Shangguan Xuanyi and Xiaoer ran very fast, both of them were covered in sweat, and they obviously felt that it was getting more and more difficult to breathe!

The path laid out by this formation is very narrow, and there is a lot of walking in circles. When they came in just now, it took both Shangguan Xuanyi and Xiaoer two quarters of an hour, that is, half an hour to complete the walk!

Now it would take ten minutes for the two of them to run out!

Ten minutes is so long! It is estimated that they all fainted due to lack of oxygen, and there was still a lot of smoke in the air! Inhaling too much smoke can also kill someone!

Xiaoer took out two handkerchiefs while running, soaked them with space water and handed one to Shangguan Xuanyi: "Brother Shangguan, cover your mouth and nose with the handkerchief. It won't feel so uncomfortable."

Shangguan Xuanyi took it and covered his mouth and nose. At the same time, he was thinking of a solution quickly in his mind as he ran. When passing a certain exit, he suddenly thought of something, then he stopped and punched through a wall. .

At this time the fireball went out and the oxygen in the air ran out!

Xiao'er just saw him breaking through a wall in this position, and he didn't need to say anything. After thinking about it, he immediately figured out why!

She immediately ran to another support point and pushed through the wall there.

Above these secret passages is a house, and the house above is supported by these walls!

In other words, as long as the key support points are opened up, the house will collapse.

As long as it is controlled properly, if half of the house collapses, fresh air will come in.

After the two destroyed several key points, they quickly ran to a supporting point on the other side and then "Boom!" the house collapsed.

Half of the house collapsed, and fresh air immediately penetrated into the secret passage.

Shangguan Xuanyi struck a certain place with his palm, and then with a "boom", a lot of dirt, rocks, wood chips flew out, and a piece of sky was exposed among the ruins.

Shangguan Xuanyi took Xiaoer and ran out quickly.

Gong Zixuan and Gu Xuan were still in the house. When they felt the ground shaking, everyone in the house quickly ran out.

They had just escaped when the house collapsed.

Gong Zixuan held Shangguan Wan in his arms. Shangguan Wan Ruru was in shock: I was scared to death! It almost turned into meatloaf!

Several people had just stood still and had not yet recovered from the aftermath of the disaster!

At this time there was another loud noise from the house!

They quickly looked over and saw two figures running out quickly amid the flying dust.

"Everyone, come together and capture them for me!" Gong Zixuan ordered his subordinates.

At the same time, he let go of Shangguan Wanru, drew his sword and rushed towards Xiaoer.

Although I have never met these two people, I know who they are without having to guess!

In this world, they are the only couple who have the ability to fight!

After hearing this, everyone immediately drew their swords and rushed towards Xiaoer.

Gu Xuan and his men also attacked Shangguan Xuanyi without saying a word.

Because both Xiaoer and Shangguan Xuanyi were wearing makeup, Shangguan Wanru didn't recognize them. She didn't know martial arts, so she quickly ran to the side with her child in her arms.

Xiaoer dealt with Gong Zixuan and others, Shangguan Xuanyi dealt with Gu Xuan and others, and they were inseparable.

While Xiaoer was dealing with Gong Zixuan's attack, she planned to deal with Gong Zixuan's obstructive men first, and then concentrate on dealing with Gong Zixuan!

"Princess Rui, I didn't expect that you wouldn't take the road to heaven, and there is no door to hell, so you insist on breaking in! Then don't blame me for being rude!"

"You are greedy for life and afraid of death. If I don't come to you, how can I do justice to you and deal with you!" Xiaoer replied unceremoniously.

"Xiao'er?" Shangguan Wanru said in shock when she heard a familiar voice.

"Isn't it the Xiao'er you have been thinking about so much? Didn't you say you could persuade Min Zeguo to take his troops back? Look, now they are all here to assassinate me!" Gong Zixuan said sarcastically.

"Stop fighting!" Shangguan Wanru said after hearing this.

Seeing her best friend and her husband killing each other, Shangguan Wanru was as anxious as an ant on a hot pot.

Xiaoer ignored Shangguan Wanru's words and dealt with the enemy in front of her seriously.

Gong Zixuan repeatedly tried to plot his own space and sent assassins to assassinate them! He even sent people to kidnap his own children! My own child was almost silenced by poison! I want to let him go! impossible!

Xiaoer eliminates one of Gong Zixuan's men.

"I didn't expect that after giving birth to the child, Princess Rui's martial arts would improve again!" Gong Zixuan couldn't help but praise Xiao'er when he saw how neatly he killed several of his men.

He sincerely praised Xiaoer. If Xiaoer was not his enemy, he could even say that he admired her!

It's a pity that she is her own enemy, she has what she wants! He is destined to be killed by himself!

"Of course I have improved a lot! This is a gift from King Ding. It's not like you sent people to assassinate us and snatch my child away three times! I would not practice martial arts so diligently and then come to you for revenge!" Xiao'er said as she swung her sword and hit Gong Zixuan's sword.

"Is this true?" After hearing Xiaoer's words, Shangguan Wanru looked at Gong Zixuan in disbelief.

"Of course it's true, you know I never lie! In order to kidnap the child, they even set fire to the imperial grandmother!" Xiaoer replied.

"Is what Xiaoer said true?" Shangguan Wanru looked at Gong Zixuan and asked.

"I kidnapped her child just to use the child to blackmail Min Zeguo and force them to retreat! I just asked people to think of ways to kidnap the child, and I didn't let them set people on fire." Shangguan Wanru and Gong Zixuan are not without feelings. of.

Non-vegetation, ruthless Practice makes perfect! If a person treats himself wholeheartedly, everyone will be moved!

What's more, in this world, Shangguan Wanru is the only person who is really good to him. Gong Zixuan knows that, so he explained.

But for him, the love between children seems insignificant in front of the tyrants in the world!

That is to say, Xiaoer's words are true! Gong Zixuan really set fire to his own imperial grandmother in order to kidnap Xiaoer's child! How can you do this! The imperial grandmother is my own grandmother! I have always loved myself! Xiaoer also saved her own life! Shangguan Wanru couldn't accept it for a while.

"It's not just that. Do you know who the child in your hands belongs to?" Shangguan Wanru didn't believe it! Today she will expose Gong Zixuan's face in front of Gong Zixuan.

"Nonsense, sowing dissension! Since you are like this, don't blame my subordinates for not keeping invitations!" Gong Zixuan listened to Xiaoer's words and used 100% of his skills to deal with her.

Xiaoer quickly dodged.

Gong Zixuan originally wanted to capture Xiao'er alive, but now Xiao'er plans to tell everything. Gong Zixuan doesn't know how much Xiao'er knows, but things like caesarean section to extract a child must not be spread, so He stepped up his offensive and would never allow her to speak out!

Chapter Four

keep it up!

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