In this month of the twelfth lunar month, the weather is unusually cold, and it even rained recently!

Shangguan Xuanyi discussed with everyone and decided to send troops after Laba.

Since Shangguan Ruixi would not return to the imperial capital, Shangguan Xuanyi sent Feng Sheng to secretly send Princess Ling'er and Shangguan Wanru back to the imperial capital before sending troops.

To avoid any accidents, Xiaoer put on makeup for both of them so that no one would recognize them.

When Xiaoer heard that Shangguan Ruixi had arrived, she scolded Shangguan Wanru severely and slapped her twice. Then Shangguan Wanru kept crying and stopped talking when she woke up the next day!

She was probably hit too hard, so she was always immersed in her own thoughts, and she didn't deserve anyone to talk to her.

Xiaoer knows that she can't get over the hurdle in her heart, and hopes that she can wake up and repent. There are still many people in this world who love her.

But she doesn’t know what fate awaits her when she returns to the imperial capital?

She was the one who led people to steal the battle plan and food transportation. Even if they could forgive her, the ministers and soldiers of the court would not be happy!

Although Prince An has already compensated all the fiefdoms for this, compensation does not mean that he will not be punished!

As for Princess Ling'er's child, after she returned to Princess Ling'er, Princess Ling'er didn't know how to take care of her. She accidentally smothered her at night and was gone the next day.

Princess Ling'er cried so much that Princess Ling'er also became a little crazy.

Everyone in this world has his own destiny, and every step he takes paves the way for his own destiny tomorrow.

Dishovi led the army and blew the trumpet again.

Di Shaowei, Shangguan Xuanyi, Shangguan Xuanjun, and Feng Qing divided their troops into four groups and went to Pingyao County to start the battle.

Not long after they started fighting in Pingyao County, Ri Geer also led 50,000 soldiers to fight with the soldiers of Nangong Kingdom in Bijiang County.

Xiaoer did not participate in this battle, but news would come back every day, and Xiaoer knew that everything was going well for them.

Shangguan Xuanyi wrote a book to Xiaoer Feige saying: The army is preparing to break the city on the 20th day of the new year!

Ri Ge'er's attack on Bijiang County went well. He also planned to break the city on the 20th day of the year and then come back to spend the New Year with Yun'er.

The New Year is coming soon. Xiaoer will stay in Zezhou in addition to helping Jing Hao deal with things. At the same time, she also needs to prepare the soldiers for the New Year.

It's been almost a year since the attack on Nangong Kingdom. The soldiers can't go home for the New Year, so naturally I have to give them some comfort.

The most important thing is that I can’t go home to celebrate the New Year this year, and I probably won’t be able to go home to celebrate the New Year next year, so Xiaoer plans to prepare a sumptuous New Year’s Eve dinner for everyone.

There was a lot of meat in Xiaoer's space, but she always needed an excuse to take it out, so she planned to take people into the woods to hunt on the 26th of the New Year.

After returning from hunting, it is estimated that Shangguan Xuanyi and the others have returned victorious and can just celebrate.

It had been raining coldly for several days, but on the 26th of the New Year, the weather finally cleared up.

Xiao'er took a few soldiers with her to hunt in the woods.

When Xi'er heard about this, she immediately said that she would follow. Shangguan Ruixi and Shangguan Xuanyao were both arranged to stay in Zezhou to guard. They knew that Xiaoer was going to the dense forest to hunt some prey to celebrate the soldiers' triumphant return. Want to follow.

Xiao'er didn't refuse when she saw this, because the dense forest was not far away, and there were more prey there, and she would be back soon.

Xiaoer took them through the Death Grassland and headed for the dense forest.

The Death Grassland was arranged by Shangguan Xuanyi, but as soon as Xiaoer stepped into the Death Grassland, she realized something was wrong. She quickly shouted: "Stop! Don't leave!"

"What's wrong?" Xi'er asked.

"Brother Shangguan led people to set up the formation here before, but the formation here has been changed! Let's leave quickly!" Xiaoer turned around and left.

There are definitely not many people in this world who can modify the formations laid out by Shangguan Xuanyi, and Gu Xuan is one of them!

The formation was changed, most likely because Gu Xuan came! In other words, people from Gu Xuan have arrived!

Bai Tian also spoke at this time: "Master, get out of here quickly! Gu Xuan is nearby!"

Since the last fight between Shangguan Xuanyi and Gu Xuan, Bai Tian deliberately remembered Gu Xuan's aura. Now that he appeared nearby, Bai Tian felt it and quickly told Xiao'er.

When Xi'er and the others saw Xiao'er turning around and leaving, they knew that everything happened for a reason and hurried to follow.

But before they walked out of the valley, Gu Xuan appeared in front of them!

"Princess Rui, you are well!" Gu Xuan looked at Xiaoer with a sinister smile: This time, you won't fall into my hands!

"This princess has always been fine, but I didn't expect that Master Gu Xuan was so seriously injured and couldn't die! It's really a pity!" After Xiaoer said this, he said to the people behind him: "You guys go first !”

"I don't want it!" Xi'er shook her head directly.

What a joke! She has already heard how powerful this Gu Xuan is! Moreover, this Gu Xuan has always wanted to deal with her sister, how could she leave her sister alone!

Shangguan Xuanyao and Shangguan Ruixi also shook their heads, and they said in unison: "We came out together, how could we leave you and run away alone! This is so unloyal!"

"Yes, let's deal with him together! I don't believe that there are so many of us and we are not his opponents!" Xi'er said after hearing this.

Xiaoer was almost pissed off by them. What kind of loyalty was there at this time? Put together, they are very likely not Gu Xuan's opponents, okay!

They are here, even if they want to hide in the space, they can't! Wouldn’t this mean that everyone would die together?

"Hurry up! Go back and tell Brother Shangguan to come and rescue me! You two are all skilled in the Three-Legged Cat Kung Fu. If I want to escape, I have to take care of you. Wouldn't we die together? Hurry up!"

"Xi'er, hurry up and find Brother Sixth Emperor!" Shangguan Xuan Yao also said at this time.

Although the Sixth Brother has not come back yet, he knows that the Sixth Brother's martial arts is higher than this Gu Xuan, so he moved the Sixth Brother out, hoping to make him afraid!

"You all go back first, I'll stop him!" Xiaoer said again.

Gu Xuan laughed after hearing this: "Don't even think about running away, one or the other!"

After Gu Xuan said this, he pulled out an ancient snake-shaped sword and stabbed Xiaoer!

Princess Ling'er's child was gone, and several of Princess Rui's children were missing. If he wanted to get what she had, he had no choice but to take her back!

It's a good opportunity to take advantage of Shangguan Xuanyi's absence!

Xiaoer quickly turned sideways to avoid Gu Xuan's attack, and then threw a flying knife at him.

Seeing Gu Xuan take action, Xi'er and the others drew their swords and stabbed him at the same time.

Gu Xuanxun blocked Xiaoer's flying knife with his sword and quickly retreated to avoid everyone's attacks.

After Xiaoer dodged the flying knife from Gu Xuan, she continued to fly the knife at him.

It's a pity that the difference in strength is there, Xiao'er's flying knives were blocked by him!

Kawen stuck today to the point where I doubt my life! So now is the fourth update!

Keep everyone waiting!

I have to think carefully about the next plot and how to develop it...

Otherwise, I will get stuck every day! The speed of coding is even slower

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