In the carriage, Xiaoer confirmed that Yun'er was not bleeding, that she had taken medicine, and that her stomach pain gradually subsided. She helped Yun'er deal with the wounds on her hands and knees, which were caused when she fell to the ground. Bruised.

"If Yun'er encounters such a situation in the future, don't run away, wait for us to rescue you, you know? We will definitely find you and rescue you!" Xiaoer remembered that she was on the carriage just now and almost died when she saw the dagger. After inserting it into Yun'er's leg, she was so frightened that her heart almost jumped out.

"Yes! We will definitely rescue you! Yun'er, don't run away next time. The scene just now almost scared me to death! What if we are a step late, or the darts don't shoot down the dagger? Moreover, You have a big belly and you can't run fast! For the sake of yourself and your children, if this happens again in the future, you just have to wait for someone to save you, you know?"

After hearing this, Yun'er couldn't help but roll her eyes at the two of them: "Why will we encounter such a situation in the future! You still think that I will be kidnapped in the future!"

"No, I'm just giving you an example. Your behavior is too dangerous!" Ri Geer said quickly after hearing this.

How could he possibly think that Yun'er would encounter something like this again in the future!

"I heard them say that this is Jiangzhong County, and then I thought that Jiangyang County and Jiangdong County of Nangong Kingdom had been captured by Min Zeguo. I guessed that Jiangyang County and Jiangdong County should not be far away from Jiangzhong County. Far away! And you haven’t come here for so many days!

I didn't know when you would find me, so I tried to escape by myself and planned to run to Jiangyang County for help. "

She didn't know if Brother Ri could find her, and how long it would take to find her, ten days, a month, a year or a few years? she does not know!

And she knew that escaping in Jiangzhong County was her only chance to be sure of saving herself, so she took the risk.

Or maybe the experience of being taken away as a child was too fresh in her memory, making her very insecure.

She was afraid of waiting too long!

That sentence "And you haven't found me for so many days" made Brother Ri feel sad. Others may not understand the fear in Yun'er's heart, but he understands!

Brother Ri held Yun'er in his arms: "I'm sorry! I'm late!"

Xiao'er also understood, and her heart felt like a stone was pressed on her: "Yun'er, we will definitely find you! Sister will definitely find you soon! I promise!"

Seeing that the faces of the two of them were a little solemn, Yun'er quickly said: "I know! I know you will try your best to find me! But I also have to work hard to do something to make it easier for you to find me, right! You don't know, I How secretly you left clues along the way!"

Yun'er quickly changed the subject so that the two of them wouldn't be upset. She told how she made a scene and then took the opportunity to throw some small objects out of the carriage and let the two robbers relax!

Ri Ge'er heard this and touched Yun'er's head: "Fortunately you lost that veil, otherwise I really wouldn't have found you so quickly."

Yun'er frowned deliberately after hearing this: "Is it too soon? I'll wait until my belly is full! If you don't come, I plan to let the child recognize someone else as his father after he is born!"

"How dare you!" Brother Ri pretended to be angry.

"Then give it a try!" Yun'er said.

"I won't try! I won't give you this chance!" Ri Geer promised.

Yun'er smiled: "That's good!"

Xiaoer watched the interaction between the two and smiled.

The carriage rushed all the way to Zezhou.

They bought another carriage in a small town halfway. Xiaoer also had to go into the space to take care of the children. It was really inconvenient to have only one carriage.

Along the way, because Yun'er was a pregnant woman, the carriage didn't move very fast. By the time they returned to Zezhou, it was already December!

The weather is getting colder and colder. Although it won't snow, there will be frost. When I wake up every morning, my fingers and toes will be aching from the cold.

Because the weather was too cold, Yun'er's belly was getting bigger and bigger, and the journey back to the Eastern Jin Kingdom was not close, and Ri Ge'er was about to lead troops to attack Nangong. After some discussion, Yun'er stayed in Ze. State, I will not return to the Eastern Jin Kingdom for the time being.

In Zezhou, with Xiao'er, Jing Hao, and Xi'er around, Yun'er won't be bored. With them taking care of Yun'er, Ri Ge'er will feel more at ease.

So on the way back to Zezhou, Ri Geer sent someone back to report: Yun'er has been found, but she has fetal gas and is not suitable for a long journey, so she plans to stay in Zezhou and wait until the child is born next year before returning to the Eastern Jin Dynasty. country.

After An Yi received Ri Ge'er's letter, she sent several palace maids who knew martial arts and a nun to take care of Yun'er.

When they returned to Zezhou, the people sent by Anyi had already arrived.

Shangguan Ruixi also came to Zezhou. He did not take Shangguan Wanru and Princess Ling'er back to the imperial capital. Instead, he waited for Shangguan Xuanyi to return.

When Shangguan Xuanyi saw that Shangguan Ruixi was still there, he asked, "Why don't you go back to the imperial capital? Can't you go back in time for the New Year?"

"The road has been blocked due to heavy snow. I won't go back until after the New Year. I heard that you are preparing to attack Jiangzhong County, so I decided to stay and help! And I also want a killer to kill Gong Zixuan for revenge." Shangguan Ruixi's reason for staying is actually I just want to kill Gong Zixuan with my own hands!

This man is so hateful! Shangguan Wanru was deceived so miserably! Their whole family was almost dragged in! How could he not hate it!

Even if you don't kill your enemy with your own hands, it's hard to understand the hatred in your heart!

He had no choice but to stay in the imperial capital before, but now that he has come to Nangong Kingdom, he doesn't want to leave!

When he came, he made up his mind to kill Gong Zixuan before going back.

After Shangguan Xuanyi heard this, he looked at him with disdain: "You can't beat him!"

"." If you don't have such ambition to grow up with others, you will destroy your own prestige!

Shangguan Ruixi decided not to talk to him! Otherwise, you will have doubts about your life!

Shangguan Xuanyi also ignored him!

The next step is to attack Nangong Kingdom, and he is busy!

Shangguan Xuanyi, Shangguan Xuanjun, Di Shaowei, and Ri Geer went to the study together to discuss sending troops.

The Chinese New Year is almost here, and we will celebrate the Chinese New Year after winning the battle, just in time!

Several people discussed in the study for a day how to better send troops between the soldiers of Min Zeguo and the soldiers of Eastern Jin Dynasty.

After the discussion was completed, Ri Geer immediately returned to the Eastern Jin Kingdom to arrange the dispatch of troops.

Nangong Kingdom

After Gong Qinghua learned that the concubine of the Eastern Jin Dynasty had been rescued by Shangguan Xuanyi and others in Jiangzhong County, he sent a letter to the people over there, urging the Eastern Jin Dynasty to hand over the 500,000 shi of grain!

Even if you only get half of it, it’s better than getting nothing at all!

pity! He is still a step too late! Brother Ri also sent the message back immediately!

All the hard work was in vain, and I didn’t catch even a grain of rice! I also received a secret report from Zhuge Jinquan, saying that the Eastern Jin Dynasty was preparing to send troops to attack Bijiang County!

Gong Qinghua was so angry that he decided to conquer it himself!

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