Xiaoer didn't miss out on Gong Zixuan's swift offensive!

In these years, except when she was pregnant and in confinement, she did not practice martial arts. At other times, she practiced martial arts diligently in space!

Xiaoer concentrated on dealing with Gong Zixuan and several of his men, and soon several of his men were dealt with by Xiaoer.

Gong Zixuan didn't expect that the four of them would deal with Xiao'er together, and she wouldn't even be at a disadvantage!

Gong Zixuan glanced in the direction of Shangguan Xuanyi. Shangguan Xuanyi had already dealt with several of Gu Xuan's men, and now only Gu Xuan and his three men were left!

Both of these couples are perverts!

His martial arts skills are much better than those of humans!

How is this done?

There was only one Gong Zixuan left to deal with, so Xiaoer's offensive became even more fierce!

She must deal with Gong Zixuan as soon as possible, and then go help Shangguan Xuanyi!

The martial arts of Gu Xuan and Gu Xuan's subordinates are much stronger than those here!

Gu Xuan is the culprit of all crimes!

Shangguan Xuanyi's martial arts is already a little higher than Gu Xuan's, so he is definitely at a slight advantage!

Otherwise, he would not dare to bring Xiaoer to assassinate them!

Gu Xuan saw that none of his six subordinates and himself were a match for Shangguan Xuanyi, and he was even injured by Shangguan Xuanyi! And the injury is serious!

He knows he shouldn't fight anymore!

If you continue to fight, you will be the one who will die!

Gu Xuan quickly threw a bottle in Xiao'er's direction. At this time, three black things flew out of the bottle and flew towards Xiao'er.

Shangguan Xuanyi's expression changed when he saw this, and he quickly flew out three darts to shoot down the three black things one by one.

Although he didn't know what they were, he intuitively couldn't let them bite Xiao'er!

Guxuan’s stuff is definitely weird!

Gu Xuan took the opportunity to escape. His Qinggong was very fast and he flew far away in the blink of an eye and disappeared into the woods.

Shangguan Xuanyi wanted to chase him, but Gu Xuan's three men, desperate for their lives, quickly entangled him, launched a full-force attack, and stopped him!

Shangguan Xuanyi snorted coldly, and with a flick of his long whip, he wounded the three people who were attacking him!

Without Gu Xuan, he quickly solved these three people!

On Xiao'er's side, after she and Gong Zixuan had gone through more than a dozen moves, Gong Zixuan felt that he was no longer capable!

If this continues, he will definitely not be able to defeat him!

And Gu Xuan is gone! Is he keeping it to wait for death?

Gong Zixuan struck at Xiaoer's vitals with a sharp move, trying to take the opportunity to escape!

In order to fight quickly, Xiaoer turned sideways to avoid his attack. She didn't care if her arm was scratched by his sword, and went straight forward, hitting Gong Zixuan on the heart with a palm.

Gong Zixuan received Xiaoer's palm and flew out directly. He fell near Shangguan Wanru and vomited a mouthful of blood.

"Zixuan!" Shangguan Wanru screamed and quickly ran towards Gong Zixuan.

When Shangguan Xuanyi saw that Gong Zixuan had hurt Xiaoer, he shot a dart at Gong Zixuan.

"No!" Shangguan Wanru shouted when she saw this, and then she fell on Gong Zixuan.

The dart hit Shangguan Wanru in the back.

At this time, a man ran out of the house, quickly picked up Gong Zixuan, got on his horse and left.

Xiaoer wanted to chase him, but Shangguan Xuanyi quickly stopped him: "Don't chase him! Treat your wounds first! Your slap hit him very hard. He will definitely die if he is not treated in time!"

Gu Xuan is gone, what if Xiaoer's blood flows everywhere! That's trouble!

Xiaoer then remembered that her arm was bleeding. She glanced at her arm and saw that the wound was deep and of course there was pain.

Xiaoer immediately took out the pills and took one.

Shangguan Xuanyi came to Xiaoer's side, took out the golden sore medicine and sprinkled some powder on Xiaoer's wound, then took out gauze and carefully wrapped it around her.

After treating Xiaoer's wound, he glanced at the blood on the ground.

When Gong Zixuan injured Xiaoer, he paid careful attention to where Xiaoer's blood dropped. He quickly collected Xiaoer's blood on the ground together with the blood-covered sand.

In order to avoid missing it, the blood stains near where Xiaoer stood were collected.

After doing this, the two of them thought of Shangguan Wanru.

Xiaoer and Shangguan Xuanyi walked up to Shangguan Wanru at this time. The dart did not hit her vital part, but she fell into a coma due to excessive blood loss.

Shangguan Xuanyi glanced at Shangguan Wanru and frowned: "Help her pull out the darts and put some medicine on her. Don't let her die! Take her back and hand her over to Uncle Wang. Uncle Wang will let him do what he wants to do." Decide!”

There can't be any fools in the Shangguan family. Even if she dies, she must recognize the facts before she dies! When she finds out what she has done and who she trusted in the wrong person, she will probably be worse off than dead!

Besides, the royal family of Min Zeguo is so harmonious. The emperor and Prince An are brothers and sisters, and their relationship is so good!

That's because they will take each other's feelings into consideration and consider each other when doing things, and the emperor has always respected Prince An!

It would be best to leave Shangguan Wanru to Prince An! Treason is a capital crime! It is a capital crime to confiscate one's home and exterminate one's clan!

If Prince An is reluctant to let his daughter die! Save her life! Then he will always feel guilty and grateful to the emperor!

On the contrary, Shangguan Xuanyi killed Shangguan Wanru, or rather refused to save Shangguan Wan'erru! So even though Prince An knew it was reasonable, he would inevitably feel a thorn in his heart!

Because Shangguan Wanru is the daughter of Prince An. Although she died a worthy death, a daughter is still a daughter!

If Shangguan Xuanyi accidentally killed her by mistake, forget it if she died, but now she is not dead but refuses to save her. After Prince An finds out, even if he feels that this is what he should do, Prince An can pass that test in his heart, then Prince An Where is the princess? Shangguan Xuanyi believes that Princess An is not good enough!

Shangguan Wanru was the daughter they had held in their hands and loved for more than ten years. He believed that no matter how much they hated her, they would not bear to see her die!

Shangguan Xuanyi did not allow Shangguan Wanru to cause another thorn in Prince An's heart, destroying the current harmonious relationship and leaving hidden dangers in the future! So Shangguan Xuanyi decided to rescue Shangguan Wanru and hand it over to Prince An.

He always acted openly and honestly, and he only hurt her because she rushed to save Gong Zixuan. This was not wrong!

There is nothing wrong with killing her, but she is lucky! She has a good father, so she has to think twice about how to deal with her! He considered her father's feelings before leaving it to her father to deal with her!

In this case, Prince An has no shame in not dealing with Shangguan Wanru!

Shangguan Wanru doesn’t have the face to live!

Xiaoer understood the reason why Shangguan Xuanyi saved Shangguan Wanru. In order to avoid possible disasters in the future, Shangguan Wanru was of course saved.

However, if Shangguan Wanru woke up and knew all the truth, she would be worse off than dead.

You must know that Princess Ling'er is the best witness!

Xiaoer looked at Shangguan Wanru with mixed feelings.

She stepped forward and pulled out the dart from Shangguan Wanru's back.

"Ordinary gold wound medicine will do! It doesn't hit any vital points! Live and die as ordered!" Shangguan Xuanyi turned his back and said.

Xiaoer helped Shangguan Wanru get good medicine, found a carriage at the house, took Shangguan Wanru and Princess Ling'er's children and left.

Fifth update

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