Hua Qing invited Shangguan Xuanyi in, and Xiaoer followed very consciously.

She glanced at Hua Qing's walking posture: This girl knows martial arts!

Hua Qing glanced at Xiaoer: Aren't you a servant? Why did you follow him in?

Shangguan Xuanyi noticed her surprise and said lightly: "Since we are chatting, let's come in together!"

Xiaoer also nodded: "Yes, my master is very rich. He was worried that the young master would be deceived, so he told me to follow him!"

Hua Qing: "."

Forget it, the servants are all prettier than their masters. Having one more normal person is better than looking at the person in front of you all the time.

"Sir, please sit down!" Hua Qing said softly.

Shangguan Xuanyi walked in and sat directly at the table.

The madam soon brought good wine and food in person, and even said a few good words before leaving.

Xiaoer was deliberately dissatisfied and said: "Mom, why don't you leave because you want to get a reward? We haven't even asked you to take back the 10,000 taels! Is just drinking worth 10,000 taels?"

After hearing this, the madam left in disbelief.

Hua Qing picked up the jug and was about to pour the wine, but Xiaoer immediately stepped forward and grabbed it: "I'll do it!"

Hua Qing: "."

Are you still here to drink wine? Of course, flower wine is interesting only when a girl pours it! One of his servants was rushing to pour the wine, so what was he doing here? Just stay at home and let the servant wait on you!

This way there is no need to stain her eyes! Hua Qing complained in her heart.

She glanced at Shangguan Xuanyi, and when she saw that he had no objection, she wisely stopped talking.

Anyway, it’s not her who’s losing!

Xiaoer didn't know Hua Qing's mental activities. After grabbing the wine bottle, she quickly poured something into her wine glass while Hua Qing wasn't looking. Then she poured another glass of wine for Shangguan Xuanyi. .

Hua Qing sat there and watched Xiaoer's movements with a smile. Her eyes inadvertently glanced at Xiaoer's Adam's apple, and then she remembered her master's words: Prince Rui and Princess Rui are masters of disguise!

Hua Qing's smile did not change. She calmly picked up the wine glass with her slender jade fingers, then put her hands on the wine glass and said to Shangguan Xuanyi: "Master, how about Qing'er feeding you a drink?"

Shangguan Xuanyi picked up the wine glass in front of him and took a sip directly.

Hua Qing's eyes flashed, she smiled slightly, then withdrew her hand and put the wine glass to her lips.

Just when she was about to drink it, the floor Xiaoer was standing on suddenly fell.

At the same time, Shangguan Xuanyi swung his long whip and circled Xiaoer's waist. At the same time, he flew a dart from his other hand towards Hua Qing.

too fast! The distance is too close!

Hua Qing had no time to resist, and the dart sank into her heart. She never expected that Shangguan Xuanyi could react so quickly. While saving Xiaoer with a whip, he could actually shoot a dart at herself.

Xiaoer jumped up with the force of the whip.

Shangguan Xuanyi pulled the whip hard and pulled her into his arms: "Are you okay?"

He just heard some noises.

Xiaoer shook her head: "It's okay. The Dark Sword was released when I fell. Fortunately, you reacted quickly, and I also reacted quickly and jumped up quickly."

Shangguan Xuanyi looked at her and made sure her feet were not injured before he felt relieved.

Xiaoer glanced at Hua Qing who was lying on the ground: "Throw her to the place where I fell just now! We have to enter the tunnel quickly, otherwise we will be in trouble if someone comes in and sees her!"

Shangguan Xuanyi nodded. He came to where Hua Qing was sitting just now and twisted her directly to where Xiaoer was standing. Then he found the mechanism under the table and kicked her. Hua Qing fell down and the floor reappeared. Closed.

The reason why he was able to react so quickly just now was because he had been secretly paying attention to her every move.

When her eyes glanced at Xiaoer's Adam's apple, he became wary!

So when she made a move, he also took action!

This competition is about who can move faster!

Fortunately, I am faster!

After doing all this, the two of them searched around and found the entrance to the tunnel and activated the mechanism. Shangguan Xuanyi triggered the mechanism and the two of them walked in.

This is a long tunnel, with a few oil lamps hanging on the walls on both sides and nothing else.

"Could it be that Emperor Taizu of Nangong Kingdom was entrusted to the world by a mouse?" Xiaoer asked as he walked inside.

"Huh?" Shangguan Xuanyi carefully paid attention to the movements in front and behind. After hearing Xiaoer's words, he didn't realize the meaning of her words for a moment.

"Especially good at digging holes!"

Shangguan Xuanyi thought of the past and smiled: "Maybe it is."

After that, neither of them spoke anymore. They walked light and fast. Two kilometers was not close but not too far. They would soon reach the end.

Xiaoer walked in front and slowed down.

Two intersections appeared at the end of the tunnel, and both of them stopped and did not move forward.

The golden python spoke at this time: "This secret passage is octagonal, a typical Bagua array, with the ten Heavenly Stems of A, B, C, Ding, Wu, Ji, Geng, Xin, Ren, and Gui respectively."

Xiaoer listened to the golden python's words and spoke them out to Shangguan Xuanyi.

The two of them began to mentally calculate where the eight gates were located.

A quarter of an hour later, Shangguan Xuanyi and Xiaoer discussed it.

The two of them walked to the right together.

The secret passages here are really dense, repeating themselves like a maze. Every intersection is the same as the one I just encountered. I keep walking. Half a quarter of an hour has passed, and there is still no end.

There is nothing around except walls and intersections!

The secret passage is very narrow, tight enough for one person to pass through, and even two people cannot walk side by side.

All in all, it was very depressing.

Shangguan Xuanyi took out a luminous pearl from the space to illuminate.

keep going forward.

Two quarters of an hour later, the two finally arrived at the last exit!

Shangguan Xuanyi has just taken the first step.

In a certain room, Gu Xuan was meditating with his eyes closed. At this time, the box placed next to him suddenly moved, and Gu Xuan quickly opened his eyes.

Xiaoer and Shangguan Xuanyi both clenched their swords and walked out of the last intersection, and then the place became obviously much wider.

In front of a staircase that was not too long, Shangguan Xuanyi signaled Xiao'er not to get close. He stood at the bottom of the staircase and wrapped his long whip around the doorknob, and gently opened a crack in the door.

As soon as the door opened a little, a huge force pushed the door open, a wave of heat rushed in, then there was a light of fire, and then fireballs rolled down the stairs one by one!

"Run!" Shangguan Xuanyi said quickly.

Xiaoer quickly turned around and ran back.

The fireballs chased closely behind the two of them, and the narrow space suddenly became sultry because of these fireballs.

The oxygen concentration in the air is getting less and less, and the smell of smoke is getting stronger and stronger.

Shangguan Xuanyi and Xiaoer ran very fast, both of them were covered in sweat, and they obviously felt that it was getting more and more difficult to breathe!

third chapter

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