Shangguan Xuanyi walked over and sat down next to her, watching her painting the swallow house, not caring about himself, and then began to settle the score: "Why didn't you tell me that you were bitten by Gu Xuan's insect?"

After hearing this, Xiaoer raised her head and glanced at him: "I was so happy when I saw you that I forgot about it for a moment; later when I saw so many bird's nests, I was even happier and forgot about it even more completely! Then on the way back, I was filled with thoughts I was thinking about how to make money by building a swallow house, so I couldn’t remember it at all!”

The most important thing is: the bug has been biting her face for several days, but nothing has happened. Xiaoer has been worried about it for a few days and has long since stopped taking it to heart.

"Don't forget to tell me such an important thing in the future! Otherwise I won't even know what happened to you! I won't know why you suddenly changed!"

"Okay!" Xiao'er followed suit.

"Then why did you wake up suddenly again now?"

After hearing this, Xiaoer stopped what she was doing and frowned slightly: "I don't know either. I watched you being stabbed twice with scissors in space, and I watched your blood dye your clothes red. , knowing that you don’t have healing pills on you, I’m so worried! But I just can’t get out! There is no way, I can only go to the study room to find a book to study, and then try to get out while reading, and then suddenly I can get out! "

"You can come out suddenly?" Shangguan Xuanyi thought thoughtfully after hearing this: Is there something wrong?

What would you do if you were Gu Xuan? Shangguan Xuanyi thought:

If he were Gu Xuan and had finally transplanted his soul into Xiaoer, he would naturally not take it back!

He would let Xiaoer change back to himself for a while, and then let that soul control her.

Let her take the opportunity to kill a few more people, and then let Xiaoer defect to him!

Only Xiaoer was caught by him. He wanted the space on Xiaoer's body, but was he afraid that he would not be able to find a way to do it?

But controlling the soul is not that easy! It is probably impossible to make Xiaoer change back to herself at one time, and then use her soul to control Xiaoer at the same time.

If Gu Xuan's ability is really that high, then he can defy the heavens!

Shangguan Xuanyi thought of this and glanced at Xiaoer again.

So, now that Xiaoer suddenly woke up, what happened? Is it because Gu Xuan's purpose is just to kill himself? Or does he simply not have enough magic power to control that soul and let her completely control Xiaoer's body? Or,

Did he fail half way through?

This kind of thing of changing one's soul and changing one's fate against the will of heaven must not be that simple!

If it was the latter two, Shangguan Xuanyi felt that he must find Gu Xuan as soon as possible.

"Yes, I was able to come out suddenly! I guess I must have done half of the ancient mysterious ritual, and then the mana was not enough and it was not completely successful, so I was able to come out!" Xiaoer said what was in her heart.

The girl was thinking of the same thing as herself. Shangguan Xuanyi nodded after hearing this: "Girl, ask Bai Tian if he knows where Gu Xuan is?"

Shangguan Xuanyi had actually guessed where Gu Xuan was. If Xiaoer hadn't woken up, he would have already set off to go to the cemetery to find out.

He had no intention of sending anyone to find out whether Gu Xuan was there. Gu Xuan's martial arts is very high. If he is not careful, he will scare the snake and let him escape, so he decided to go there himself.

Xiaoer nodded, and then she used her consciousness to ask Tian Tian if she could feel where Gu Xuan was now.

During the day, it was also studying the matter of soul being exchanged. After listening to Xiao'er's words, it felt it and said: "Not far away, in a cemetery in Hesong Ridge thirty miles away, Gu Xuan's aura is very weak. He should be He's injured! Master, it's best to deal with him now!

When I said this during the day, I was a little anxious. This Gu Xuan is so hateful! Seriously threatening the safety of the owner and space!

Xiaoer told Shangguan Xuanyi what she said during the day.

Shangguan Xuanyi stood up after hearing this: "Thirty miles away is not that far, I will go and deal with him now!"

"But you are injured now!" Xiaoer held him back.

"It's a small injury, it's not a problem! After taking the healing pills, the wound healed quickly. Maybe it will be all healed by the time we get there!"

After hearing this, Xiaoer took out another pill for Shangguan Xuanyi to take: "Take another pill! This will make you feel better faster."

Shangguan Xuanyi shook his head: "No need, I'm much better now, keep it!"

One pill can save a life. Every time there is a war, there are serious casualties and so many soldiers are waiting for help. How can he be willing to take one more pill.

"Then let me give you another dose of medicine!" After hearing this, Xiaoer knew that Shangguan Xuanyi had almost used up the life-saving pills and only had a few left, so he was reluctant to take them.

During the war, the Wuyou fruit tree grew leaves too slowly. Now there are only some fruits and flowers left in the entire fruit tree.

Although the flowers of the worry-free fruit are poisonous, Xiaoer is reluctant to pick them and use them because where there are flowers, there will be fruits!

But the time it takes to bear fruit is too long! In all the years she has owned the space, she has only borne fruit once!

Xiaoer hopes that all the flowers will bear fruit, because the worry-free fruit can cure all diseases!

And she discovered that every flower can bear fruit!

Xiaoer had used the poison of Wuyouhua before, but later she discovered that as long as she picked the small branch of Wuyouhua, it never bloomed or grew leaves. Seeing this, Xiaoer decided not to do anything in the future. As a last resort, no longer pick Wuyou flowers.

Poisoning people is far less important than saving people!

After listening to Xiaoer's words, Shangguan Xuanyi said: "Okay, but now that the military doctor has just applied the medicine, there is no need to change the medicine for the time being. The wound has slowly healed and no longer bleeds, so when I go to deal with Gu Xuan, when I come back, you can Help me apply the medicine!"

Shangguan Xuanyi knew that Xiaoer felt guilty and wanted to do something to make up for it.

It’s just that these two stabbings were not made by her! Besides, when she saw the two wounds on her body, she would only feel even more guilty!

Just like when he fell under the love spell and stabbed her, he was also in excruciating pain.

He was glad that he was injured this time and not her!

"Okay, since we don't want to change the dressing, let's go!" Xiaoer took Shangguan Xuanyi's hand and walked out.

Shangguan Xuanyi glanced at Xiaoer and hesitated: Should he take Xiaoer with him or not?

Shangguan Xuanyi was still hesitating, so Xiaoer said: "Let's set off now! Don't even think about going without me."

Shangguan Xuanyi no longer hesitated after hearing this. He nodded, and the two of them walked out of the room.

Yangliuyangmei had been guarding the door. When they saw the two walking out side by side, they said in surprise: "Princess, are you awake?"

Thank you Fenfang for your reward, and thank you book friends who voted~~

Because the game is about to end, it cannot be more explosive, so it can only maintain stable updates. I hope everyone will continue to support it.

In addition, the new book is about to be released to everyone. Since the free period for the new book is relatively long, I have to spend some energy to deal with the outline, and then publish it as soon as possible before the old book is completed.

I have been thinking about the story of the new book for a long time, and I like it very much. I hope it will be available to everyone as soon as possible.

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