Xiaoer wanted to tease the two of them, so she pretended to be expressionless and looked at Shangguan Xuanyi beside her: "Who are these two people? Where is my father?"

Yang Liu and Yang Mei's expressions froze, and then they quickly laughed: "Princess, stop acting! It's not like her at all!"

"What's so different?" Xiao'er couldn't understand why they found out all of a sudden!

"Because you walked out with the master!" If the princess was not the princess, the master would never walk side by side with her, so Yang Liu and Yang Mei were just stunned for a moment, and then they realized that Xiaoer was playing tricks on them. !

Xiaoer glared at Shangguan Xuanyi: So it was you who was exposed!

Shangguan Xuanyi is also very innocent. He obviously did nothing and said nothing, okay!

He took Xiaoer's hand and said to Yangliu and Yangmei: "If someone comes to see us, let's go out to find Gu Xuan."

After the two of them finished explaining, they walked outside the house.

Xiao'er had just taken two steps and suddenly thought of Li Guzi and said, "Brother Shangguan, call Mr. Shangli!"

Shangguan Xuanyi thought that Li Guzi's martial arts was extremely high, and asking him to deal with Gu Xuan would increase his chances of winning, so he asked Yang Liu to invite Li Guzi.

It was now midnight, and Li Guzi had already gone to bed, but when he heard Yang Liu say that King Rui asked him to go with him to deal with Gu Xuan, he got up immediately.

Li Guzi saw Xiaoer and Shangguan Xuanyi standing in the yard looking at the stars in the sky. He walked forward and took a look at Xiaoer: "Is this Princess Rui or?" His daughter?

Shangguan Xuanyi glanced at Li Guzi: "I disappoint you!"

Li Guzi smiled sheepishly after hearing this. In fact, he wanted his daughter to wake up, but if Princess Rui became his daughter, he wouldn't be used to it!

Now is not the time! My daughter should return to the body of her biological daughter!

"Princess Rui, how did you wake up?"

"Probably Gu Xuan's attempt to completely control that soul into my body failed, so I woke up!" She was just guessing about this!

"Does that mean he hasn't successfully tamed my daughter's soul yet?"

"It's possible!" Xiao'er was even more unsure about this.

"Let's go!" Shangguan Xuanyi said at this time.

Li Guzi was happy after hearing this: If this is really the case, then his daughter may still wake up! But: "Wait a minute, are we going to deal with Gu Xuan? But King Rui was injured just now, wouldn't it be unwise to deal with Gu Xuan now? Gu Xuan's martial arts is on par with me! Now that you know As for Gu Xuan’s whereabouts, you can wait a few days until your injury is healed before you go! It’s best to be fully prepared to deal with Gu Xuan!”

What if Gu Xuan escapes again in such a hurry! Otherwise it would be a huge loss!

"Gu Xuan is injured now. It is when he is at his weakest. It is best for us to take action now!" Xiaoer explained.

Wait a few days, who knows what will happen! Long nights and many dreams!

"But..." Did the two of them underestimate Gu Xuan too much? King Rui was seriously injured and you wanted to deal with him?

"Nothing, just a minor injury, nothing to worry about! Let's go!" Shangguan Xuanyi dropped these words, put his arms around Xiaoer's waist, and then used Qinggong to fly to Hesong Ridge thirty miles away.

A little injury? He obviously fainted due to excessive blood loss due to injury! Is this still a small injury? !

But Li Guzi didn't have time to think too much, because Shangguan Xuanyi dodged a few times and flew far away, and he didn't look injured at all.

He could only catch up quickly!

Then he sadly discovered that he could not perform Qing Kung by himself as fast as King Rui who was accompanied by others and was seriously injured!

Li Guzi is very depressed!

How can you not be depressed when your skills for decades are not as good as those of an injured young man?

But then I thought about it, the higher King Rui's martial arts, the greater the chance of winning against Gu Xuan. Isn't this better?

So he is no longer depressed!

Shangguan Xuanyi was injured after all. Xiaoer didn't want him to take her with him and touch the wound, which would make the wound heal slower, so she said: "Brother Shangguan, I will do it myself!"

After Xiaoer said this, she broke away from Shangguan Xuanyi's arms and quickly used Qinggong to fly out.

Among so many kinds of martial arts, Xiaoer's Qinggong is the best! It can be said that he is the only one who can rival Shangguan Xuanyi.

Upon seeing this, Shangguan Xuanyi quickly chased after him.

Li Guzi tried his best to catch up with them. Unexpectedly, as soon as Princess Rui left Prince Rui's arms, the two of them moved faster!

Pity him, a man over fifty with old arms and legs! Follow them until they are out of breath!

It's still dark, and it's the darkest time before dawn.

Xiaoer and Shangguan Xuanyi quietly stopped in front of a mountain field.

Li Guzi stopped behind the two of them: "Is Gu Xuan nearby here?"

Shangguan Xuanyi nodded: "Yes, let's get familiar with the surrounding environment first! Find the entrance to the ancient tomb first."

"Okay!" Li Guzi nodded.

A few people walked quietly in the mountains. This was just an ordinary mountain wilderness. If Xiaoer hadn't told herself during the day, she would never have imagined that there were ancient tombs down there.

The three of them came to the entrance of a cave. The cave was blocked by tall weeds. It was impossible to see the entrance unless the weeds were pushed aside.

Shangguan Xuanyi said to Li Guzi:

"You stay here and if he escapes from here, you do everything you can to stop him!"

Li Guzi nodded after hearing this: "Don't worry, although I can't defeat Gu Xuan, I can still stop him!"

"What if he releases bugs and bites you? You won't hide?"

Xiao'er thought of Gu Xuan's special trick for escaping - throwing the insect bottle!

"Gu Xuan is going to die, just bite him!" Li Guzi said nonchalantly.

His daughter is about to be tamed by him. If he doesn't kill him, his daughter may never wake up in her lifetime!

"Then you have to guard it! Otherwise, I will bite you if I bite you!" After Shangguan Xuanyi said this, he pushed aside the weeds and walked in first.

This entrance was made by Gu Xuan, it didn't exist originally.

For such a large ancient tomb, there is no entrance at all from the outside. It should be said that there was no entrance designed in the first place. I don’t know how Gu Xuan discovered the ancient tomb under the mountain.

When they first walked in, the surroundings were very dark, and it could be said that they couldn't see anything with their hands. However, Shangguan Xuanyi and Xiaoer had very good night vision abilities and quickly adapted to the darkness.

The two walked in carefully.

Shangguan Xuanyi walked in front and Xiaoer walked in the back. Both of them breathed very softly. It could be said that they didn't make any sound at all.

Half an hour later, Bai Tian reminded Xiaoer that Gu Xuan was just around the corner.

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