But it’s better if they don’t like to eat!

"I brought some dried meat and dry food for everyone. Now you don't need to eat bird's nests. Let's eat dried meat! I'll take all the remaining bird's nests!"

"Do you have dried meat and dry food to eat? Oh my God! It's great. I don't have to eat saliva for the next meal! You can take all the bird's nests! We just have dried meat!"

"Yes! That bird's nest is really not something men like us like to eat!"

"Then you can take it back and feed it to your wife!" Xiaoer joked.

"By the time we get home, the bird's nest will probably be ruined! So! It's better to attack a few more cities and earn more money to go back. She will definitely be happier when she sees the money than the bird's nest." Besides, I don't know if she has a life belt. Go home! But the soldier didn't say this.

When soldiers fight, they and the soldiers divide the valuable things on the enemy's possessions, as well as the gold and silver jewelry looted from some big houses after the city was broken, so generally speaking, they can return home in triumph. None of the soldiers are too poor, and Nangong Kingdom is so big, let alone that.

That's right, it won't be long after this battle is over! Looking at the soldier's expression, Xiaoer knew what he was thinking, so she deliberately laughed loudly and said: "Okay! When you return home after the battle, come to my place and get half a kilogram of bird's nests for my wife to eat!" If you are not married, take it back as a betrothal gift!"

When everyone heard this, the atmosphere became lively again:

"Okay! Princess Rui, don't default on your debt when the time comes!"

"Yes! I take it seriously."

"How much is half a pound of bird's nest?" A soldier couldn't help but ask.

"Idiot! If you don't have a hundred, you should have dozens of taels! That's enough as a betrothal gift!"

"So many! Princess Rui! You must remember this! Whether I can get a wife depends on your half a catty of bird's nests!"

"Okay! I have remembered each of you! When the time comes, each of you will have half a catty of bird's nests! But you can only give up half a catty of bird's nests as a betrothal gift. You are so stingy. If you really can't get a wife then, don't look for me!"

"Princess Rui, you'd better break the bird's nest into silver! I can buy a house for a hundred or dozens of taels as a betrothal gift! I can't even get a wife! I'll just be a bachelor for the rest of my life!"

Everyone laughed after hearing this and called him Bachelor Brother!

While they were chatting and joking, Brother Ri came to Feng Qing and opened one of the bags, took a piece of dried meat from it and ate it!

Anyway, he won’t eat the bird’s nest, but he also married his wife!

The bird's nests that Xiao'er brought back were absolutely indispensable for Yun'er.

As soon as Ri Geer put the dried meat into his mouth, someone shouted:

"The general is eating dried meat secretly!"

Then the soldiers went to grab the dried meat and eat it.

As a man, it is better to eat a lot of meat and drink a lot of wine. Why eat bird's nest?

Seeing this, Xiaoer said:

"Brother Shangguan, walk around with me and let me see how many caves and bird's nests there are here!"

I have to put away all the remaining bird's nests. From now on, the food and drink at home will depend on these bird's nests! Xiaoer thought happily.

"Okay!" Shangguan Xuanyi nodded.

This cave was so magical that he actually wanted to look around.

Finally, after Xiaoer looked at all the caves, she picked all the bird's nests that could be picked! Then I realized that this valley alone produces a lot of bird's nests every year!

Xiaoer thought of another way to make money!

Just build swiftlet houses, introduce swiftlets, and sell bird's nests!

In her previous life, she visited a friend's swallow house in Southeast Asia.

That friend said that a swiftlet house that successfully attracts swallows can attract more than 3,000 swallows to build nests there after 3 to 5 years of cultivation, and the annual nest output can reach more than 60 kilograms! !

Of course there is no modern sound simulation technology here, but Xiaoer has room for it!

Xiaoer decided to raise a group of swiftlets in the space, then release them, introduce them into the swiftlet house, and then let them attract other swiftlets in nature to enter the swiftlet house!

Swiftlets all like to live in groups!

The bird's nests produced by artificially building swiftlet houses in this way are called house swallows.

The environment in which house swallows are harvested has changed from caves and cliffs to artificially built swiftlet houses suitable for swiftlet nesting, but the living habits of the swiftlets have not been changed. They are still foraged in nature's original forest environment!

Moreover, the bird's nests produced in the bird's nest are whiter in color, looser in texture, less hairy, softer in taste, and look more beautiful.

Xiaoer told Shangguan Xuanyi what she thought.

"This way it will not be difficult for the people near Yanziling to get rich!"

Shangguan Xuanyi nodded: Not only is it not difficult! It's so easy!

Bird's nest is a precious food!

Even if the quality is not good, it costs hundreds of taels per kilogram! The high-quality ones cost several hundred taels per kilogram!

Nangong Kingdom is really vast and rich in resources. No wonder it is the richest among several countries!

Shangguan Xuanyi is looking forward to what new discoveries will be made in the next states and counties!

"Our restaurant will launch a bird's nest snack in the future! With this bird's nest house, I can use a large number of bird's nests in my space!"


After Xiaoer saw the cave, he took Ri Geer and the soldiers and left back to the valley.

Xiaoer and the others returned to Zezhou. The New Year has passed, but fortunately the Lantern Festival has not yet passed, so they can still celebrate the Lantern Festival.

Ri Ge'er hurried to Zezhou to take a look at Yun'er, and then took the soldiers of the Eastern Jin State back to station at the border of the Eastern Jin State. As for the deputy general, Ri Ge'er immediately thought it was him when he was on the battlefield. Beheaded.

Before the Chinese New Year, Xiaoer was busy doing a lot of work to let the soldiers have a prosperous New Year.

Although Xiaoer was not here during the Chinese New Year, Xiaoer had prepared many things in advance, including all the food.

So Yangliu and Yangmei followed Xiaoer's previous instructions and still arranged an unforgettable New Year for the soldiers!

When Li Guzi saw Xiaoer coming back, he said sadly: "Princess Rui, didn't you say that if I went hunting with you, you would prepare delicious food for me? You actually broke your promise and ran away secretly the next day! I don't care, I came back from hunting so many good things that day, and I was ready to have a big meal! I didn’t expect that in the end, what I ate was not authentic! Now that you are back, you have to cook me another big meal!”

In fact, the reason why Li Guzi was so determined to eat the dishes cooked by Xiaoer was because during that sumptuous New Year's Eve dinner, everyone missed Xiaoer's cooking while eating.

Every time I eat a dish, they say that if it were cooked by Princess Rui, it would be more delicious and memorable! Even more... In short, Xiaoer's cooking skills are simply praised to perfection!

Then Li Guzi felt itchy after hearing it!

Because he thinks the New Year’s Eve dinner made by willow and bayberry is already delicious! It can be said to be the best New Year’s Eve dinner he has ever had! Is there anyone who can cook better food than Yangliu and Yangmei?

This made him feel itchy!

Thank you for your reward. Thank you to the book friends who voted~~

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