The robber who was guarding outside the hut smelled a foul smell and frowned in disgust. He quickly took two steps back. Unexpectedly, he fainted just after taking two steps back.

Yun'er was in the latrine. She heard the sound of falling to the ground outside, so she quickly opened the door of the latrine and walked out.

She looked around and saw no one!

Fortunately, it's not dinner time, and there are no customers in the restaurant yet.

Because they need to work while eating, most of the waiters in the restaurant will eat in advance before the meal arrives to prepare for the upcoming meal, so there is no one near the hut.

Yun'er knew that most restaurants would leave a back door in the backyard to facilitate the entry and exit of people transporting food and swill.

She guessed the direction of the back door according to the restaurant's seating directions.

It is said to be a back door, but it is actually a side door, because the back door does not really open at the back of the restaurant, most of them open on the left and right sides!

Yun'er found the back door of the restaurant, opened it, quickly turned right and walked out.

Yun'er held her belly and walked very fast. She had to hide before the other robber discovered her.

The end of this alley is almost here! As long as you turn a corner, you will be safer. At least the robber will not know which direction he ran when he found it through the back door!

Yun'er glanced behind her and saw that no one was coming out, so she quickened her pace even more, almost jogging.

If she wasn't carrying a child in her belly, she would have wanted to run away!

The robber who was waiting outside the restaurant to catch his car saw that the two of them had not come out for so long. He was worried that something had happened, so he walked in.

As soon as he saw his companion lying on the ground outside the hut, he quickly ran to the back door of the restaurant.

Seeing that the turning point was coming, Yun'er felt happy and quickened her pace. When she reached the turning point, she turned right and continued to escape.

There is an intersection two hundred meters ahead. As long as she turns into it, it will be safer!

Yun'er held her stomach and walked as fast as she could, even trotting. She encouraged herself in her heart: It's almost time! Soon! Coming!

The robber ran out of the back door and glanced left and right: no one was seen.

He subconsciously turned right and ran towards the end of the alley quickly.

He just ran to the end of the alley, glanced left and right, and happened to catch a piece of clothing in an alley on the right!

The color of the clothes is different from what the big-bellied woman is wearing.

Then the big-bellied woman shouldn't be able to find clothes to change in such a short time, right? He hesitated for a moment, then ran to the right.

You'll be out on the street soon! Yun'er looked a little excited as she watched the people passing by in front of her!

Going out of this alley, you're already a little far away from the restaurant's door! As long as she ran out of the street and found a shop to hide in, it would be even harder for the two robbers to find her!

If the robber was sitting on the carriage, even if he ran out of the street, he probably wouldn't notice him, Yun'er thought as he ran!

The robber ran to the intersection and saw Yun'er's back running away quickly!

Although the clothes and hairstyle were different, he still shouted: "Stop, don't run!"

After hearing this voice, Yun'er looked back subconsciously, and then she wanted to slap herself! Why did you just turn around and let him see what you looked like!

Yun'er couldn't care anymore and ran quickly!

It's hard to find an opportunity. If you are captured, it will be even harder to find an opportunity to escape next time!

And those two people will never be polite to him like before!

Yun'er was extremely anxious, but she was also worried about the child in her belly, so she didn't dare to run with all her strength.

The robber was not sure whether this person belonged to Yun'er, but why was a pregnant woman running around in such a panic? So he shouted, and then Yun'er turned around as expected!

Although he only saw one side of Yun'er, he was already sure that it was Yun'er!

"Stop! I want to run! ... No way!" the robber shouted.

But Yun'er ran faster.

You can successfully run to the street before you see it! He was discovered so quickly! Yun'er was so anxious that she shouted: "Help! Robbery! Help! Robbery! Robbery!"

People on the street looked over when they heard the sound. They saw a pregnant woman chasing a man, and then Yun'er yelled robbery!

Everyone is angry!

"Is there any humanity left? Even pregnant women are being robbed!" A farmer happened to be passing by carrying a load of vegetables. Seeing this, he immediately put down the load of vegetables, picked up the load and ran towards the two of them. go!

Other somewhat bloody people also ran into the alley.

When the farmer ran up to her, Yun'er said, "This big brother! He's robbing you! Save me!"

Yun'er ran behind Zhuang Caohan and panted.

Zhuangmao Khan ran to the robber who was chasing him, picked up the pole and struck him down.

The people who came from behind, some carrying baskets and some holding the things they had just bought, started beating the robber head-on!

"He dares to rob in broad daylight. Beat him to death to see if he still dares to do such a heartless thing!"

"Beat him to death! He is so unconscionable! Even the big-bellied women are going to rob him! This kind of people specializes in bullying old, weak, women and children!"

"That's right! Beat him to death! He's so crazy and inhumane! Even the big-bellied woman will rob him! If someone dies, wouldn't it be one corpse and two lives?"

"You can't let this kind of person go! Send him to the government and behead him! Otherwise, you don't know who will be robbed next time!"

Everyone hates robbers and thieves. Many people have had their money bags stolen when they went to the market, so they hate these people!

Yun'er saw someone stopping the robber, and more and more people were walking into the alley, obviously wanting to watch the fun!

If you don’t leave now, when will you wait?

She walked against the person walking towards her and left quickly!

The robber was surrounded by several people and was beaten. While he was stopping him, he shouted loudly: "Stop! That person is an important criminal in the court, and she was asked to run away!"

But his voice was drowned out by the angry curses, and those who were so excited at the moment did not hear what he said clearly!

Just hit hard!

The robber was so angry that he couldn't help but kicked away the farmer who was holding the burden to beat him, and then took out the token on his body: "Stop! I am the imperial guard of the imperial court! I was ordered to catch the fugitive! That woman He’s a fugitive!”

As soon as the token was displayed, everyone was frightened!

The alley suddenly became quiet!

Although they didn’t know whether the brand of the stick was real or fake, everyone didn’t dare to hit or scold him any more!

Seeing that everyone was frightened, the robber quickly ran to chase Yun'er!

It wasn't until the robber ran out of the alley that everyone came to their senses!

"Oh my God! That pregnant woman is actually a wanted criminal in the imperial court? It doesn't look like it!"

"Yes! She looks like a fairy! I thought she was a lady from some family!"

"Looking at her clothes, she looks like she is rich or noble!"

“You really can’t tell a person by his appearance!”

Everyone sighed a few words and then left.

First update, it’s a bit late today.

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