"What happened? How did Yun'er avoid being taken away? Do you know who took her away?" Xiaoer took a deep breath, suppressed her anger and anxiety, and calmed herself down.

No matter how angry or anxious you are now, it won't solve the problem!

Yun'er is still in the hands of others!

The most important thing is to rescue her as soon as possible!

Although Xiaoer intuitively believed that Yun'er was abducted by people from Nangong Kingdom, it might not be the case as she thought.

But when Brother Ri appears here, Yun'er's matter is probably inseparable from those two things named Gong from Nangong State!

Princess Ling'er was right, the two brothers Gong Zixuan and Gong Qinghua were not people at all, they were just a thing! It’s not even a good thing!

After hearing this, Ri Geer handed a letter in his hand that was almost crushed by him to Xiaoer.

Xiaoer reached out and took it, opened it and took a look:

The content of the letter is probably that Yun'er is in their hands. If you want to rescue Yun'er, you must obey them obediently. You cannot join forces with Min Zeguo to deal with Nangong Guo, otherwise you will wait to collect the body!

As for what to say, the letter did not say. But everyone has a brain and can roughly guess what it is!

"The weather in the Eastern Jin Dynasty suddenly became freezing a while ago. Seeing that winter was about to come, the mother-in-law called on the wives of various governments to donate their unwanted old clothes and quilts to poor families.

Because Yun'er was pregnant, the mother-in-law didn't let her worry about it. She just stayed at home to raise the baby.

That day, my mother-in-law went out of the city to give alms, and I came into the palace to have something to do.

Yun'er stayed in the mansion by herself. Later, a commoner came to report that her mother-in-law had been kidnapped by a commoner.

After Yun'er heard the news, she immediately sent someone to deliver a message to me, and then she left the city herself.

When I arrived later, the coachman, maid, and guards who took Yun'er out of the city were all killed outside the city, and Yun'er was missing! And the story about the mother and concubine being robbed is false! However, there were disputes among the people there and there were also some accidents. "Ri Ge'er talked about the situation at that time.

"Are you sure Yun'er was taken out of the Eastern Jin Kingdom?" Xiao'er asked.

"I sent people to search everywhere, and I immediately thought that Yun'er must have been kidnapped by people from Nangong Kingdom, so I traced her all the way to Nangong Kingdom.

Then on the way to Shanghe County, I picked up a handkerchief belonging to Yun'er. "Ri Ge'er took out Yun'er's handkerchief and handed it to Xiao'er.

Xiaoer opened it and took a look: it was indeed Yun'er's handkerchief. Xiaoer had seen the embroidery on it thousands of times and would never admit it.

Half of the word was written in blood on the veil. Although it was not finished, it was enough for them to guess that it was the word "南".

"If people from the Nangong Kingdom kidnapped Sister Yun'er, they must have wanted to use Sister Yun'er to prevent us from sending troops!" Jing Hao said at this time.

"The two people named Gong from Nangong Kingdom kidnapped Yun'er. They just wanted to hijack us and threaten the Eastern Jin Kingdom. Yun'er's life should not be in danger for the time being. We won't send troops for the time being! We will wait until Yun'er is rescued. !" Xiaoer said.

"But since the people of Nangong Kingdom can kidnap Xiao'er, they must hide her well. It may be difficult to find and rescue her, especially since this is not our territory. We don't have much power in Nangong Kingdom. !" Jing Hao said.

"Having no power doesn't mean there is no power! People in the dark may be able to do things better!" Shangguan Xuanyi said at this time.

Yun'er and Xiao'er grew up together. Shangguan Xuanyi believed that he would remember Yun'er's scent during the day and would definitely be able to find Yun'er!

"This is what Nangong Kingdom had in mind. Not long after Yun'er was kidnapped, the emperor's grandfather received the news that Nangong Kingdom had borrowed 500,000 shi of grain from the Eastern Jin Kingdom." Ri Geer continued.

"Borrow food?" Xi'er repeated.

"Yes, borrowing food, not buying it!" Brother Ri was also angered by Nangong Guo's shamelessness.

"It's really shameless! What's the point of borrowing? Just say give it away! This is obviously a sign of borrowing and never looking back! I really want to poison the Nangong Palace and kill them all in one pot!" Xi'er Couldn't help but curse.

"This kind of hypocritical behavior is more shameless than a bandit! He still needs to borrow half a million dan! Why not give him the entire Eastern Jin Dynasty's state warehouse!" Gu Qiling said angrily after hearing this.

Xiao'er didn't speak. She asked Tian Tian if she knew where Yun'er was now.

I am feeling it during the day.

Jing Hao didn't say anything for a while, he was thinking of how to save Yun'er.

"Second brother-in-law, you are not really lending food to Nangong Kingdom, are you?" If you want to borrow it, you should inform yourself and ask yourself to develop a colorless and odorless poison that can be mass-produced, and put it into rice to kill Nangong Kingdom. Those shameless people were all poisoned to death in a pot of rice! Let them know that other people’s things are not so easy to take! Xi'er thought viciously in her heart.

"Can we not lend it? Yun'er is still in their hands! We are the swordsmen, and I am the fish and meat! The power of life and death is in the hands of others! Can we not agree?

However, half a million shi is a lot of grain. We used the excuse that there is not that much grain stored in the granary and the new grain has just arrived and has not been collected yet to delay the time!

But they can't delay it for too long, because they are afraid that if they delay it for too long, they will be disadvantageous to Yun'er! "The reason why Brother Ri came to Zezhou was to discuss with Xiaoer and the others how to save Yun'er!

He believed that Min Zeguo decided to attack Nangong Kingdom all of a sudden, so they must have a lot of spies in Nangong Kingdom. If both sides investigate together, they might be able to find Yun'er's whereabouts as soon as possible!

"You think, if we immediately send troops to attack the Nangong Kingdom and threaten the Dog Emperor of the Nangong Kingdom, if he does not hand over sister Yun'er, and our two countries join forces to overthrow the Nangong Kingdom, will the Emperor of Nangong release Sister Yun'er? ?" Xi'er asked.

"Isn't it what we are doing when the two countries unite to eradicate the Nangong Kingdom? It is for this reason that the Dog Emperor of the Nangong Kingdom sent people to kidnap Sister Yun'er! Use this to threaten us! Let the Eastern Jin Kingdom not help us , our Min Zeguo was also restrained because of this! This is their purpose! So no matter what, they will never let Sister Yun'er go! They will only keep threatening us with Sister Yun'er. If we are no longer threatened, they will Kill sister Yun'er." Shangguan Xuan Yao said.

It has to be said that Shangguan Xuan Yao has been able to hit the nail on the head when analyzing problems after spending so much time studying with the Imperial Master over the years!

"If that's the case, as long as we don't rescue sister Yun'er, won't we always be controlled by Nangong Kingdom? If Nangong Kingdom wants food, they will give it to them. If they want to withdraw their troops, we have to withdraw our troops?" Xi'er said angrily.

Although I know it is easy to get anxious when reading a book halfway through, but it only takes a few minutes for everyone to read a chapter, but it takes me several hours to code.

I was trying to go as fast as I could, but the speed was there.

Everyone is urging me to update, and I am impatient, but I really can’t hurry up.

Please be patient, little cuties.

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