Half an hour later, Bai Tian reminded Xiaoer that Gu Xuan was just around the corner.

Xiaoer stopped, took Shangguan Xuanyi's hand, and signaled: Gu Xuan is not far ahead.

Shangguan Xuanyi stopped immediately, pointed to himself, and then pointed to the front, which meant that he was going to take a look alone.

Xiaoer nodded.

Shangguan Xuanyi walked forward slowly against the wall until he saw a bright light shining into the passage, and he stopped at the end of the shadow.

Shangguan Xuanyi did not poke his head out to see where Gu Xuan was, because as long as he poked his head out and the light came directly, it would definitely leave a shadow on the ground.

He waited quietly for a while, relying on capturing Gu Xuan's breath to determine his current location, and then quickly shot a dart out.

The moment the dart was shot, Gu Xuan, who had his eyes closed and his legs crossed to heal his wounds, quickly opened his eyes and at the same time lay back, narrowly dodging the dart.

After Shangguan Xuanyi flew out the dart, he quickly raised his sword, flew over and stabbed Gu Xuan.

Gu Xuan quickly rolled off the stone bed, then jumped up, dodged Shangguan Xuanyi's sword, and at the same time threw a bottle to Shangguan Xuanyi, preparing to escape.

Now that his mana and injuries have not fully recovered, he is definitely no match for Shangguan Xuanyi, so he has no plans to fight against Shangguan Xuanyi!

Just want to escape!

Xiaoer just walked in at this time. She saw Gu Xuan start throwing the bottle again. Xiaoer quickly threw a black object at the mouth of the bottle, blocking the mouth of the bottle, and then "Poof!" the whole bottle fell. exploded!

When Shangguan Xuanyi saw Gu Xuan trying to escape, the long sword in his hand flew out and pointed directly at his vital point with lightning speed.

Gu Xuan quickly dodged Shangguan Xuanyi's flying sword. While dodging, he threw two more bottles out!

snort! So what if you can block the mouth of a bottle! He has several such life-saving artifacts on his body!

Xiao'er had long been waiting for Gu Xuan to use his escape technique, and this time she also blocked the mouth of one of the bottles.

But the other one was too late, two black bugs flew out from it, one flew straight towards Shangguan Xuanyi, and the other flew towards Xiao'er.

Xiaoer first used a dart to shoot down the black bug that flew towards Shangguan Xuanyi.

Hei Chongzi was very fast, and Xiaoer's attack was already very fast! But in just such an instant, the black insect flying towards her had already flown in front of her eyes, and was about to bite her!

At such a close distance, Xiaoer didn't even have time to hide!

At this time, a silver needle shot it down.

Shangguan Xuanyi had been paying attention to Xiaoer's movements while dealing with Gu Xuan, so he was able to kill the black insect in time.

Seeing this, Gu Xuan made up his mind to run away!

Shangguan Xuanyi can still be distracted when dealing with him!

It shows that this person's strength is far above his own!

Now that I'm injured again, I will really die if I don't run away!

So Gu Xuan threw five bottles at the same time: Humph! Ten bugs attack at the same time! He didn't believe that Shangguan Xuanyi still had time to take care of him!

When Gu Xuan made a move, Xiaoer had a sudden thought, quickly took off her cloak, threw it out, then wrapped all five bottles in the cloak, and casually threw something in, and shook her hand twice. Wrap a few bottles tightly, and then throw the package in the direction of Gu Xuan!

On the other side, the sword in Shangguan Xuanyi's hand was also chasing Gu Xuan tightly without giving up an inch, making him hide and flee, which was quite embarrassing!

Finally, Shangguan Xuanyi saw Xiaoer's actions and deliberately forced Gu Xuan with his sword, making him dodge in the direction of the bag Xiaoer threw.

At this time, there was a "boom", and the package exploded. Gu Xuan's face was covered in blood from the fragments of the explosion!

Xiaoer and Shangguan Xuanyi had no agreement, but this time the two of them cooperated very well. Xiaoer dealt with the bottles thrown by Gu Xuan, and Shangguan Xuanyi dealt with Gu Xuan who always took the opportunity to escape!

When masters fight against each other, the stronger one simply crushes everyone!

After the explosion, Shangguan Xuanyi flew a handful of golden needles towards Gu Xuan at the same time.

The golden needles all over the sky were as dense as the raindrops falling from the sky, making Gu Xuan unable to escape. He could only raise his sleeves to block his face.

But Shangguan Xuanyi's skill was deeper than him. He couldn't block Shangguan Xuanyi's attack with his sleeves, and many golden needles pricked him!

After being hurt again and again, Gu Xuan became angry!

So what if he was just angry, if two of them were to fight against him alone, he would have no chance of winning! All we can do is run away!

Wait until the next opportunity to deal with them!

He used his inner strength to force the golden needle out of his body, then pointed at the candlestick on the stone table and extinguished the candle in the tomb with a few snaps of his fingers.

The whole space suddenly darkened!

Gu Xuan took advantage of the darkness and ran away quickly!

The air flow brought by Shangguan Xuanyi when he left Gu Xuan confirmed Gu Xuan's direction. The sword in his hand flew towards Gu Xuan like an arrow.

After the candle went out, Xiaoer immediately took out a luminous pearl from the space, and the space lit up instantly.

Gu Xuan noticed the murderous aura coming from his back and reacted very quickly to avoid it, but he was still stabbed into the shoulder by Shangguan Xuanyi's sword.

Next, Shangguan Xuanyi quickly took off the long whip from his waist and swung the whip at him.

hateful! Since they must put themselves to death! Don't blame yourself for being cruel!

Gu Xuan became fierce and quickly dodged Shangguan Xuanyi's attack. He didn't care about being hit by the long whip. He used his internal strength to protect his body and reduced the damage caused by Shangguan Xuanyi's long whip on his body.

Gu Xuan ignited a talisman while hiding, muttering something in his mouth, and then pointed the willow sword at Xiao'er. He quickly drew two fingers on the willow sword side by side, and a green light flew away at the speed of lightning.

Seeing this, Shangguan Xuanyi flew over and wanted to block Xiaoer, but the speed of the light was much faster than him, and he had no time to block Xiaoer!

Xiaoer knew that the light was not a good thing!

Seeing that she couldn't escape, she hid directly in the space!

Anyway, Gu Xuan already knows that he has space, so it doesn’t matter if he hides in the space directly in front of him!

When Gu Xuan saw Xiaoer suddenly disappearing under his eyes, he was shocked and soon understood what was going on!

If he could have that space, would he still have to avoid it now?

The scarred Gu Xuan longed for space even more at this moment!

Shangguan Xuanyi breathed a sigh of relief when he saw Xiaoer hiding in the space! He flew over, swung his long whip, caught Gu Xuan, and then swung it hard towards the stone table.

Gu Xuan was not a vegetarian either. When he flew out, he quickly used his willow sword to support the stone table, then turned over and landed safely, avoiding himself from hitting the stone table, otherwise his internal organs would be shattered!

Gu Xuan quickly lit another talisman and pointed it at Shangguan Xuanyi using the same method.

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