Gu Xuan moved the green light on the willow sword into a bottle.

The beating grass in the bottle twisted quickly, as if a person was struggling.

Then Gu Xuan quickly burned a talisman, recited a few spells, and also used two fingers to condense a green light on the willow sword and shine it on the grass.

After trying three times in a row, the grass still struggled. Gu Xuan finally couldn't bear it and vomited out a mouthful of blood.

hateful! How disobedient! She only succeeded for a moment, but she managed to break free again! Gu Xuan looked at the grass with gloomy eyes.

But now he has spent a lot of mana, so he can't deal with her!

Transferring souls requires a lot of mana! Moreover, this soul has just been successfully tamed and is not yet obedient, so it will require more mana to suppress her resistance!

Also, Princess Rui’s physique is so special that transplanting a soul is twice as difficult as for ordinary people! Is it the space that is blocking it? And he can’t capture Princess Rui’s soul either!

He must be hiding in space!

hateful! He must seize that space!

Fortunately, with this experience, he probably knows how to control it next time.

Wait until his mana recovers!

Gu Xuan quickly sat down cross-legged and began to perform exercises to heal his injuries and restore his mana.

Xiaoer was in the space study room, looking for relevant books to see if there was any way to save herself.

It doesn't matter to her if she is locked in the space all the time, but what about her child!

You can’t live in a space with yourself for the rest of your life, right? Although there is no shortage of anything in the space.

But humans are social creatures. No matter how good the space is, it is not as exciting as the outside world!

Xiaoer was reading a book in the space while trying to leave the space. Unexpectedly, she succeeded this time.

As soon as Xiaoer came out of the space, she quickly got out of bed and ran to Shangguan Xuanyi.

"Brother Shangguan! Is your injury serious? Does it still hurt?"

As soon as Xiaoer opened her eyes, Shangguan Xuanyi noticed it. He looked at Xiaoer without blinking, trying to decide who this person was?

Xiaoer came directly to Shangguan Xuanyi and reached out to untie his clothes, wanting to see how deep the wounds on his body were.

Shangguan Xuanyi looked at Xiaoer's small movements of unbuttoning his clothes. He was so skillful and familiar, as if he had done it thousands of times. Of course, he had done it many times!

This is indeed Xiaoer! And the movement he just got out of bed was so crisp and graceful, only his girl could do it! Shangguan Xuanyi also felt that this action was very familiar.

Shangguan Xuanyi felt relieved: "Girl?"

Xiaoer nodded and said with a guilty look on his face: "It's me! I'm sorry, I almost killed you!"

Thinking of the scene just now, Xiaoer felt guilty and heartbroken.

If that body was not her own, how could Shangguan Xuanyi be stabbed twice by her without any preparation! !

After Xiaoer said this, she hugged Shangguan Xuanyi tightly.

"Girl, do you want to murder your husband?" The wound on Shangguan Xuanyi's back was not completely healed, but Xiao'er's shot affected the wound, causing a stinging pain.

When Xiaoer heard this, she quickly let go of her hand, left his arms, and went to unbutton his clothes.

She hasn't seen what happened to the wound yet.

Shangguan Xuanyi didn't want Xiaoer to feel even more guilty when she saw the wound. He reached out and grabbed her hands, joking deliberately: "Girl, I didn't expect to see you in a while, but you can't wait! The princess is so enthusiastic. Although I am injured, I must I’ll try my best to satisfy you!”

Xiaoer rolled her eyes at him after hearing this: "What are you talking about! I just want to see your injuries!"

"Don't worry, my husband's injury is not serious. If the princess wants it, I will do my best!" After Shangguan Xuanyi finished speaking, he pretended to kiss her.

Xiaoer quickly jumped ten feet away! What a joke, he is injured, how can he exercise strenuously!

Shangguan Xuanyi was just joking. How could he want Xiaoer in this situation? What if Xiaoer's soul was changed again in the middle of the matter?

Doing something so intimate with another woman, even for a second, makes him feel sick!

Even if the body belongs to the girl, if the soul is not, it does not count as my girl!

He only recognizes Xiaoer's soul! No matter what her skin looks like!

However, Xiaoer is a very delicate person, and he doesn't want her to be misunderstood and hurt because of his attitude. Shangguan Xuanyi decided to make it clear to Xiaoer: "Girl, was your soul hiding in space just now?"

"Yes! I didn't expect Gu Xuan to be so powerful. Just one bite of an insect could replace my soul!" Xiaoer thought about how she suddenly felt sleepy and fell asleep, and then she entered the space and couldn't get out. , I feel terrible!

What if you can’t come out anymore?

"Girl, because Gu Xuan hasn't been caught yet, we don't know when he will do something to you again, so before Gu Xuan is caught, I will definitely be suspicious of you. For example, if you rush over to hug me, I should subconsciously I need to confirm first whether you are really you before I let you hug me. I hope you won't be hurt by my actions like this."

"How could it be! Am I the kind of person who doesn't distinguish between right and wrong? I'm even happier if you can confirm in advance that it's me before letting me hug you! But I won't rush over to hug you if nothing happens. Brother Shangguan, don't worry! It's not something I can do to throw myself into someone's arms!"

Shangguan Xuanyi felt relieved after hearing this. In fact, he always doubts whether a person is a real person. Such an attitude may not matter at first, but as time goes by, the person involved may think that it has been so long. The other party actually doubted himself, which made him feel hurt.

Shangguan Xuanyi didn't want Xiaoer to feel hurt because of his actions, so he made it clear to her.

Shangguan Xuanyi's identity determines that he will be suspicious of everyone until the matter comes to light. He does not need to explain to others, but Xiao'er is different.

All he wanted to give her was happiness.

It would be better now that Xiaoer can understand the reason why she did this!

So he couldn't help but tease Xiao'er: "Who rushed over to hug me just now, and even unbuttoned my clothes? Isn't this a throw-in-the-shoulder hug?"

Is this person deliberately misinterpreting his concern? Xiaoer looked at him with contempt and decided to ignore him!

She walked back to the table and sat down, continuing to draw her unfinished swallow house design.

Shangguan Xuanyi walked over and sat down next to her, watching her painting the swallow house, not caring about himself, and then began to settle the score: "Why didn't you tell me that you were bitten by Gu Xuan's insect?"

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