Xiaoer never woke up. Shangguan Xuanyi did nothing and no one else dared to let him do it. He always stayed by Xiaoer's side. When no one was around, he released several children and asked them to accompany Xiaoer. Hope Xiaoer can hear the children's voices and wake up.

On February 2nd, the child turns one year old. It is something that every prince and grandson must do.

Shangguan Xuanyi asked Yangliu and Yangmei to guard the courtyard gate and forbid anyone to disturb him.

Then he took Xiaoer into the space ring and held a Zhouzhou ceremony for several children.

Shangguan Xuanyi placed Xiaoer on the jade bed in the space. This bed was made by Xiaoer in the space processing workshop using jade from the mountain in the space.

Because she already had a jade bed in her space, this one was placed in Shangguan Xuanyi's space ring.

In this way, Shangguan Xuanyi sometimes went out to do errands. When he was on the road, he didn't have time to stay in a post station or inn, so he could hide in the space and have a good sleep outside the barren mountains.

It goes without saying how precious the native jade in the space is. The most important thing is that people will never feel cold or hot when lying on it. And a night's sleep can also relieve fatigue.

Shangguan Xuanyi looked at the space in the space ring. It was completely decorated by Xiaoer. Everything was separated by screens and put away, as if he had brought a home with him.

Ever since she got married, this girl has always taken good care of herself, taking care of everything.

He missed so much the days when he could see her sweet smile every morning when he woke up!

Shangguan Xuanyi put Xiaoer behind the bed, and then put several children on the bed.

As soon as several children saw Xiao'er, they crawled to her side, touched her face, grabbed her clothes, and held her hand, shouting "Mother Concubine, Mother Concubine".

"Father, my mother and concubine have been sleeping for a long time!" Rooftop can already speak briefly.

"Father, I want my mother and concubine to wake up!" Fat Qingqing bit her finger and said.

"Concubine, wake up!"

"Concubine, wake up!"

Several children pushed Xiaoer with their little hands.

Since the mother-in-law fell asleep, the food they ate was made by their father, and it was so unpalatable!

Qingqing touched her belly. There was even a swimming ring missing here!

If I were there during the day, I would definitely be able to fly two more laps with me!

Yes, they still have it during the day. Since the mother-in-law fell asleep, they have never played with their brothers and sisters during the day!

My father only stares at his mother and concubine all day long!

It’s so sad to live without my mother-in-law!

"The concubine was injured by a bad guy, so she fell asleep! You have to wake her up, but don't push her too hard, you know? That will hurt the concubine! In that case, the concubine will be angry, and then she won't wake up. Come here!" Shangguan Xuanyi said quickly when he saw several children touching Xiaoer.

"Then my mother-in-law, if she is not angry, will she wake up!" After Roof said these words, Xiaoer's face immediately smelled sweet.

"Kiss me too!"

"Kiss me too"

"Kiss me too!" Seeing this, the other three people rushed to kiss Xiaoer.

Shangguan Xuanyi reached out and touched Xiaoer's face. In just over a month, Xiaoer had lost a lot of weight: "Girl, today is February 2nd, our child is one year old! Look how much they miss them." You? Won’t you wake up and see what they caught?”

Xiaoer seemed not to have heard Shangguan Xuanyi's words and still had no reaction at all.

"Father, mother and concubine are not awake!" After Roof finished kissing, he raised his head and looked at Shangguan Xuanyi, complaining aggrievedly. Father, you are lying to yourself!

"The mother-in-law is probably still angry, so give her something to make her happy!" Shangguan Xuanyi hugged the children to the ground.

Many items specially used to catch Zhou have been placed on the carpet: seals, scriptures of Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism, pens, ink, paper, inkstones, abacus, coins, account books, jewelry, flowers, rouge, food , toys, shovels, spoons, scissors, rulers, embroidery thread, patterns, etc.

"Go! Pick something to give to the concubine. Then the concubine will be happy and may wake up!"

Upon hearing this, several children hurriedly walked over.

Roof felt that his mother-in-law had been wearing her hair loose recently, and her father had not helped her dress up. She was probably angry, so he picked up a hairpin on the ground and planned to give it to his mother-in-law. He wanted to help her dress up.

Qingqing thought that her mother-in-law must be hungry after sleeping for so long, so she picked up an apple on the carpet and planned to give it to her mother-in-law!

Mo Zhi thought that his mother-in-law always liked to make money, and she would be happy to use her gold, so he picked up a gold ingot on the ground and planned to give it to his mother-in-law.

Nuannuan looks at them all looking stingy!

There were so many things on the ground, but I only gave one to my mother and concubine!

Nuannuan decided to pick up everything on the ground and give it to her mother-in-law!

Shangguan Xuanyi saw Nuan Nuan grabbing the carpet directly and said: "Nuan Nuan is grabbing the things on the carpet! Not grabbing the carpet."

"No, I give all of it to my concubine! Concubine is happy! Wake up!" Nuannuan heard her father talking to herself, she turned back to look at Shangguan Xuanyi, and then pointed to something on the ground.

She wanted to pack up all the things on the carpet, and then take them all to Xiaoer, give them to Xiaoer, and make Xiaoer happy, and then she would wake up, but she couldn't express it clearly yet, but Shangguan Xuanyi Got it!

Shangguan Xuanyi felt warm in his heart. He stepped forward and picked up his usually quiet daughter and asked, "Does Nuannuan want to give everything to the mother and concubine?"

Nuannuan nodded.

"The mother-in-law will be very happy when she finds out! She will definitely work hard to wake up!" Shangguan Xuanyi was moved and happy by the child's filial piety.

Nuannuan laughed after hearing this.

When the other three children saw Nuan Nuan, they actually planned to give everything on the ground to their mother and concubine!

They looked at what they had in their hands: Is this too little? Why didn't they think of getting a few more just now? What if the mother-in-law finds out, wakes up, and only plays with Nuan Nuan?

So the three little kids said loudly: "I also want to give many, many things to my mother-in-law!"

Roof looked at the hairpin in his hand. One hairpin was indeed too few!

During these days, he has thoroughly understood this space. He knows exactly what is in the space and where they are placed!

So he quickly moved his short legs to a dressing table beside the bed, climbed up and pointed at the jewelry box on it and said: "Father, I want to give this to my mother and concubine!"

Shangguan Xuanyi looked over and saw that everything in the box was given to Xiaoer by himself, but he actually wanted to borrow flowers to worship Buddha? How can that work! "Those things originally belonged to your mother and concubine. They were given to her by your father and the king. Your mother and concubine already knows about them, so they don't count!"

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