tame a person, you should It’s about intention and strength, not relying on medication to control it!”

These poisons can make people physically ill, make people insane, and make people die! He really is not worthy of the poison that makes people do what they say.

He probably offended him because of this, so his daughter’s soul was controlled by him!

"What does Gu Xuan want to do? Does he also want to unify the world?" Xi'er couldn't figure it out after hearing this.

Why does he want people to obey him?

"I only know that he wants to live forever! That's why he practices magic!" Li Guzi said.

"This must be what all cultivators think about!" Xiaoer said.

"That's right! It's a bit whimsical! Birth, aging, sickness and death are natural laws! No one can transcend nature!" Li Guzi nodded.

"Sir, there are many forces in Nangong Kingdom, and there are Li clan forces in various countries. I will leave the whereabouts of Master Guxuan and his sphere of influence to you. If you find him, please inform me! If nothing happens If so, we'll take our leave." Shangguan Xuanyi said at this time.

He is not interested in knowing what Gu Xuan wants to do. He only needs to know where he is, who his people are, and where they are.

Xiaoer also wanted to say goodbye. She had to rush back into the space to feed her child.

In the end, Xiaoer and the others had basically reached an agreement with Li Guzi when they left Li Gu.

As for where Gu Xuan is, Li Guzi will let people from all over the Li clan keep an eye on it secretly.

Shangguan Xuanyi also gave Xiaoer's portrait of Gu Xuan to Li Guzi. When Li Guzi took a look at it, he praised it endlessly, saying that the painting was so similar and so lifelike that he would not be afraid that his disciples would recognize the wrong person!

Xiaoer and the four of them walked down the mountain, got on the carriage and headed to the rented yard.

After Xiaoer's carriage went away, the man in blue rode a horse out of the woods on the roadside.

He has been following Xiaoer's carriage.

Seeing Xiaoer and his carriage stopped in a certain yard, he rode away directly.

When it was getting dark, the man in blue came to a grand entrance and stopped.

He jumped off his horse and knocked on the door.

Soon the concierge opened the door, saw it was him, and let him in directly.

Gong Zixuan was standing in a pavilion in the garden, looking at the bright moon in the sky.

The man in blue knelt down on one knee a meter away from him: "Master!"

"How did the game turn out?"

"This subordinate deserves to die. He didn't fulfill his master's instructions." The man in blue lowered his head after saying this.

"You haven't reached the position of leader of the Li Clan? Where is Heisa?"

"Heisa was killed by a shameless person when he was testing poison!" The man in blue felt so angry that he had a toothache when he thought of those two people.

"Trash!" Gong Zixuan couldn't help but curse!

These two people also promised in front of themselves that they would definitely get the position of elder of the Li Clan!

The man in blue lowered his head and did not dare to speak.

"Who got the position of clan leader?" Gong Zixuan asked again.

"Master, it's a man named Shen Riyao and a man named Shen Xi! These two people and the other two young masters are very powerful in their poison skills! They all passed the first three levels with perfect scores. Heisa and I wanted to win them over before , but they rejected them! My subordinates suspected that they were people sent by Min Zeguo, and their accents looked a bit like people from Min Zeguo."

People from Min Zeguo?

Your surname is Shen?

Isn’t Princess Rui’s surname Shen? Riyao? dawn? Xiaoer?

Gong Zixuan thought of Princess Rui of Min Zeguo, whom Shangguan Wanru always called Xiaoer Xiaoer.

"What do those four people look like? Please describe them."

Fifty chapters were updated within twenty-four hours yesterday. If one chapter is worth 5 book coins, it would be one hundred chapters! I was very happy to see book friends say they enjoyed reading it.

I have been preparing for this big explosion for a month. I finished coding every day after 12:30 pm. It took me two days to correct the typos. Yesterday I used my mobile phone to correct the typos. At the end of the day, my index finger was stiff! My shoulder hurts too!

But I’m so happy to see everyone’s comments! (Ignore the bad comments!)

Let’s continue with a little update today!

Because the code is updated now, the time interval between each update will be longer.

Now for the first chapter!

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I spent all my vacation coding!

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