Xiaoer was very happy because of the bird's nest incident recently, so she agreed without hesitation: "No problem! But you have to take someone to hunt some prey and come back!"

So Li Guzi took Guan Xi'er, Shangguan Xuan Yao, and a few soldiers to go hunting. They were planning to celebrate again on the Lantern Festival.

As soon as Shangguan Xuanyi returned to Zezhou, he immediately discussed with Shangguan Xuanjun and Di Shaowei about continuing to attack Nangong Kingdom.

Bijiang County was not captured, but Ri Geer did not want to give up, so he returned to the Eastern Jin Kingdom to prepare again and planned to send troops again.

"I didn't expect that Gong Qinghua would personally send troops to fight against the Eastern Jin Dynasty in Bijiang County this time. The grandson of the Eastern Jin Dynasty lacks actual combat experience." Shangguan Xuanjun said.

The emperor's personal expedition greatly boosted the morale of the soldiers.

What's more, Gong Qinghua was already a very strong opponent, and the soldiers of Nangong Kingdom were so powerful because of his personal expedition!

In addition, the formation of troops was leaked by the generals of his own army, and Ri Geer had never tried to lead an army in a battle. After all, he lacked a little experience. It was normal for this battle to be defeated, but the casualties were a bit heavy.

It is estimated that if he wants to go to war again, he will be opposed by many ministers of the Eastern Jin Dynasty.

But which general in the world has never defeated a defeated general? Victory or defeat is standard issue.

"Is there any news about Gong Qinghua?" Shangguan Xuanyi asked without answering.

A country cannot be without a king. Gong Qinghua left the palace secretly. I don't know if he has gone back now.

If not, will he personally lead the troops in the next battle?

This is great!

"A spy reported that Gong Qinghua has returned to the palace! In addition, Gong Zixuan was seriously injured and has not woken up yet. It is said that Gong Zixuan has heavy soldiers in his hands, and the military symbols are unknown where they are, so Gong Qinghua Looking for someone everywhere to find a way to revive him."

Shangguan Xuanyi sneered after hearing this: Xiaoer's palm was merciless, there was no panacea, how could it be possible to revive him.

"While Gong Zixuan is still awake and Gong Qinghua has not completely grasped the military power, we must seize the opportunity to capture two more cities!" Di Shaowei said at this time.

"That's right, when the Lantern Festival comes, we will go to..." Shangguan Xuanjun also thought so.

Several people began to discuss how to attack the next city.

They didn't discuss it until late at night, and then everyone went back to their rooms to sleep.

Xiaoer played games with her children in the space for a long time before leaving the space and waited for Shangguan Xuanyi to come back.

She originally planned to take him into the space to see the child after he returned to his room.

Several children have now learned to shout: "Father, King and Mother, Concubine", and they have also learned to walk!

Every day when I wake up, I have a great time playing in the playground in the space.

During the day, they each carry a child and fly around in the sky every day.

During the day, I always complain that the goose feathers on its back are almost being pulled out by the roof!

But after I finish complaining today, I will continue to take them flying tomorrow.

Xiaoer sat at the round table and drew the design of the swallow house while waiting for Shangguan Xuanyi.

But while I was painting, I felt very sleepy, and then I fell asleep on the table.

After falling asleep, Xiaoer found that her soul was forced into the space. Then she wanted to get out, but she couldn't.

"What's going on? Why can't I go out during the day?!" Xiaoer asked Bai Tian.

"How could it be! I don't know why yet. Let me see." Bai Tian was a little strange after hearing what he said, and he quickly ran over to look at Xiao'er outside.

"Is this a dream, not real? I was actually dreaming that my soul entered a space and couldn't get out? Will it be fine when I wake up?"

Bai Tian rolled his eyes at Xiaoer: "But I didn't dream!"

"Of course you didn't! This was my dream! You were talking to me in my dream!"


What is the logic! Forgive it. A goose's brain circuit is relatively simple, and there is really no way to understand the meaning of her words.

At this time, Xiaoer, who was sleeping on her stomach outside, suddenly woke up! Then she looked around and found a pair of scissors hidden in her sleeve. After hiding the scissors, she lay back on the table and fell asleep.


Xiaoer in the space: "What do I want to do? Why do I need to hide the scissors."

He didn't answer during the day, and looked at every move outside the space with his eyes blinking.

At this time Shangguan Xuanyi walked into the room.

He frowned slightly when he saw Xiaoer sleeping on the table.

Xiaoer in the space saw his frown and guessed what he was thinking. He must be thinking that he was sleeping on the table in such a cold weather.

outside space

Shangguan Xuanyi walked lightly and walked to Xiaoer's side. He glanced at the design drawing on the table and saw that it was a swallow house, and only half of it was drawn. Shangguan Xuanyi was slightly surprised: How tired is this girl? She fell asleep halfway through the painting. She had never done this before. She usually painted in one go and was unwilling to go to sleep until she finished painting.

Shangguan Xuanyi's thought just flashed through his mind. He thought that she was probably too tired to raise four children by herself in space recently!

So he picked up Xiaoer very gently and walked to the bed.

At this moment, Xiao'er in Shangguan Xuanyi's arms moved. Her hand hanging on Shangguan Xuanyi's back revealed a pair of sharp scissors, and then she quickly stabbed Shangguan Xuanyi's back with two scissors in a row. .

Xiao'er in the space saw this scene and shouted: "No!"

Shangguan Xuanyi noticed that the person he was carrying was awake and lowered his head with a smile: "Did I wake you up?"

Halfway through the words, Shangguan Xuan's face froze when he saw the cold eyes in his arms and the pain in his back. He reacted extremely quickly and tapped Xiaoer's acupuncture points, then threw her on the bed with a very expression on his face. Scary: "Who are you?"

Shangguan Xuanyi took a closer look at the person on the bed. He was sure that this body must be Xiaoer's. The breath was unmistakable, and the feeling of being held in his arms was unmistakable!

But Xiaoer will never assassinate herself!

That Xiao'er fell asleep again when Shangguan Xuanyi threw her on the bed.

The clothes on Shangguan Xuanyi's back were soon stained red with blood. He ignored the injuries on his back and walked to the bed to confirm whether this person was his girl!

He took a closer look at the person with closed eyes on the bed and confirmed that it was Xiaoer! But the way she looked at him just now was so cold, it was clearly not the look of a girl!

The way the girl looks at her, her autumn-like eyes are always filled with a slight warmth!

What happened? How could his girl assassinate him? Shangguan Xuanyi thought of something and quickly opened the door to the room and ran out. He had to ask what happened to Xiaoer during his absence! But not far away, he fainted.

"Master!" Yang Mei heard some movement. She walked out of the house and happened to see Shangguan Xuanyi lying on the ground, covered in blood, and she exclaimed.

Thank you for the reward mentioned by Dan Ran, and thank you to the book friends who voted~~

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