Shangguan Xuanyi drove the carriage, while Xiaoer and Shangguan Wanru stayed in the carriage. When they returned to Erdong County, Xier and the others were relieved to see that they had returned safely.

Shangguan Xuanyi asked Zhao Yong to find a dental shop, buy a maid, and take care of the injured and unconscious Shangguan Wanru and Princess Ling'er's children on the way!

We can't let Xiaoer and Xier take care of them!

Then several people divided into two carriages and returned to Zezhou.

Shangguan Wanru, Princess Ling'er's children and the newly purchased maid were in a carriage driven by Zhao Yong.

Shangguan Xuanyi and Xiaoer were in a carriage, and Fang Shun was driving.

Xi'er and Shangguan Xuan Yao rode directly.

Shangguan Wanru woke up halfway on the way. Shangguan Xuanyi and Xiaoer's carriage were walking in front of them. They knew she was awake but did not see her.

Shangguan Wanru asked Zhao Yong how was Gong Zixuan; how was Xiaoer and the others; how was the Queen Mother? Zhao Yong didn't know anything about it. Then she knew that Zhao Yong had deliberately not told her, so she gave up.

Zhao Yong looks down on himself! So I don’t want to talk to myself.

Before leaving, Shangguan Xuanyi sent a letter to Li Guzi Feige, mentioning that Gong Qinghua and Gu Xuan were seriously injured.

After receiving the letter, Li Guzi immediately brought a few life-saving precious medicinal materials. In front of many people, he said that he would take his daughter to seek medical advice overseas, and then left Li Guzi.

He was hiding to prevent anyone from coming looking for medicine!

As for where to go after leaving? Li Guzi planned well! He went directly to the sea, then went to Wanli Shitang, and then went to Zezhou from Wanli Shitang to seek refuge with Shangguan Xuanyi.

Shangguan Xuanyi, who was rushing back to Zezhou, had no idea that his letter had caused trouble!

He just wanted to stop Gong Qinghua and Gu Xuan from seeking medicine.

Because the Li clan has existed for more than a hundred years, there are many poisons and precious medicines.

When they returned to Zezhou, the weather had become much colder.

When Xiaoer got off the carriage, a gust of cold wind blew by, and she couldn't help but shrink her neck.

Jing Hao and Gu Qiling knew they were back and came out to greet them. After seeing the ceremony, Jing Hao asked, "Is everything going well? Have you obtained the position of leader of the Li Clan?"

Xi'er said happily: "Of course I got it! Can this little thing stop me? My sister and I have become elders of the Li clan! It's just that we don't seem to get any benefits!"

Shangguan Xuanyi shrank his neck when he saw Xiaoer getting off the carriage and said: "Go back to the house first, it's windy here."

So the group entered the house again.

Gu Qiling chased Xier and asked about the poison fighting competition.

Shangguan Xuanyi and Jing Hao discussed court affairs.

Xiaoer made an excuse and went back to the house to take care of the child.

Now the child is nine months old and can stand up on his own while holding on to things. He even crawls around in the space and starts to learn to talk! Very cute.

After a while, Xiaoer planned to find an excuse to let her child appear in front of everyone.

Nowadays, children are no longer at the age where they go to bed after eating. They wake up for a longer time and prefer to crawl around and play with things.

Xiaoer laid a thick blanket on the floor in the space and placed some wooden blocks on it to play with them.

She played with them in the space for a long time, fed them, and then left the space.

At this time, Zhao Yong's carriage also arrived!

Zhao Yong's carriage was one step slower than Xiaoer's. Xiaoer ordered Zhao Yong to lock Shangguan Wanru and the child into the room where Princess Ling'er was.

Zhao Yong understood Xiaoer's intention as soon as he heard it.

This is to let Shangguan Wanru know the truth of the matter through Princess Ling'er's mouth.

They said that Shangguan Wanru might not believe it!

But Princess Ling'er is a victim - a victim who brought it upon herself!

Learn all the truth from Princess Linger! Only then can we clear Shangguan Wanru's head that has been dazzled by love?

The existence of Princess Linger and the child is irrefutable!

No wonder Shangguan Wanru doesn’t believe it!

Zhao Yong brought Shangguan Wanru to Princess Ling'er's house, and then said to Shangguan Wanru: "Princess, please live in this courtyard with Princess Ling'er! There are two rooms in this courtyard, one for each of you. When the prince comes, he will take you back to the imperial capital."

Locking two people in the same yard makes it easier to monitor them. If they are kept separately, it would be a waste of manpower.

Shangguan Wanru didn't say anything. She was so surprised when she saw Princess Ling'er. Why did Princess Ling'er become like this? She looked like she was ten years older!

Princess Ling'er stared closely at the child in Shangguan Wanru's arms.

Zhao Yong said at this time: "Princess Ling'er, your child has been rescued by the master!"

child! The child was saved!

After hearing this, Princess Ling'er immediately pounced on Shangguan Wanru and snatched the child away from her arms!

Princess Ling'er held the child in her arms and looked at her pale face and thin appearance. She had not grown much even after nine months. She couldn't help but shed tears: "Baby! Mother's beloved baby." , you are finally back with your mother!"

Shangguan Wanru looked at Princess Ling'er in shock: "What did you say? Is this child yours?"

Princess Ling'er glanced at Shangguan Wanru with disdain and said triumphantly: "Why, don't you know? This child is the child of me and Prince Nangong! Look, this child's features look like Gong Zixuan , the mouth looks like mine!”

Huh, didn't Shangguan Wanru, the real princess, always look condescending and look down on herself, a princess without royal blood?

Now her husband-in-law betrayed her and gave birth to a child with her, let's see how she can still be superior to her!

Princess Ling'er had obviously forgotten her own miserable experience at this moment!

This is simply a bolt from the blue!

Shangguan Wanru shook her head: "This is impossible! This child was born to Gong Qinghua and a girl from Hualou. The child's mother's name is Hua Qing!"

Princess Ling'er looked at her as if she were an idiot: "Can't I recognize the child I gave birth to? No, this child is not born to me! This child was cut open by Gong Zixuan. Belly, she was taken out! When this child was born, my belly was just seven months old! It didn’t grow well at all, my poor child! She was taken out forcibly! So as soon as she was born He is born with deficiencies and is weak and sick! Gong Zixuan is not a human being! He is inferior to a beast and must die a good death! Even his own children cannot bear to be treated like this."

As Princess Ling'er spoke, she finally remembered what happened to her. She couldn't help crying and cursing.

Shangguan Wanru shook her head and backed away, her face full of disbelief: "No, this is impossible! You lied to me! You must have lied to me!"

Princess Ling'er saw Shangguan Wanru's pale face, full of tears, and couldn't help but feel a flash of joy. How could she be the only one in this world to be so miserable! She has to find someone to live in hell with her!

Continue today and add more~~

Now is the first update.

I’ll post the second update after I finish my meal!

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