"Master, do you have a solution?" Gong Zixuan felt happy after hearing this.

"Yeah! But it will have to wait a few days!"

Gu Xuan thought that the soul he was taming was about to succeed. When he succeeded, he would exchange that soul with the soul of the person who had followed them before, and then let that person go back to assassinate Shangguan Xuanyi.

I don’t know what methods King Rui used, or what kind of poison he gave to his men! The people under him are all loyal, and no matter what means they use, they will never say a word!

Come to think of it, he must have never imagined that one day his men would assassinate him!

"What is the master's method?" Gong Zixuan couldn't help but ask.

"You'll know in a few days! But we have to get back to the imperial mausoleum as soon as possible."

He was not going to say anything until the matter was successful, because the success rate for such a thing was too low!

"Okay, I'll go to Li Clan in person right away to ask for a Seven Immortal Grass!" Gong Zixuan said after hearing this.

He came to Li County just because he wanted a Seven Immortal Grass to prolong the life of the child born to Princess Ling'er. He originally thought that the two people he sent out could get the position of elder, and then he wanted to get the Seven Immortal Grass. It is much easier to get it, because the elders of the Li clan have priority to use the Li clan pharmacy.

Unexpectedly, the poison skills of those two people were just bragging! Not even comparable to a little girl!

Gu Xuan didn't care about asking for medicine. He came to Li County to meet the dazzling general and lucky stars! Now he has seen it - it is really strong! Once his goal is achieved, he won’t care about other things!

So he turned and went back to his house.

He entered a dark room, walked to the round table and took a look at the jade bottle on the table. There was a beating grass inside, exuding a faint green light, and it looked alive!

Gu Xuan bit his index finger and dripped a drop of blood into it. The grass immediately turned from green to red, it beat more cheerfully, and the layer of green light wrapped around it became dazzling.

Soon the red color receded and turned into a green grass again, but the faint green light was obviously a little brighter than before, and the grass jumped a little more cheerfully!

After Gu Xuan saw the grass change back to its original color, he left the round table and walked to the desk. He picked up a wooden box carved with ancient textures, opened it, took out cinnabar and yellow talisman paper, and then He dropped a drop of blood on the cinnabar, and then began to draw the talisman.

In the palace of Nangong Kingdom

Gong Qinghua summoned Prime Minister Qin of Nangong Kingdom to discuss matters in the imperial study.

Gong Qinghua just received a secret letter from Zhuge Jinquan of the Eastern Jin Dynasty. The letter said: It was exposed that he secretly sold grain to them. Zhuge Wenri is secretly looking for evidence, so Zhuge Jinquan can't sell grain to them for the time being! And Zhuge Xin has been training secretly recently, and he probably wants to join forces with Min Zeguo to attack their Nangong Kingdom!

"Hmph! This is obviously just to add insult to injury and take a chance to get a piece of the pie!" Prime Minister Qin said angrily after reading the secret letter.

"Since ancient times, it has always been difficult to send help when it is time, and to add insult to injury! If the Eastern Jin Dynasty also sends troops to attack our Nangong Kingdom, what do you think the Prime Minister should do?"

"If the Eastern Jin State and Min Ze State attack Nangong State together, Nangong State will be even more dangerous!" Prime Minister Qin frowned and thought.

Is not this nonsensical? Doesn't he know that being attacked by two countries would make Nangong Congress even more dangerous? Gong Qinghua was already irritable, but he became even more irritable after hearing these words.

Gong Qinghua suppressed the irritability in his heart and asked, "Has the Prime Minister thought of any way to prevent the Eastern Jin Dynasty from sending troops?"

"Originally, Wei Chen was thinking of suggesting that the emperor unite with the Eastern Jin State to attack Min Ze State. Now our army has been fighting with Min Ze State soldiers for several months, and we have lost tens of thousands of soldiers and horses! There are also many soldiers and horses who have surrendered. ! I was still thinking about borrowing troops from the Eastern Jin State. When Min Ze State attacked Jiangzhong County, the soldiers of the Eastern Jin State sent troops from Shanghe County on the other side of the Eastern Jin State, passed through our Bijiang County, arrived at Jiangzhong County, and attacked Min Ze. Zeguo was caught off guard! I didn't expect that the Eastern Jin Dynasty wanted to get a share of the pie! They also had the idea of ​​attacking our Nangong Kingdom!" Prime Minister Qin said.

"Jiangzhong County? Bijiang County and Jiangzhong County are adjacent. One side of Bijiang County is Shanghe County, which is adjacent to the Eastern Jin Dynasty. The Eastern Jin Dynasty sent troops. The soldiers crossed the river and passed through Yanziling in Bijiang County and came to Jiangzhong County. It's a good idea for the county to suddenly attack Min Zeguo's soldiers! It's just that the Eastern Jin State and Min Zeguo have always been allies. Now that Min Zeguo has given many benefits to the Eastern Jin State, it is a bit difficult for the Eastern Jin State to send troops!" Gong Qinghua heard this. This thought of the relationship between several counties.

"It's difficult, but it's not impossible. I heard that the concubine of the Eastern Jin Dynasty is happy? If we kidnap the concubine of the Eastern Jin Dynasty, the Eastern Jin Dynasty won't be able to obey her!"

After hearing this, Gong Qinghua's eyes lit up, yes, it's hard not to believe it!

The bloodline of the Eastern Jin Dynasty’s royal family has always been rare!

The emperor of the Eastern Jin Dynasty had many concubines, but unfortunately most of them were daughters. The only sons were Zhuge Xin and Zhuge Jinquan. It is unknown why Zhuge Jinquan has not given birth to a son yet.

Now because the grandson of the Eastern Jin Dynasty is pregnant, the status of the prince's lineage is more stable.

etc! Gong Qinghua suddenly thought of something and asked:

"The grandson of the Eastern Jin Dynasty is the younger sister of Princess Rui, right?"

Zhuge Wenri is Princess Rui's brother-in-law. Zhuge Jinquan reminded himself early in the morning that Zhuge Wenri might cooperate with Shangguan Xuanyi to deal with Nangong Kingdom.

Zhuge Wenri grew up with Princess Rui in Shengpinghou Mansion of Minze Kingdom! Zhuge Wenri and Princess Rui, the two brothers and sisters, have a very good relationship!

Thinking that Zhuge Wenri grew up with Princess Rui, Gong Qinghua felt that he was really lucky!

"That's right! If we kidnap the concubine of the Eastern Jin Kingdom, not only the Eastern Jin Kingdom will have to submit, but also the Min Ze Kingdom will be restrained! Princess Rui cannot ignore her sister! And King Rui loves his wife as much as her life! Then he will not be able to We are no longer under our control! So as long as we kidnap the Dowager Princess of the Eastern Jin Dynasty, we can kill two birds with one stone!" Prime Minister Qin said, stroking his beard.

"Haha! Aiqing is right!" The dowager of the Eastern Jin Dynasty, the younger sister of Princess Rui, is definitely doomed!

Gong Qinghua swept away his recent gloomy mood!

At this time, the eunuch came in and said, "Your Majesty, Vice General Zhang wants to see you."

"Xuan!" Gong Qinghua said in a good mood.

After the deputy general came in, he told in detail the failure of Gong Zixuan's men to assassinate Shangguan Xuanyi and the other six!

"What a bunch of trash!" Gong Qinghua's good mood was gone. He was so angry that he had a toothache after hearing the news.

So many people were sent to assassinate six people, but they failed to kill them all, and they all killed them!

When word of this spreads out, everyone will suspect that the Nangong Kingdom's imperial troops are soft persimmons who can be crushed by others!

"King Rui of Minze Kingdom seems to be getting more and more powerful. If we don't get rid of this man, we will eventually be in serious trouble!" said the Prime Minister.

It’s a headache to have such powerful people in the enemy country!

"I know this too, but he's like a cockroach that can't be killed!" It's getting more and more annoying!

The most important thing is: based on the news sent back, it can be judged that Shangguan Xuanyi has become stronger than when he fought against him a few years ago! You can even fly up to the city with two people! Gong Qinghua was a little confused about how advanced his martial arts was!

But this is not the most important thing now!

The most important thing is the matter of the concubine of the Eastern Jin Dynasty.

Third update!

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