Shangguan Xuanyi looked over and saw that everything in the box was given to Xiaoer by himself, but he actually wanted to borrow flowers to worship Buddha? How can that work!

"Those things originally belonged to the mother-in-law and were given to her by the father and the king. Your mother-in-law already knows about them, so they don't count!

Roof was embarrassed after hearing this. What should I give him? He has nothing that belongs to him!

I haven’t grown up yet and I don’t know how to do any work. How can I earn money to buy jewelry for my mother and concubine?

Roof thought for a while, then walked to Xiaoer, lay in her ear and said, "Concubine, I will help you comb your hair every day. When you grow up, buy it again. Concubine, wake up!"

Mo Zhi looked at the ingot of gold in his hand and felt that the ingot of gold was too little and not worth the happiness of his mother-in-law!

So he took off his money bag, which contained the New Year's money given to him by his mother, concubine, and father during the New Year.

I took out the ink: two cute little golden mice.

But the total of these is still too little compared to Nuannuan!

Why is Nuannuan so smart! He is always silent, but the things he does are always shocking!

Mo Zhi suddenly thought of something. He also ran to Xiao'er and put the money bag and the ingot of gold into Xiao'er's hands: "Concubine, wake up, I'm old and I'll give you a big gold mountain!"

When Mo Ji said this, he also opened his little hands to show that they were very big, so big that he couldn't even hold them!

Qingqing looked at the apple in her hand. She was really stingy to give her mother an apple!

So she also ran to Xiao'er: "Concubine, Qingqing will give you a room full of apples! One apple a day will make the doctor leave you!"

In the past, Xiaoer would make some apple puree for them to eat every day, and said: An apple a day will keep the doctor away from me.

Now Qingqing has learned this sentence.

Shangguan Xuanyi saw them trying their best to make Xiaoer happy, and couldn't help but said to Xiaoer: "Girl, wake up quickly! The children are so good, can you bear to let them down?"

After a while, when several children saw that Xiaoer was still awake, Roofang asked, "Father, why are you not awake yet? Are you waiting for us to grow up and buy things for her? Will she wake up again?"

Wait until they grow up before waking up? After Shangguan Xuanyi heard this, he felt a row of crows flying over his forehead!

"Nonsense! Mother and concubine will wake up soon!"

"How fast? Qingqing is hungry!" Qingqing touched her round belly and said.

"My mother-in-law must be working very hard to wake up now. She won't bear to keep us waiting for too long. We are also trying our best to find ways to make her happy and wake her up. Do you understand?"

Make her happy? How to coax?

"Is it a gift?" Qingqing asked after hearing this. I have to eat every day to not be hungry. Does that mean that as long as I send a house of apples to my mother-in-law every day, she will be happy?

"Stupid, you can kiss, play, tell stories, endorse, sing, and dance. Mother and concubine will be happy." Nuannuan said while counting her fingers.

After hearing this, Shangguan Xuanyi touched Nuan Nuan's head: "Yes, you can take turns kissing the mother and concubine every day, playing with the mother and concubine, talking to the mother and concubine, telling stories, endorsing books, and singing to the mother and concubine. That way, mother and concubine can listen to her. The concubine was happy and woke up soon."

In the following days, the only thing the children did when they woke up every day was to show off their skills around the sleeping Xiaoer, trying to wake her up.

Just like this, more than a month passed without realizing it, and during this period, Shangguan Xuanjun and Di Shaowei captured another city in Nangong Kingdom!

Xiaoer still showed no sign of waking up.

The people Shangguan Xuanyi sent out to look for Master Yunfa still had no news.

Shangguan Xuanyi also wrote a letter back to the Imperial Preceptor, asking him if there was anything he could do.

It’s just that the Imperial Master hasn’t replied yet.

Jingrui came here with Zhu Yan that day.

Jingrui returned to the imperial capital to work as a magician a year ago. This time he returned to Nanyue Prefecture and brought Zhu Yan and the children with him.

He knew about Xiaoer's unconsciousness and came here specifically to have a look.

Moreover, Yun'er is about to give birth, how can she do it without an experienced relative by her side.

So he brought Zhu Yan to Zezhou and asked her to stay with Yun'er for a while.

Xi'er, Yun'er and Zhu Yan went into the house to visit Xiao'er. Because of the differences between men and women, Jingrui did not enter the house.

Zhu Yan walked out of the room and returned to the hall. She couldn't help but said distressedly: "Xiao'er has lost a lot of weight, even thinner than before giving birth. How can it continue like this!"

"My sister has been in a coma for more than two months. She can only survive on porridge and water every day. She can't eat anything. How can she not lose weight?" Xi'er has been working hard to specialize in medical skills recently, hoping to revive Xiao'er as soon as possible. .

Fortunately, I could feed him some porridge water, otherwise he would have died long ago!

"The Imperial Master said that Xiaoer's soul should have been injured by Gu Xuan's magic, or his soul was blown away, so she is unconscious." Jingrui came over this time and brought a message from the Imperial Master.

"What should we do?" Xi'er asked eagerly after hearing this.

Shangguan Xuanyi's eyes fell on Jing Rui, and he became more anxious.

"If the soul is blown away, you must do something. If the soul is injured by a spell, the national master said that the divination tribe has a soul-reviving pill, which is refined with magic and can awaken the injured and sleeping soul. "

Soul-reviving pill?

After hearing this, Shangguan Xuanyi felt a glimmer of hope in his heart!

"Where can I find the Soul Pill this time? Gu Xuan is dead! I wonder if Li Guzi knows the recipe for the Soul Recovery Pill." Xi'er said.

"Even if I know it, I don't know the magic! How to refine it?" Jing Hao frowned.

"We still have to find the descendants of the divination clan!" Jing Rui said.

"Didn't it mean that the fortune-telling clan was exterminated for unknown reasons a long time ago? Now only Master Yunfa and Gu Xuan, who was expelled from the clan, are left." Yun'er held her belly in worry.

If Master Yunfa can't be found, will my sister sleep forever and never wake up?

"There must be some anonymous descendants of the divination clan." No matter how long it takes to find them! He won't even give up! We must save Xiaoer.

Shangguan Xuanyi's face was full of determination.

He will not give up and the four children are working hard every day.

Inside the Nangong Kingdom Palace

Gong Qinghua heard that another city had been captured. Although he was angry, something else diverted his attention!

"You said that Master Gu Xuan has been killed by Shangguan Xuan Yi? And Princess Min Ze Guorui was injured by Gu Xuan during the duel with Gu Xuan. It has been two months and she is still unconscious? So this time Min Ze Guo attacked In Jiangzhong County, King Rui and his wife did not go to war?" Gong Qinghua couldn't help but ask again after hearing the news that the spies had returned.

"Yes, that's indeed what the news from the people ambushing in Zezhou said."

"Is there any other news about Princess Rui and King Rui?" Gong Qinghua couldn't help but want to know more.

His life has been linked to failure since he met King Rui!

He even dreamed of killing Shangguan Xuanyi!

Thank you 151******7 and 159******8, ㄛ☆ㄟforgetting the grass for the reward, and thank you book friends who voted.

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