Shangguan Xuanyi glanced around, thinking about where the secret room's mechanism was located.

He glanced at the calligraphy and painting on the wall, then walked over to check it, and found that there was no mechanism behind the calligraphy and painting on the wall.

He moved the ornaments on the desk again, but there was no response.

Then he squatted down again and looked around under the desk. There was still nothing special!

Where is the switch of the secret room mechanism?

Shangguan Xuanyi stood up and looked at the furnishings in the imperial study, thoughtfully.

Then he set his sights on a bonsai in the corner: the flower shelf under the bonsai had two places on it that were slightly smoother than other places, and it felt like someone had touched it frequently.

Of course, you can't tell if you don't look carefully.

Shangguan Xuanyi walked over, squatted down next to the flower stand, held the two smooth places with his hands, and then tried his best to turn the flower stand.


The flower stand moved!

The wall moved too!

Shangguan Xuanyi stood up and walked in.

The secret room is a place where important items are stored, and all confidential information is stored here!

Shangguan Xuanyi couldn't help but smile as he looked at the things placed in the secret room.

Stealing one thing is stealing, stealing two things is stealing! Even if you steal everything, you are still stealing!


Everything that Shangguan Xuanyi could see with his eyes was placed in the ring space!

Regardless of whether it is useful or not, taking it away will definitely cause trouble for Gong Qinghua!

After Shangguan Xuanyi put all the things placed on the surface of the secret room into the space, he still did not find the existence of the soul-reviving pill.

He quickly looked around to see if there were any hidden compartments in the secret room.

Then I found a switch under a desk and opened the secret compartment. There was a jade bottle and some confidential information inside.

Shangguan Xuanyi picked up the jade bottle and opened the cork. There was a pill inside.

Shangguan Xuanyi poured out the pills and placed them on his palm. Before he could take a closer look, he heard a noise coming from outside!

Shangguan Xuanyi quickly put the pills back into his palm, corked the bottle, put everything in the secret compartment into the space, and quickly left the secret room.

Outside, Gong Qinghua climbed up the stairs step by step.

The guards on both sides were dumbfounded while saluting!

Didn’t the emperor just walk in?

Why is there another emperor?

Could it be that there was a secret passage in the imperial study, and the emperor left the study through the secret passage?

Gong Qinghua noticed something strange about the guards, he stopped and said coldly: "What's going on?"

"When did the Emperor come out of the study?"

Gong Qinghua frowned after hearing this. When did he come out of the study?

Didn't he leave the study at sunset and go to Xiaohuayuan?

Are they blind? I still wandered around the world while on duty!

And when you leave the study, when will it be their turn to take charge!

never mind! Gong Qinghua was in a good mood today, so he didn't care about it and continued walking up.

At this time, the door of the study room opened, and an emperor walked out!

The emperor again?

Two emperors?

Soldiers look up, look down, you look at me, I look at you!


Which one is the real emperor?

They can't figure it out!

Because both the emperors on the steps and the two emperors on the steps looked exactly the same!

Gong Qinghua saw another version of himself appearing outside the imperial study room, and his expression changed!

When Shangguan Xuanyi saw that it was really Gong Qinghua who had returned, he immediately shouted angrily: "How brave! How dare you pretend to be me! Catch him!"

Gong Qinghua's face turned dark after hearing this!

This is a thief shouting to catch a thief!

He also shouted: "Catch him, he is fake!"

The guards couldn't help but look at the emperor outside the study door and the emperor on the steps. They were exactly the same! Which one is true?

And their voices are somewhat similar!

Can't tell the difference!

For a moment, they didn't dare to take action, because if they hurt the real emperor, it would be a serious crime against the Nine Clan!

Shangguan Xuanyi spoke again at this time, and he said angrily: "Are you deaf? Catch him! Otherwise, he will be killed without mercy!"

Shangguan Xuanyi looked at Gong Qinghua with a hint of provocation in his eyes. He wanted his soldiers to fight him!

Being surrounded by your own guards must be a frustrating feeling!

"Are they all dead? Can't you even recognize me? Go and kill him!" Gong Qinghua was so angry at Shangguan Xuanyi's provocation that his lungs almost exploded!

He quickly grabbed a long knife next to him, and then attacked Shangguan Xuanyi.

"Don't stop him yet! If he hurts a single hair of mine, I will kill all nine of your tribes!" Shangguan Xuanyi imitated Gong Qinghua's eyes when he was angry, and glanced coldly at the two guards around him!

Wearing a dragon robe, he exudes the aura of a superior, and the domineering king makes people surrender unconsciously!

The two guards were subconsciously startled and quickly stopped in front of Shangguan Xuanyi!

"Bold assassin! How dare you pretend to be the emperor! Everyone quickly protect the emperor and catch the assassin!" The guard guarding the door of the royal study has a higher position than the guards below!

Everyone heard their immediate boss speak! Moreover, the two of them are relatively close to the emperor, so naturally they will not admit their mistake!

Even if you really admit your mistake! They were the ones who told them to deal with the emperor!

They just follow the orders of their superiors!

Sin does not lead to death!

So after hearing this, everyone quickly raised their spears towards Gong Qinghua! Stopped Gong Qinghua!

"Presumptuous! He is the one who is fake!" Gong Qinghua's face turned completely green!

This kind of betrayal made him more uncomfortable and humiliating than his concubine's secret affair with another man.

"Kill Wuhe!" Shangguan Xuanyi looked at Gong Qinghua coldly and slowly uttered three words!

He looked so high up, standing on the steps with his hands behind his back, giving orders!

It was as if this palace belonged to him! This world is his! These soldiers are his too!

This confidence and royal demeanor convinced the soldiers without hesitation!

If he is so powerful, who is the emperor if he is not the emperor? ! Who else but the emperor can have such momentum!

Besides, the emperor is the one who stands there and gives orders!

Which emperor would personally catch the assassin?

"Shangguan Xuanyi, go to hell!" Gong Qinghua fiercely dealt with the soldiers who were attacking him!

Shangguan Xuanyi looked at Gong Qinghua with eyes full of sarcasm: The bodyguard you raised can't even recognize who the master is!

You, the emperor, are too cowardly to act like this!

Gong Qinghua was so angry that he was so angry! Shangguan Xuanyi, wait! Today I want you to die without a burial place!

I'm going to chop you up and feed you to the dogs!

Gong Qinghua became fierce and used his inner strength to repel the incoming guards. He quickly took out the token he carried with him to command the Royal Forest Army and loudly said: "The Royal Forest Army is here! Get that impostor for me!" The people who assassinated me today will all be killed by the nine tribes!"

As soon as the imperial order came out, all the soldiers stopped.

Thank you Maoer 1986 for the reward, and thank you book friends who voted!

I've been having trouble sleeping lately, does anyone have any ideas?

I can’t sleep well and my head hurts ㄟ(θ﹏θ)factory

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