Then Xi'er and Xiao'er worked together to continue, sometimes they were fake and sometimes they were really deceiving!

Xi'er temporarily released a fake poisonous egg, and then said something to deceive the public and confuse the enemy's judgment.

After releasing several fake poisonous eggs one after another, no one believed it anymore, making people think that the poisonous eggs in her hand were gone, so she released several real poisonous eggs one after another!

It’s so infuriating!

A quarter of an hour later, in this real and fake poisonous egg, most of the soldiers were destroyed physically and mentally, and Xiaoer also took the opportunity to kill two more of Gu Xuan's men.

Although they are poisonous eggs, they are not deadly poisons. Some make the skin itch, and some make the eyes water and sneeze.

It's just that Xi'er deliberately said some terrible things about what would happen if she was poisoned, to scare them and distract them.

Of course, after being deceived so many times, the enemies knew about it and stopped being fooled later!

As for Shangguan Xuanyi, with one sweep of his golden whip, his skin was torn open, but such injuries were not fatal to Gu Xuan's men!

Then Shangguan Xuanyi swiped his whip, knocking back the enemy who came forward several meters away. Then he moved his wrist and the whip flew in another direction. Then it would wrap up a person. Shangguan Xuanyi used the whip to push him in his direction. At the moment of pulling, the other hand takes action at the same time, and then the opponent can be dealt with!

It only took him one breath to complete this series of actions.

Then he swung it hard and hit a certain Nangong Kingdom soldier.

At this time, a man in black, fully armed with only one pair of eyes, appeared: "You guys, leave quickly! There is too much movement here. General Tan, who is stationed nearby, is coming with 30,000 soldiers! We will surround this place soon." ”

Just when Xi'er thought they were going to win and could take a break, someone suddenly came out and said this.

Xi'er recognized that the voice of this man who was armed from head to toe was that of Li Guzi. At this moment, she hated the people of Nangong Kingdom to death!

"Oh my God! Are you still here? I'm so exhausted. My hands are so tired that they're about to break! All the poison I've collected in my life has been used up! The people of Nangong Kingdom are so shameless. To kill six of us, we need to mobilize so much. Are there many people? Are you planning to send out an army to kill us?"

Among the few people left who were still alive and struggling, after hearing Xi'er's words, one of them couldn't help but yelled: "You are shameless! The most shameless one is you! What does it have to do with our Nangong Kingdom! Now you guys It’s hard to even fly with wings!”

This man has been using poisonous eggs to deceive them and treat them like monkeys. Isn't his method even more despicable?

Xi'er glanced at the only remaining man in black: "Oh, I didn't expect you to be quite patriotic! I am shameless. Of course I have to be shameless when dealing with shameless people! Otherwise, I will be pissed to death. ! Shameless! Look at me, poisonous egg!" After saying this, Xier threw another fake poisonous egg at him!

Dare to say that you are shameless! court death!

Poison again! The man in black glanced at Xier with contempt! Then he cut the little poisonous egg in half with one knife! He is not afraid!

The venom in the poisonous egg splashed out instantly and landed on the face and body of the man in black!

"Ah!" The man in black immediately covered his face and screamed.

"I forgot to tell you, this is my last poisonous egg! The venom inside can corrode the human body! Just wait for your whole body to fester and die!" Xi'er saw that he was stupid enough to kill him with a knife. The poisonous egg was chopped open and he said triumphantly!

"Zhao Yong, Fang Shun, go get the carriage, and the four of you will leave immediately!" At this time, Shangguan Xuanyi said while dealing with the last person.

After batches of people have arrived, continuing to fight like this is not an option.

Zhao Yong and Fang Shun hurried to get the horses.

"I'm going to kill you!" At this moment, the man in black, whose body and face seemed to be burned, let go of my hand and hit Xi'er with a palm.

Shangguan Xuan Yao saw this and quickly stepped forward to block Xi'er's face and slapped him back. Then both of them took a few steps back, and then the man in black spurted a mouthful of blood!

After Xiaoer was the last of Gu Xuan's subordinates, he stopped several soldiers who were chasing Zhao Yong and Fang Shun, and quickly dealt with them!

After Zhao Yong and Fang Shun brought the horses over, Shangguan Xuanyi said: "You four are riding horses, let's go quickly!"

"You should leave from the northeast!" Li Guzi ran away after saying this.

Originally, he came to report to help them deal with the last enemy, but he didn't expect them to deal with it on their own so quickly!

Just in time to save him from taking action, he was still worried that he would be recognized, and then it would be Li Gu who would attack the city tomorrow!

After all, it was within the territory of Nangong Kingdom. Li Guzi promised not to interfere in the war between the two countries, but he also did not agree to blatantly help Min Zeguo capture Nangong Kingdom.

He doesn't have an army, so he can just do a little help secretly, but the court of Nangong Kingdom cannot find out, otherwise they won't send troops to level out Li Gu immediately!

A strong dragon will not overwhelm a local snake, that's the truth! This land belongs to Gong!

"Master, you ride on your horse, Fang Shun and I will use Qinggong to leave!" Zhao Yong said.

How could he ride a horse by himself? The master used Qing Kung to leave by himself.

"Stop talking nonsense! Get on the horse!" After Shangguan Xuanyi said this, he picked up Xiaoer and left without giving them a chance to refuse.

Xiaoer turned around and quickly threw a bottle of pills at Xier: "One pill for each person!"

Xier took it, quickly poured two out, and then threw the bottle to Zhao Yong.

Oh, it hurts like hell! She has never been so seriously injured or lost so much blood since she was a child!

The four people quickly took the pills, and then the two of them rode a horse together and quickly disappeared from the sight of the soldiers before the officers and soldiers arrived.

Shangguan Xuanyi and Xiaoer followed behind them. They went out of Li County and stopped in a county called Erdong.

Then the six people changed their disguises and stayed at an inn in Erdong County.

In the study

Gong Zixuan looked at the report from one of his subordinates and felt a little unbelievable: Thirty killers, ten people from Master Gu Xuan, and so many soldiers, yet they couldn't kill even one of them?

All his people were dead, but the six of them were still fine!

There were 30,000 soldiers and horses that fell to nothing!

"Okay! Very good! This prince has really underestimated you again! Shangguan Xuanyi! There are so many people who can't do anything to you!" Gong Zixuan was so angry that he pushed everything on the desk to the ground.

At this time Gu Xuan walked in: "Prince, please be patient."

After hearing this, Gong Zixuan raised his head and looked at Gu Xuan: "Does Master Gu Xuan have any way to take Shangguan Xuanyi's life? Didn't you say that if Shangguan Xuanyi is not destroyed, we will never be able to unify the world?"

"Yes, I have already tried it out. In terms of martial arts, it is difficult for anyone to be his opponent. If you can't do it with the bright one, then use the secret one!"

"Master, do you have a solution?" Gong Zixuan felt happy after hearing this.

"Yeah! But it will have to wait a few days!"

Chapter two

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