So not long after Xiaoer returned to Zezhou, the stool was not even hot, so she had to get on the carriage and leave.

The Japanese brought a total of ten men along this journey. Now in order not to attract attention, he only brought two men.

Zhao Yong had to stay in Zezhou and wait for Shangguan Ruixi to come and take Guan Wanru back to the imperial capital.

Because Zhao Yong knew what happened and could explain it clearly in front of Shangguan Ruixi, Zhao Yong was not asked to drive this time.

Xiaoer brought Yangliu and Yangmei with her.

"We just came back from Yanziling! I know the shortcut to Yanziling and the shortcut from Yanziling to Jiangzhong County. Let me lead the way!" Xiaoer said to Brother Ri.

"Okay!" Ri Geer has no objection to this. He must not be as familiar with Nangong Kingdom as Xiaoer and others.

After all, they are attacking Nangong Kingdom, so they must have studied Nangong Kingdom thoroughly!

Several people drove day and night, and Yangliu and Yangmei took turns to catch the carriage.

Ri Geer's two men also took turns to drive the car.

After driving for five days in a row, we are about to catch up with Yun'er.


On the other side, after Yun'er was kidnapped, her hands and feet were tied up at first, but she heard one robber say to another robber: "Be careful, the master has told her not to let her stomach fall." Gone!"

After Yun'er heard this, her mind came alive!

So one moment she said she wanted to drink water, the next she said she needed to urinate, the next she said she was hungry and wanted to eat, and then she said her hands and feet had been tied for too long and were numb, all kinds of things!

At first, the robber ignored Yun'er, but later Yun'er pretended to have a stomachache, saying that pregnant women cannot be hungry or thirsty, otherwise they will feel dizzy! The carriage must not be bumpy, otherwise your stomach will hurt! Don't tie your hands and feet for too long, otherwise the blood will not flow and it will be bad for the child! Yun'er also pretended to be weak.

In short, we will not give up until the robbers compromise!

The robber was a man, not yet married, but he was always careful when seeing those ladies and nobles in the palace getting pregnant, and they were worth a lot of money!

He took a look and Yun'er's complexion was indeed not good, so he didn't dare to be careless!

The most important thing is that in just two hours, he was annoyed by Yun'er, she was so tormenting!

In order to keep his ears clean next, he could only untie Yun'er's hands and feet, and then chain one of her legs to the carriage so that she could not escape.

In order to prevent her from going hungry, when passing through a certain town, he even asked the robber who was driving the car to buy some steamed buns and some snacks and come back, so that he could stop Yun'er's mouth when she said she was hungry.

After preparing all this, he finally calmed down.

Since her hands and feet were not tied, Yun'er has become obedient. When she was hungry or thirsty, she helped herself to something to eat.

Seeing this, the robber felt that she was still aware of current affairs.

Yun'er has always been obedient, sleeping after eating. Of course, she pretends to be asleep most of the time. Her obedient and obedient appearance soon made the robbers relax their vigilance.

Yun'er was sitting by the window of the carriage. When the robber wasn't paying attention, she used gestures like scratching an itch to throw something out of the carriage, leaving some clues so that Brother Ri could find her.

She lost her ring and her earrings, all small jewelry that was difficult for the robbers to detect.

As for that handkerchief, she bit her finger and planned to write the character "南" while the robber was dozing off. Unexpectedly, after only three strokes, the robber showed signs of waking up, and she could only throw the handkerchief away in a hurry. .

Those small jewelry may have been picked up by passers-by. I hope no one picked up the bloody handkerchief! Yun'er thought.

After driving for more than half a month, Yun'er was very obedient and did not try to escape.

The robber was also very satisfied with this. He couldn't help but ask Yun'er: "Why don't you think of a way to escape?"

Yun'er rolled her eyes at the robbers: "I'm still pregnant with a child! How can I run? I guess I didn't run very far before you caught up with me! And I don't want anything to happen to my child! So I can only wait for me My husband is here to save me!"

It turns out it’s for the baby in my belly! The robber thought it made sense when he heard it. He really couldn't run away with a ball!

Next, Yun'er was equally well-behaved, and they relaxed their vigilance even more.

Yun'er said that the carriage was too fast and she had a stomachache. Seeing that Yun'er was so obedient, they would cooperate with her to slow down the carriage.

On this day, they finally passed through Yanziling and came to a place called Jiangzhong County.

Yun'er remembered that Brother Ri had mentioned that Min Zeguo had captured Jiangyang County in Nangong Kingdom! She thought Jiangzhong County and Jiangyang County should not be far apart!

Or you can take the opportunity to escape here and then go to Jiangyang County for help!

So when passing by a certain restaurant, Yun'er said: "My stomach hurts so much. The buns this morning must be leftovers from last night and are not fresh! I have diarrhea! Find a place to park quickly!"

After Yun'er said this, she farted.

The robber's face was full of disgust in an instant. He quickly stuck his head out of the carriage and saw a restaurant and said: "Stop the car! Let her go down for a while first, it stinks!"

This is when Yun'er passed through the town yesterday, she saw a roasted sweet potato seller, and deliberately let the robbers buy a few, and ate them to disgust them!

She knew that if she ate too many sweet potatoes, she would easily fart!

I didn't expect the effect to be so good. This fart was released just in time! It’s just God helping me! Yun'er thought happily.

Then the carriage stopped.

The robber took Yun'er into the restaurant and borrowed the hut.

As Yun'er walked, she looked around at her surroundings to see if there was any chance of escaping.

The huts of the restaurant are located in the backyard of the restaurant, with four in a row.

Yun'er entered one of the huts, and the robbers guarded the door to prevent her from escaping.

After Yun'er entered the latrine, she took off her coat and put it on inside out.

It just so happens that she designed this coat to be reversible. The inside and outside are two completely different styles!

This method is still a tip given by Xiaoer, saying that the shop can make a kind of reversible outer shirt for sale, so that when customers buy one such dress, it is equivalent to buying two different clothes, and they will definitely feel that it is a good deal. !

After Yun'er put her clothes on inside out, she scattered her hair and tied it into a bun casually.

At this time, the robber outside had been waiting for a long time and said impatiently: "Are you ready? Why did it take so long!"

"I have diarrhea! Will it be soon? I told you I can't eat stale food!" Yun'er replied pretending to be aggrieved.

"It's really troublesome. You can eat as long as you have something to eat!" the robber replied impatiently.

After Yun'er changed her appearance, she held her breath, took out a pill from her arms, and crushed it.

Immediately, there was a peculiar smell in the air. Yun'er picked up the hem of her clothes and fanned herself, so the smell of the pills mixed with the stench of the latrine floated out.

The fifth update is finally finished!

Thank you to Rainbow at Dawn and Looking forward to 1977 for the reward, and thank you to the book friends who voted.

Good night everyone

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