It's a pity that the difference in strength is there, Xiaoer's flying knives were dodged by Gu Xuan.

Seeing this, Xiaoer was extremely depressed. She pretended to take out her favorite whip from her sleeve, and then swung it out!

"Don't overestimate your own capabilities!" As soon as Gu Xuan made a move, he grabbed the whip that Xiaoer threw at him, and then pulled it hard, and Xiaoer flew towards him.

Xiaoer was startled, and quickly released the whip in her hand, then turned over in the air and flew a dart towards Gu Xuan, then landed on the ground, took a few steps back to where she was standing, and stood up.

Gu Xuan quickly dodged Xiaoer's darts, and then took back Xiaoer's long whip: "This is how the whip is used! Let me teach you!"

After Gu Xuan took Xiaoer's whip, he imitated Xiaoer and whipped it at them.

The long whip swept towards them with fierce murderous intent, and Xiaoer and the others retreated to avoid it.

"Run!" Since you can't beat him, run over there!

Xiaoer took the lead in using Qinggong to leave, and then she found that a few of them were actually running behind her. Xiaoer was almost mad at them, and she didn't know if they ran away separately? This way more people can survive!

Xiaoer quickly shouted: "Run away!"

After hearing this, several people quickly fled in several directions.

Gu Xuan didn't care about them, his goal was just Xiaoer, he just wanted to capture her back.

Gu Xuan chased after Xiaoer, and with a flick of his long whip, he wrapped Xiaoer's body. Then he pulled hard, and Xiaoer flew into his arms.

This time Xiaoer failed to escape, and she didn't intend to escape either.

Since you can't defeat them with force, let's outsmart them!

What determines victory or defeat in this world is that strength is certainly indispensable, but luck and flexibility are also very important!

When her body was caught in the whip and flew towards Gu Xuan, she quickly threw a dart back, and then sprinkled a handful of poison powder to the left at the same time.

Xiaoer noticed that when Gu Xuan dodged his darts, most of them dodged to the left!

This is probably his habit!

Sure enough, this time, Gu Xuan also dodged to the left, and the poisonous powder fell on Gu Xuan's face and body, but he didn't react at all!

Gu Xuan couldn't help but show a proud smile: "I forgot to tell you, I am born invulnerable to all poisons!"

Xiaoer was depressed after hearing this: Are there any people who are born immune to all poisons? God, are you sure he's not the male protagonist! This physique is too good!

Seeing that Gu Xuan couldn't be solved with poison, Xiaoer quickly untied the long whip wrapped around her waist with her hands, and then quickly jumped a few feet away.

Gu Xuan raised his eyebrows when he saw that Xiao'er was able to untie her whip, "You are indeed quite capable!"

"Nonsense! That whip belongs to me, and it obeys me the most!"

"Really? Then try again!" Gu Xuan whipped out the whip at Xiaoer again.

Xiaoer quickly dodged. At the same time, she took out two bottles and uncorked them. Xiaoer quickly poured the liquid in one of the bottles into the other bottle, and then moved towards it at a very fast speed. Gu Xuan threw it away, and at the same time Xiaoer quickly ran away.

"Bang", the bottle exploded.

Even though Gu Xuan saw Xiaoer hiding quickly, he instinctively avoided it, but he was still injured by the explosion.

Gu Xuan, whose whole face was burnt black, looked at Xiaoer's running figure, and he released a burst of anger!

It’s been many years since anyone made me so embarrassed!

good! very good!

King Rui and Princess Rui really impressed him!

Both of them are capable of causing injuries all over their bodies!

Gu Xuan used Qing Kung, and in a flash, he came behind Xiao'er, and struck Xiao'er's back with his palm.

Xiaoer felt a strong palm wind coming from behind her, but she found that she could not avoid it. If she was hit by this palm, she would probably vomit blood!

Xiaoer couldn't help but close her eyes.

"Aren't you afraid of being embarrassed when Gu Xuan bullies a weak woman?" At this time, a voice sounded, and then the man flew over and struck Gu Xuan with a palm.

Seeing this, Gu Xuan quickly retracted the palm that hit Xiaoer and faced the palm with that person.

The two palms struck each other, and both of them took a few steps back.

After Xiaoer felt that the wind on her back was gone, she could move.

She turned around and saw that the person coming was indeed Li Guzi!

Gu Xuan looked at Li Guzi with a dark face: "Li Guzi, I advise you not to meddle in other people's business!"

Li Guzi shook his head: "I'm sorry, I can't do it! Princess Rui is the elder of my clan!"

After hearing this, Gu Xuan whipped his whip directly at Li Guzi: "Then don't blame me for being rude!"

"It just so happens that I also want to be rude to you! It's not easy to find you!"

So Li Guzi and Gu Xuan quickly started fighting!

Li Guzi and Gu Xuan were both equally powerful, and they were inseparable from each other for a while.

Xiaoer was watching from the side, and while watching, he threw darts at Gu Xuan!

As a result, Gu Xuan was struck several times by Li Guzi because of his distraction!

Gu Xuan glanced at Xiao'er who was trying to sneak in something, and was so angry that he caught the dart she was flying towards, and then threw the dart towards Xiao'er.

Xiaoer quickly dodged.

Li Guzi took the opportunity to stab Gu Xuan again!

At this time, Xi'er and the others ran back again. Halfway through, they found that Gu Xuan was not chasing them, and then they thought that he must be chasing Xiao'er, so they ran over again!

Gu Xuan saw that Li Guzi was here today, and now that these people had come back, it was impossible to kidnap Xiaoer!

So he repeated his old trick and quickly threw a bottle, and then two black bugs flew out of the bottle and flew towards Li Guzi and Xiaoer respectively at extremely fast speeds.

After throwing a bottle, Gu Xuan immediately threw another bottle. This time, three black bugs flew out of the bottle, two of which flew to Xiaoer and one to Li Guzi.

Li Guzi quickly swung his sword and killed two black insects that flew towards him one after another.

Xiao'er didn't bring a sword, so she could only shoot it down with darts. One of the darts was sent too late, and Xiao'er's face was bitten by a black bug.

After the insect bit Xiaoer, it quickly flew away and disappeared into the grass insect.

After Gu Xuan threw out two bottles of bugs, he also took the opportunity to escape!

Seeing him running away, Xiaoer couldn't help but said: "Damn it! He ran away again!"

Li Guzi looked into the distance, Gu Xuan had disappeared without a trace: "This is his temperament. When he meets someone he can't beat, he will run faster than anyone else!"

After hearing this, Xiaoer glanced at Li Guzi and said, "Sir, isn't that right? Why do I feel that you and Gu Xuan's martial arts are equally matched!"

"I'm better than him! Otherwise, how could I save you! He was so scared that he ran away when I came!"

Xiaoer didn't bother to argue with him. She wiped her bitten face and asked, "What was that black bug just now? What will happen if you get bitten?"

chapter Five! Finally completed the mission I promised before!

I'm so sleepy, I'm going to bed. Good night everyone.

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