After Yun'er ran out of the street, she hadn't found a suitable shop to hide in.

The robber ran out, and Yun'er completely angered him!

As soon as he saw Yun'er, he threw the dagger in his hand!

run! Look where else she can run!

Damn it, he actually caused himself to be beaten up by the common people!

Watching the dagger fly out.

Pedestrians on the street couldn't help shouting: "Oh my God! Murder!"

Yun'er turned around subconsciously and saw a dagger approaching. Her eyes widened in fear and she had no time to avoid it.

Just when the dagger was about to sink into Yun'er's thigh, there was a sound of "Qiang!" and a dart missed the dagger.

Yun'er was so frightened that her steps were messy, she accidentally tripped on her feet and fell to the ground.

At the same time, on the other side of the street, when the robber threw the dagger, two darts flew out of a carriage one after another: one dart penetrated the robber's heart, and the other dart penetrated the robber's heart. Knocked the dagger down.

That "Oh my God! Murder!" was screamed out because someone saw darts and daggers flying everywhere!

When Xiaoer flew out the dart, Ri Geer also flew out of the carriage.

He came behind Yun'er, grabbed Yun'er's arm, and wanted to pick her up. Before he could say anything, Yun'er punched him in the face with her backhand and shook his hand away. "Don't touch me!"

It hurts her to death!

Hand Pain! Knee pain! My stomach hurts too! Yun'er couldn't help but get angry! I ran for a long time! Can you not be angry if you still fall into the hands of robbers?

Yun'er turned around and glared at the robber fiercely, then was dumbfounded.

Ri Ge'er was unprepared and was suddenly hit by Yun'er until his nose started to bleed. He couldn't hide his grievance in his voice: "Yun'er, it's me!"

When Yun'er saw it was Brother Ri, she burst into tears: "Why did you come here! My stomach hurts! My hands hurt, and my feet hurt too!"

Brother Ri didn't care about his nosebleed. He quickly picked up Yun'er and said, "I'm sorry, I'm late! Let's go see the doctor!"

At this time Xiao'er also came over: "Yun'er, are you okay?"

"My stomach hurts a little!" Yun'er told the truth.

After hearing this, Xiaoer immediately took out a bottle from her arms, poured out a pill, and handed it to Yun'er's mouth: "Take it!"

Yun'er opened her mouth and ate.

"Hurry up and get on the carriage, the officers and soldiers will be here soon!" Shangguan Xuanyi came to the three of them and said.

At this time, Yang Liu and Ri Geer's men also drove the carriage to their side.

So Ri Geer quickly ran Yun'er into the carriage.

"Brother Shangguan, you can take the carriage by yourself!" Xiaoer was worried about Yun'er and followed Ri Ge'er into the carriage.

Shangguan Xuanyi glanced behind him and saw that there were already officers and soldiers, and a fast horse was coming!

He didn't say anything and quickly got on the carriage!

The two carriages drove away quickly.

Ri Geer's men drove the carriage very fast while shouting: "Get out of the way! Get out of the way!"

The street was originally very wide, and the middle was left for carriages to pass by. Pedestrians walked on both sides. When everyone heard the sound, they all gave way to the side!

When the two carriages were approaching the city gate.

Ri Geer's men shouted: "Get out of the way! Get out of the way!"

People queuing up to leave the city turned around and saw two carriages running towards them at a speed so fast that they ducked away!

At this time, the man on horseback was about to catch up. He shouted: "Close the city gate! Close the city gate! Don't let the prisoner escape!"

After hearing this, the soldiers guarding the city quickly ordered: "Close the city gate! Close the city gate quickly!"

The soldiers on both sides of the city gate quickly chased him out.

When the inspecting soldiers saw someone trying to break out, they quickly raised their spears to stop them!

"Get out!" Ri Geer gave an order. He and one of his subordinates sat on either side of the carriage. When the carriage passed the city gate, the two of them swung their swords to kill the soldiers who were blocking them.

The carriage rushed out at once.

The carriage carried by Yangliu was a few steps behind Brother Ri and his carriage.

After Ri Geer's carriage passed by, the city gate was half closed. When it was their turn to pass by, only half of the horse's head passed.

The soldiers guarding the city didn't care and just used force to close the city gate! If the assassin escapes, they will behead him!

The horse let out a scream, and its head was forcibly severed.

The soldiers guarding the city held their spears and stabbed the willows and bayberries on the carriage.

Yangliu and Yangmei quickly waved their swords to block.

Shangguan Xuanyi flew out from the roof of the carriage. He whipped out, and a circle of soldiers flew out.

Then Shangguan Xuanyi rolled up his long whip and rolled up the willows and bayberries standing on the carriage. Then he twisted the willows and bayberries with the whip and quickly used Qinggong to jump to the city.

Yangliu and Yangmei held the whip tightly with one hand and the sword with the other to prevent it from falling.

The general who rode over saw it and quickly took out a dagger, raised his hand and flew the dagger away.

The dagger and the golden whip collided together, sending out a burst of sparks, and then the dagger broke in half and fell down.

When Yangliu and Yangmei saw this, they used their swords at the same time to hit the dagger that was broken in half, and then the dagger that was broken in half flew towards the man on the horse.

The horseman reacted very quickly. He quickly pulled the reins of the horse, and the horse leapt forward with a roar.

In an instant, the two daggers were buried in the horse's neck.

The general on horseback originally wanted to cut off the whip and let the two men fall!

He never expected that the whip did not break, but his sharp dagger did!

Moreover, the two men knocked back the two daggers with their swords and shot their own horses to death!

If he hadn't reacted quickly, he would have died!

He used Qinggong, left the horse, landed on the ground, raised his head, and saw Shangguan Xuanyi leaping onto the city with Yangliuyangmei for more than ten battles.

Shangguan Xuanyi held a long whip in one hand, dragging willows and bayberries; he held a sword in the other hand. When he was approaching the city, he swung the sword out, and then the soldiers standing on the city stabbed him with spears. , and was forced to take a few steps back by the sword energy!

Then Shangguan Xuanyi landed on the city wall, then stepped on the heads of the two soldiers, flew to the other side and jumped down, throwing the two people on the whip away.

"Get in the carriage!" Shangguan Xuanyi threw Yangliu and Yangliu towards the carriage where Brother Ri was.

Yangliu and Yangmei were ready when the whip was released. When the two flew out, they quickly adjusted their postures, then landed on the ground with one foot, then tiptoed a little, and used their strength to use Qinggong to jump onto the carriage. .

Shangguan Xuanyi also landed on the roof of the carriage at this time.

The soldiers guarding the city watched the carriage drive away with a burst of dust flying.

Second update

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