Princess Ling'er saw Shangguan Wanru's pale face, full of tears, and couldn't help but feel a flash of joy. How could she be the only one in this world to be so miserable! She has to find someone to live in hell with her!

"Why am I lying to you! Is there a birthmark on Gong Zixuan's butt? You should know this as well as I do! My child also has a birthmark on his armpit! If you don't believe me, you can take a look! She is me and Gong Zi Xuan Sheng's child! When Gong Zixuan was with me, you were also in Min Zeguo! He didn't look for you, only me!" Princess Ling'er said this with a proud tone.

When she was with Gong Zixuan, she felt really proud!

After all, this is Shangguan Wanru's husband, the prince of Nangong Kingdom.

I just didn’t expect that this was the beginning of a disaster!

After hearing Princess Ling'er's words, Zhao Yong looked at her proudly twisted face and couldn't help but shake his head: A woman's jealousy is really terrifying!

It was obviously because of this incident that she ended up like this, but she could still use this incident to show off to another person!

"No, this is not true!" Shangguan Wanru shook her head! She subconsciously refused to believe it, but she couldn't help but think:

Gong Zixuan did have a birthmark on his buttocks, and this child did have a birthmark on his armpit! Could it be that what Princess Linger said was true? But doesn’t Gong Zixuan hate dark-skinned women? He has a mysophobia, and he doesn't like when most people meet him!

But if it wasn't true, how could Princess Ling'er know that Gong Zixuan and this child had birthmarks? ! Such a private thing!

Shangguan Wanru shook her head: No, it’s not true! She's having a nightmare!

Princess Ling'er saw that she didn't believe it and continued: "It's not just that. Gong Zixuan faked his death. He just used your desire to avenge him to get Shen Xiaoer's blood! Gong Zixuan has a Guxuan master beside him , he knows how to do magic! They want to take away Shen Xiaoer’s blessing! Your children and mine are just tools for Gu Xuan’s magic!"

These things were all what she heard in a daze after she fell into a coma after giving birth by caesarean section and then woke up again!

Gong Zixuan and Gu Xuan didn't know they were awake either!

Princess Ling'er thought that Zhuan'er died suddenly because of Gu Xuan's method, and that she was given a caesarean section because Gu Xuan needed a child at that time to perform the method! Princess Ling'er couldn't help but scolded Gong Zixuan again: "Gong Zixuan is simply not a human being! He won't let go of his own children! He is simply worse than a pig or a dog! He is worse than a beast! He will definitely die a good death!... "

Princess Ling'er didn't know that Gong Zixuan and Gu Xuan wanted to take away Xiao'er's space by relying on their children. She thought that Gu Xuan's method of taking away Xiao'er's blessing would cause her child to die suddenly like Zhuan'er! That's why she asked Shangguan Xuanyi to save her child!

If she knew that the method was successful, the child would have Xiaoer's blessing, she would not think like this!

Zhao Yong glanced at Princess Linger: This person is a bit stupid!

Xiaoer's blood? Blessing? Shangguan Wanru's face turned even paler when she thought of something!

So Zhuan'er's death was actually caused by Gong Zixuan?

Shangguan Wanru thought of the way Gong Zixuan looked at Zhuan'er before, so gentle and loving, and that expression didn't look fake! No, she definitely doesn't believe this is true!

"No, this is not true! Zixuan will not kill Zhuan'er! I don't believe it! I'm going to ask him, Zixuan won't do this!" Shangguan Wanru kept shaking his head, his face full of disbelief. , she couldn't help pushing Zhao Yong away and ran out.

Xiaoer happened to walk in, and Shangguan Wanru bumped into Xiaoer. She quickly grabbed Xiaoer and cried and asked: "Xiaoer, tell me, Zhuaner was not killed by Zixuan, right? Ling'er County The Lord's child is not Zixuan's, right? He won't use Zhuan'er as a method to kill Zhuan'er, right? He likes Zhuan'er very much!"

"No! He was the one who killed Zhuan'er! If he hadn't asked for something that didn't belong to him, and Gu Xuan didn't use my blood method, he wouldn't have died! Princess Ling'er's child is indeed Gong Zixuan's! This child She was also born to be used by Gu Xuan to do magic! Otherwise she wouldn’t have been born with deficiencies! Gong Zixuan just keeps using you! Princess, wake up!"

"No! This isn't true! I don't believe it! I'm going to ask him! This isn't true! There must be a misunderstanding!" Shangguan Wanru shook her head vigorously. She let go of Xiaoer and wanted to run out.

Xiao'er became angry when she saw her looking crazy, and she still doesn't believe it even now! She was so angry that she grabbed her and slapped her: "That's enough! When will you wake up? You are doing this for a two-legged man, regardless of the life and death of your parents and brothers! You are risking the entire safety of the world!" Do you not care about the lives of hundreds of people in the Prince's Mansion?! Do you have to see everyone in Prince An's Mansion slaughtered before you can wake up! What good is that Gong Zixuan? I think he is worse than tofu! You actually He betrayed his country and made his parents and relatives unable to hold their heads high in the court! Do you know what it is like to be like this? You are cheating!

Think carefully about what happened after you married Gong Zixuan, from the miscarriage of your first child to what happened next! Can't you see it's a conspiracy? Can't you analyze Nangong Guo's conspiracy? Is there nothing else in your mind besides Gong Zixuan? "

Xiaoer glanced at Shangguan Wanru disheartenedly, and then said to Zhao Yong: "Lock her up, don't let her escape! When Prince An comes, we will send her back to the imperial capital!"

After Xiaoer said this, she strode away.

Shangguan Wanru was slapped by Xiaoer and fell to the ground. She looked at Xiaoer in shock. After hearing Xiaoer's words, she forgot to react for a moment. She didn't react until Zhao Yong came to pull her and shut her into the room. .

Xiaoer's heart was filled with anger. She walked into the room full of anger, and then when she saw Ri Geer's back, everything disappeared. She asked in surprise: "Ri Geer, why are you here?"

After Xiaoer said this, she realized that the atmosphere in the room was a little wrong, and everyone's expressions were also a little wrong.

"What happened?" Xiaoer had a bad premonition in her heart.

"Yun'er was kidnapped by others." Ri Ge'er turned around and glanced at Xiao'er.

At this time, Brother Ri's face was haggard. He had stubble on his face that he hadn't shaved for an unknown number of days. He had severe dark circles under his eyes and his clothes were in a messy state.

"When did it happen?" Xiaoer took a deep breath, suppressed her inner panic, and asked calmly.

Yun'er was pregnant. She was kidnapped and the journey was so tiring that Xiao'er didn't dare to think about it.

At the same time, Xiaoer's heart also burned with overwhelming anger: Gong Zixuan, Gong Qinghua, they are so damn capable! Time and time again, specifically doing such despicable things!

Second update...

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