Xiaoer was so anxious when she saw this scene in space!

"What's going on! Why can't I go out during the day? The soldiers have used up all the medicine on Brother Shangguan's body! He doesn't have any healing medicine on him!" Xiaoer looked at the wound on Shangguan Xuanyi's back, which was bleeding profusely. I wanted to go out and get something to block it right away.

"I suspect that Gu Xuan succeeded in taming the soul! So your body was occupied by that soul!" Bai Tian said matter-of-factly.

"My body has been occupied by that soul? Is that soul Li Guzi's daughter? What should I do? Will I live in space all my life?" Xiaoer couldn't help but ask several questions in succession.

After Xiaoer said this, she kept saying it in her heart, but unfortunately it had no effect.

"Master, don't worry, there must be a way! Let me think about it." Bai Tian said this and left.

Xiao'er didn't say anything after hearing this. No matter how anxious she was, she still needed to calm down and think about a solution to the problem!

At this time, Zhao Yong brought Shangguan Xuanyi in.

When Zhao Yong saw Xiaoer lying on the bed, he consciously put Shangguan Xuanyi aside so that the doctor could treat him later.

Yang Mei saw Xiaoer lying motionless on the bed, and her posture was a little strange. She thought something had happened to Xiaoer, so she quickly ran over, pushed her and shouted: "Princess! Princess!"

Xiaoer, who was lying on the bed, didn't respond, as if she had fainted.

Yang Mei checked Xiaoer's body and found that she was not injured, but why was she unconscious?

"What happened? Why can't the princess wake up! The master is also injured?" Zhao Yong asked.

"I don't know either! I heard the sound of the door opening coming from the master's room. It was so late. I thought he had something to attend to, so I got up to take a look. Unexpectedly, I saw the master lying on the ground covered in blood!" Yang Meiyao shook his head.

She really hadn't heard any movement before!

If there was really any news of a fight, she would have been here long ago!

"Who hurt the master?" Zhao Yong untied Shangguan Xuanyi's clothes and found that he had been stabbed twice in the back with deep wounds. He couldn't help but asked angrily!

The master is so powerful in martial arts, why did he get stabbed twice in a row!

Because Xiaoer was lying on the bed, Yang Liu went to get a screen and put it in front of the bed, and lowered the gauze curtain so that no one could see what was going on in the bed.

Just after finishing all this, Yang Liu came over with the military doctor and Shangguan Xuanjun, Jing Hao, Xi'er and Shangguan Xuanyao who heard the noise.

"What's going on? Why are you injured?" Shangguan Xuanjun asked in shock when he saw two bloody holes on Shangguan Xuanyi's back.

Who has the ability to injure Shangguan Xuanyi so seriously?

There are soldiers guarding the outside. If an assassin breaks in, Shangguan Xuanyi will shout when he is injured!

Yang Mei shook her head. In fact, when she saw the bloody scissors on the ground, she suspected that it was Xiaoer who stabbed Shangguan Xuanyi, but this was impossible!

So she didn't dare to tell her guess!

Jing Hao had pills on his body, so he quickly took them out: "These are healing pills. Give one to your brother-in-law first! Where is my sister? Why don't you see her?"

Zhao Yong quickly took it, poured out a healing pill, and fed it to Shangguan Xuanyi.

The military doctor also quickly stepped forward to stop the bleeding from Shangguan Xuanyi's wound.

"The princess is also unconscious. Does the second young master have any pills?" Yang Mei said at this time.

"Xiao'er is injured too?" Jing Hao asked nervously after hearing this. He only had one healing pill! The other ones are detoxifying pills and healing pills.

"It's not that he's injured, he's just unconscious for some reason!"

After hearing this, Jing Hao quickly took out both pills: "Let's see if he's poisoned!"

Xi'er had already walked around the screen to see what happened to Xiao'er.

Li Guzi also walked in at this time. After hearing this, he said: "Let me go and see if Princess Rui is poisoned!"

Yang Mei took the pills handed over by Jing Hao and took Li Guzi in to show Xiaoer.

Xiao'er in the space looked anxiously at the scene outside. She was worried that after the soul woke up, it would disguise itself as herself and hurt other people.

After all, even Shangguan Xuanyi was fooled! Who else can tell whether he is real or fake?

And now Shangguan Xuanyi is injured and unconscious. If he wakes up at this time, he doesn't know who will be injured!

Xi'er carefully observed Xiao'er's complexion, and then took her pulse again. After that, she stood up, her brows furrowed slightly, as if she was thinking about something.

"What's wrong? Is it poisoning?" Li Guzi asked.

"No, my sister's pulse is very similar to that of my husband's daughter, but it's a little different. I'm not sure what to pay attention to at the moment."

After hearing this, Li Guzi's expression changed and he quickly walked to the bed: "I'll take a look!"

Yangmei lifted the gauze curtain a little to make it easier for Li Guzi to diagnose and treat Xiaoer.

After a while, Li Guzi said solemnly: "Princess Rui was not poisoned. Like my daughter, her soul is not in the body."

"How could it be possible? Could it be that my sister also ate the Soul-Leaving Grass and had her soul controlled by Gu Xuan?"

"That day when you went hunting in the mountains, didn't you meet Gu Xuan? When he ran away, he threw two bottles at us, and a few black bugs flew out of them. Princess Rui was bitten by those bugs. I guess it was because of this Only Princess Rui would faint!"

"Sir, isn't your daughter's soul controlled by Gu Xuan? Do you think Gu Xuan has tamed Ling Qianjin's soul, and then put that soul into Liu Huang's sister-in-law, and then controlled her to assassinate my Liu Huang brother? ?" Shangguan Xuan Yao asked, looking at the bloody scissors on the ground.

If an assassin was hiding in a house to stab someone, he wouldn't know how to use scissors! This is clearly like a improvised weapon.

Li Guzi was also worried, so his expression became more solemn.

If my daughter's soul is in another person, is she still my daughter?

Li Guzi looked at the people inside through the gauze curtain with complicated eyes!

If his daughter's soul is really tamed, does that mean she will never be able to wake up in the future? !

After listening to Shangguan Xuan Yao's words, everyone felt that they made sense.

At this time, Shangguan Xuanyi also woke up. He asked immediately: "Seventh Emperor brother, what did you just say? What happened to Xiao'er?"

"My lord, are you awake?"

"Brother Seventh Emperor, are you awake?"

"Brother Sixth Emperor, are you awake?"

Seeing that Shangguan Xuanyi was awake, everyone stepped forward and asked.

Is not this nonsensical? ! He is not awake, can he open his mouth to speak?

Shangguan Xuanyi Xuanyi was anxious and ignored them. He looked at Shangguan Xuanyao and asked anxiously: "What did you say just now? Say it again!"

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