"I guess that the soul of Mr. Li's daughter may have been controlled by Gu Xuan. Then Gu Xuan put the soul of Mr. Li's daughter into the Sixth Emperor's Wife, and then controlled her to assassinate Brother Sixth Emperor. Brother Sixth Emperor, the injury on your body is Was it stabbed by the Sixth Emperor's Wife?" Shangguan Xuan Yao repeated.

"How is it possible? How could Xiaoer be controlled by Gu Xuan!" Shangguan Xuanyi was a little unbelievable.

How could a person's soul be controlled so easily? Xiaoer didn't offend Gu Xuan in Zezhou.

But when Shangguan Xuanyi thought that Xiaoer's soul came from the future, he fell silent again.

"Years ago, my sister took us hunting in the dense forest, and we met Gu Xuan. Fortunately, Mr. Li showed up in time to save my sister, but she was still bitten by the black bug released by Gu Xuan."

"What!" After hearing this, Shangguan Xuanyi sat up excitedly, then touched the wound, and the wound began to bleed again!

The military doctor quickly held down his body: "Prince Rui, don't move! Your wound hasn't healed yet, and it will split easily."

Shangguan Xuanyi waved away the military doctor's hand and stood up: "Why didn't anyone tell me about such an important thing?"

Xiaoer actually met Gu Xuan again, and was bitten by an insect raised by Gu Xuan! I didn’t even know about this!

"." Faced with Shangguan Xuanyi's wrath, everyone looked at me and I looked at you.

Finally, Shangguan Xuan Yao spoke at Xi'er's signal: "Sixth Emperor's Wife left a note and secretly left to find Yanziling the night she came back from hunting. We didn't know she didn't tell you such an important thing!"

When they came back together, everyone had completely forgotten about it!

Shangguan Xuanyi thought about the journey back from Yanziling. The two of them stayed in the carriage and drove for several days, but Xiaoer didn't even tell herself that she met Gu Xuan and was bitten by an insect raised by Gu Xuan!

Almost all the time we were talking about bird's nests!

If Xiaoer was in front of him, Shangguan Xuanyi really wanted to spank her hard!

It's a pity that the Xiao'er in front of him is not his girl!

Will the insects raised by Gu Xuan be ordinary insects? Gu Xuan is just as his name suggests, both weird and mysterious!

Nothing about him can be solved by normal mortals like them!

Shangguan Xuanyi thought that Xiao'er's body was occupied by another soul. What should Xiao'er do? What to do with his girl?

Did he enter space or go back to the future? Could it be that she was controlled by Gu Xuan and then wanted to tame her?

Shangguan Xuanyi thought that the whole person was in trouble!

He quickly ran to the big bed.

Upon seeing this, the military doctor quickly said: "My lord, you are injured, you should not move around!"

Shangguan Xuanyi glanced at Xiaoer on the bed: "Yang Liu, go and relieve her acupuncture points!"

He tapped her acupuncture points just now, but now he knew that the person in this body was not his girl, so he was a little reluctant to touch her.

After hearing this, Yang Liu stepped forward and untied Xiaoer's acupuncture points.

Xiao'er, who was lying on the bed, showed no signs of waking up.

"Unconscious!" Seeing this, Xi'er stepped forward and took a pulse.

Li Guzi also stepped forward and took his pulse: "It is indeed very similar to my daughter's pulse."

"Military doctor!" Shangguan Xuanyi glanced at the military doctor after hearing what the two said, and motioned for him to take a look at Xiao'er.

The military doctor stepped forward and took Xiaoer's pulse, then shook his head: "Your Majesty, please forgive me for my lack of knowledge. I really can't see anything wrong with Princess Rui."

He is a military doctor. He is good at bruises and injuries, but he is really not good at treating difficult and complicated diseases.

"What to do now?" Shangguan Xuan Yao asked.

"Let's find Gu Xuan first! Didn't my sister say before that as long as we kill Gu Xuan, Mr. Li's daughter can wake up with a bowl of soul-reviving soup? I think that as long as we kill Gu Xuan, the culprit, my sister will also wake up. Yes." Xi'er said at this time.

"That's right, the person who tied the bell must also be tied to untie the bell! The top priority now is to find Gu Xuan and kill him."

"Gu Xuan is a thief. He hides when he encounters danger and runs away when he cannot be beaten. It is difficult to catch him. Moreover, he has too many weird things. Once he is released, we will not be able to avoid him, otherwise we will not be able to catch him. I accidentally caught him, and I didn't know what was waiting for me, so we could only watch him escape every time. Besides, Gu Xuan's martial arts was extremely high, and I could only fight him to a draw, trying to catch him. It's difficult for him." Li Guzi said at this time.

With his daughter like this, he is the one who wants to catch Gu Xuan the most.

"There is strength in numbers! If one person can't catch him, then send a bunch of people to catch him! What if my sister can't wake up!" Xi'er said.

Several people discussed how to catch Gu Xuan.

"What was the situation that day? How did my princess get bitten by an insect?" Shangguan Xuanyi said at this time.

So Xi'er talked about the situation that day, and Li Guzi also talked about the part he saw.

"You guys go out first!" Shangguan Xuanyi said after listening to their descriptions.

He needed to calm down and think about something.

After hearing this, everyone left.

Shangguan Xuanjun patted Shangguan Xuanyi's shoulder before leaving: "Take good care of your injuries. When the injuries are healed, you can go to Gu Xuan."

Shangguan Xuanyi nodded and said nothing.

He sat aside and looked at the person on the bed thoughtfully.

Gu Xuan likes to be in the tomb when doing the magic. Now, one month is not enough from the day Xiaoer was bitten by an insect. Moreover, Xiaoer also injured Gu Xuan. Gu Xuan must find a place to heal before doing the magic.

The liquids in Xiaoer's two bottles were mixed together. Although the power of the explosion was not very powerful, when the liquids touched the skin, it would cause skin burns. The injury was not light. It would take a few days to heal. This is impossible. !

In this case, Gu Xuan must have found a place nearby to recuperate before he had the energy to practice.

In this case, he probably wouldn't be able to return to the imperial mausoleum in Zhangxiang County in time to perform the ritual.

Shangguan Xuanyi thought of this, took out the map of Nangong Kingdom, and began to analyze which tomb chamber Gu Xuan was most likely to stay in.

Not all cemeteries have burial chambers.

On the other side, Gu Xuan was indeed staying in an ancient tomb not far from Zezhou as Shangguan Xuanyi thought. This is the largest tomb nearby.

This is the tomb of a certain prince from the previous dynasty. Many people do not know the existence of this place, not even the Emperor of Nangong Kingdom, otherwise it would have ceased to exist long ago.

He was wearing a yellow robe covered with strange patterns and fidgeting with a century-old willow sword.

He first picked up a magic talisman from a box, lit it, and muttered something. Then he touched the willow sword with two fingers, and a green light appeared from the willow sword.

Thank you to the book friends who voted~~

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