Li Guzi looked at the grass moving around in the bottle, which was still glowing with green light, and intuitively felt that this thing was very important.

Li Guzi handed the bottle to Shangguan Xuanyi: "Prince Rui, take a look!"

Shangguan Xuanyi took a look and saw a three-leaf grass beating like a human figure.

"This is the soul-nourishing grass!" Shangguan Xuanyi also read books about souls in Xiaoer's space study, and learned some basic knowledge about soul exchange and soul control.

But even if it is as powerful as the space study room, the books in it can be said to be all-inclusive, but there is no relevant introduction on how to control the soul, how to exchange it, how to awaken it, etc.

Because this secret method is too heaven-defying! The ancestor who researched this secret method asked to pass it down orally, so there is no written record.

Therefore, there is no record of the secret method of the soul in Xiaoer's space.

"Soul-nourishing grass?" Li Guzi looked at the grass in the bottle and felt both happy and worried!

Is his daughter's soul fostered in this soul-nurturing grass?

But how can I get my daughter's soul back into her body? Is it really enough to just drink a bowl of soul-reviving soup?

"My husband's daughter must have been fostered on this grass! I have the recipe for Huihun Soup. Let your daughter drink a bowl when you get back!"

"Okay! Let's go then! Go in and see what Gu Xuan has left inside, and destroy them all, lest they stay and harm others!" After hearing this, Li Guzi stuffed the bottle into his arms, and then took the lead. Went into the tomb to see if there was anything that needed to be destroyed.

Shangguan Xuanyi had no objection to this and walked in with Xiaoer in his arms.

The two entered the tomb and used the light of the night pearl to smash all the things left by Gu Xuan with their internal strength, and then the two quickly left the place.

In a courtyard in Zezhou

When Xi'er saw Shangguan Xuanyi come in carrying the unconscious Xiaoer, she couldn't help but think about it again: "Is my sister being controlled by another soul again?"

She went to see her sister in the morning, and Yang Mei said that her sister had woken up!

What's going on now that you're unconscious again?

"We went to deal with Gu Xuan together. She was injured by Gu Xuan." Shangguan Xuanyi explained.

There was a faint worry in his heart, but he hoped that the truth was what he said! Xiaoer was just injured!

After hearing this, Yang Liu turned around and immediately went to ask for a military doctor.

Xi'er said: "Put your sister down quickly and let me take a look!"

Shangguan Xuanyi carried the unconscious Xiaoer into the house and placed him on the bed.

Li Guzi, Xi'er, and the military doctor all checked Xiaoer's pulse, and everyone agreed that Xiaoer was unconscious because of serious injuries!

Shangguan Xuanyi breathed a sigh of relief after hearing this! He suppressed the uneasiness in his heart! You must be thinking too much!

But he couldn't help but send more people to find out the whereabouts of Master Yunfa.

After Shangguan Xuanyi came back, he told Li Guzi the recipe of Huihun Soup!

Li Guzi immediately sent out people to find all the medicinal materials for the formula.

Shangguan Xuanyi fed Xiaoer a pill every day for seven days, but Xiaoer still showed no sign of waking up.

Shangguan Xuanyi became even more silent!

Xi'er and Li Guzi both checked Xiaoer's pulse and were sure that Xiaoer's injuries were completely healed, but they just didn't understand why she couldn't wake up.

On this day, Li Guzi's people finally found all the medicinal materials for the Soul-Returning Grass.

Li Guzi had two bowls cooked, one for his daughter and one for Xiaoer.

Li Guzi's daughter woke up after drinking the soul-reviving soup, but she had almost forgotten her previous memories. Fortunately, she still remembered that Li Guzi was his father, but every time she saw Shangguan Xuanyi, she would pick up her sword to kill him!

Li Guzi couldn't stop her even if he wanted to. Li Guzi had no choice but to lock her in the room, and then planned to take her back to Li Gu as soon as possible. Li Gu was the place where she had lived since she was a child. It was estimated that a familiar place would be able to wake her up. Sleeping memory!

After Shangguan Xuanyi fed Xiaoer a bowl of soul-reviving soup, Xiaoer still had no reaction at all!

Shangguan Xuanyi could not hide his disappointment.

"Princess Rui's soul must not be controlled by someone!" Li Guzi said upon seeing this.

"What is that? The injuries are all healed! Why can't people wake up?" Yun'er asked, holding her big belly.

No one said anything because they didn’t know either!

Everyone glanced at Shangguan Xuanyi, but Shangguan Xuanyi said nothing.

In the past few days, apart from entering the space to take care of the child, Shangguan Xuanyi has been staying by Xiao'er's side, but Xiao'er seemed to be in a deep sleep with no sign of waking up.

And Shangguan Xuanyi became even more silent! He has simply returned to the indifferent look he had when he was young, no, he is even more indifferent than when he was young!

One day, Shangguan Xuanjun saw Shangguan Xuanyi like this and asked him to train new soldiers.

The imperial court has recruited 50,000 new soldiers. They have just arrived in the past few days. Shangguan Xuanjun wants to find something for Shangguan Xuanyi to do so that he will not act like everyone in the world is in debt to him!

Unexpectedly, Shangguan Xuanyi was not so much training soldiers as venting his anger on those new soldiers!

The ultra-high-intensity training made the soldiers complain incessantly!

On the second day, Shangguan Xuanjun no longer dared to let Shangguan Xuanyi train troops, lest the newly recruited soldiers would be destroyed by him before they were sent to the battlefield!

Let him lead the troops when they attack Nangong Kingdom, and then vent their anger on Nangong Kingdom's soldiers!

Every injustice has its owner, and every debt has its owner!

That day Li Guzi came to say goodbye to Shangguan Xuanyi.

"Prince Rui, I plan to take Li Rui back to Li Valley today. After I return to Li Valley, I will send someone to find Master Yunfa to find out whether he is wandering around the world or has passed away!"

After all, Li Guzi also knew that if he wanted his daughter to return to her original appearance, she could only rely on methods to lift the imprisonment that Gu Xuan had reinforced on her daughter's soul.

Gu Xuan and Master Yunfa came from the same sect. They were about the same age, but they were one generation apart.

As far as Li Guzi knows, the only direct disciples of the Divination Clan are Gu Xuan and Master Yunfa!

Gu Xuan is dead! So if you want your daughter to regain her memory and Princess Rui to wake up, you can only find Master Yunfa!

After hearing this, Shangguan Xuanyi said: "I have sent people to find Master Yunfa, but there was news that Master Yunfa had gone to sea ten years ago."

Li Guzi felt a chill in his heart after hearing this!

Going to sea? There are so many countries outside the coastline of the vast sea! Everyone doesn’t know how to find someone!

Li Guzi glanced at Shangguan Xuanyi with great sympathy! Although his daughter has lost her memory, waking up is better than not waking up at all!

"I went to sea ten years ago, maybe I'm back now! I will definitely send people to find him, even if it's overseas! I'll do my best! No matter how long it takes."

Shangguan Xuanyi nodded.

Then Li Guzi left Zezhou with his daughter and quietly returned to Li Gu.

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