As soon as Gong Qinghua took out the Royal Forest Order, everyone was dumbfounded!

Royal Forest Order?

The imperial order is with the emperor!


This angry man with no royal air is their emperor!

How come the domineering power of the emperor is not even as good as that of a fake one!

Who would have thought that the real emperor was so angry there, but the fake emperor was calm and composed there.

But I have been impersonated by others! It’s normal for the emperor to be so angry!

"Kill him!" Gong Qinghua gritted his teeth.

The soldiers immediately turned their guns towards Shangguan Xuanyi.

When Shangguan Xuanyi saw Gong Qinghua taking out the Royal Forest Order, he knew he couldn't pretend anymore!

He quickly shot out a dart and shot down Gong Qinghua's Yu Linling. Then he flew up to Gong Qinghua and quickly started fighting with him.

Shangguan Xuanyi struck very quickly, and the two of them passed more than a dozen moves at once, and then Gong Qinghua fell behind instantly!

If we can take the opportunity to kill Gong Qinghua today, it will be even faster to capture Nangong Kingdom!

Gong Qinghua was extremely surprised! How high is Shangguan Xuanyi's martial arts! Is that why I have been suppressed by him? !

Gong Qinghua narrowly avoided Shangguan Xuanyi's fatal attack, and then he said angrily to his bodyguard: "Quick! Kill him!"

At this time, Shangguan Xuanyi deliberately said angrily to the guards: "Kill him!"

Because the two exchanged more than ten moves, and then the soldiers couldn't tell which one was the real emperor!

They didn't dare to take action for a while!

Gong Qinghua really wants to vomit blood!

The news here spread quickly! At this time, the leader of the Royal Forest Army appeared outside the Royal Study with many soldiers.

Thousands of archers surrounded them!

In addition, there were thousands of soldiers holding swords!

Shangguan Xuanyi saw this and thought: Sure enough, a dragnet has been set up waiting for him to come!

"He is fake, I am the real one! Zhang Yuan! Kill him!" Gong Qinghua said immediately when he saw the leader of the Royal Forest Army coming!

He was injured internally! It came out of anger! Why didn't he know that Shangguan Xuanyi was better at acting than the actors in the drama!

Gong Qinghua learned the lesson this time. After saying this, he immediately took off his dragon robe to make it easier for the guards to recognize him.

Zhang Yuan heard the emperor calling his name, and now he confirmed who the emperor was!

"Kill him! He is pretending!" Zhang Yuan pointed at Shangguan Xuanyi and said!

Shangguan Xuanyi smiled contemptuously, just them?

He took out two bottles, used both hands to push the corks open with his thumbs, then quickly poured the liquid in one bottle into the other bottle, and then threw it towards Gong Qinghua at extremely fast speeds. .

The bottle exploded when it got close to Gong Qinghua!

Everyone thought it was venom, but they never imagined that the two liquids would be so powerful when mixed together!

So everyone raised their sleeves in front of their faces and held their breath to prevent poisoning!

Then they were in trouble! He was directly injured by the power of the explosion!

Because the bottle was thrown towards Gong Qinghua, who was closest to him, it can be said that Gong Qinghua was the most seriously injured!

Shangguan Xuanyi took advantage of the moment of the explosion to fly another dart towards Gong Qinghua's vital part, and then quickly used Qinggong to leave before anyone could react.

Surrounded by soldiers, Shangguan Xuanyi was not interested in fighting, so he flew up to the roof and left.

Although there are people on the roof!

"Fire the arrows! Cast the net!" Zhang Yuan immediately ordered when he saw Shangguan Xuanyi flying up to the roof to escape.

When Shangguan Xuan Yifei flew onto the roof, thousands of arrows were shot at him.

Shangguan Xuanyi took out his cloak, waved his hand, and then swung it several times at an extremely fast speed. Some of the rain arrows that were shot were caught in the cloak, while others were knocked out by the cloak and shot towards the imperial guards of Nangong Kingdom!

Many Nangong Kingdom guards were hit by arrows!

Shangguan Xuanyi had just escaped from the rain of arrows when a giant net came over him!

It's just that the speed of Juwang is not as fast as his lightness!

They underestimated him!

Shangguan Xuanyi dodged the giant net in a flash, then quickly flew out a few darts to kill the people on the roof, then turned around and used Qinggong to leave.

"Fire the arrow, keep firing and don't stop!" Zhang Yuan said quickly!

He didn't believe that he could dodge so many arrows one by one!

It just takes time to draw the bow and release the arrows. After Shangguan Xuanyi released the second rain of arrows, he left at a speed that they could hardly imagine!

"Hurry up and chase him, don't let him run away!" Zhang Yuan said quickly!

Today his men actually got the real and fake emperor wrong!

If the false emperor is allowed to escape again!

It would be strange if the emperor wasn't so angry that he chopped off all their heads!

So thousands of guards chased in the direction of Shangguan Xuanyi!

Shangguan Xuanyi's Qinggong was very fast, and he avoided the guards and disappeared into the night with a few dodgers.

This is why he dared to enter the Nangong Kingdom Palace alone! He is no longer the same person he was when he attacked Xiyue Kingdom!

With his current strength, he believes that there is no one who is best in the world, and there is also someone who is second in the world!

And his strength has improved recently!

Shangguan Xuanyi quickly came to the cold palace after avoiding the sight of everyone, entered the tunnel, and then entered the space. He changed a set of clothes and pretended to be an ordinary person. He left the space and the tunnel again, and then quickly used Qinggong to leave. .

By this time the city gate had been closed.

But it's not impossible for Shangguan Xuanyi to leave the city. In addition to forcing his way in, he can also leave on horseback in an easy way!

Because just now he took a lot of things from Gong Zixuan's secret room! There are some tokens among them!

Shangguan Xuanyi didn't want to waste time, Xiaoer was still waiting for him to go back with the pills to save her! And the children are still waiting for him to come back!

He decided to leave overnight.

Great harvest tonight! Everything in the secret room was taken away by him!

Gong Zixuan was injured by himself again. Even if he narrowly avoided the critical point, his darts were poisonous! The new poison developed by Xi'er cannot be detoxified within one day, and even the gods and goddesses cannot save him!

Shangguan Xuanyi found a deserted place and released a horse from the space. Then he rode his horse quickly to the city gate!

"Open the door!" Shangguan Xuanyi showed his token and only uttered two words.

The soldiers guarding the city took the token, took a look at it, and then quickly became respectful!

"Open the city gate! Open the city gate quickly! Don't delay the Lord's business!"

After hearing this, several other soldiers quickly opened the city gate.

Shangguan Xuanyi took back the token in the soldier's hand and quickly rode away.

The heavy city gate is closed again!

Not long after Shangguan Xuanyi left on horseback, someone came out of the palace!

Zhang Yuan said to the soldiers guarding the city: "The emperor was stabbed by an assassin. The whole city is on alert! No one is allowed to leave the city!"

After Zhang Yuan said this, he asked the soldiers guarding the city if they had found any suspicious people.

The soldiers guarding the city thought of the man who had just left the city, but he had an exit order issued by the emperor himself.

People who hold that kind of token can even leave the city even if the whole city is on alert!

So he shook his head.

After Zhang Yuan heard this, he decided to search all night!

The new book "Sweet Wife Fell Into Her Arms, Mysterious Husband Is Too Clingy" was released today.

Let me introduce to you:

Female CEO Han Xue was reborn in Lu Yao, and this Lu Yao lived in a place with beautiful scenery! All right! In fact, the truth is that Han Xue was transformed from a CEO into a village girl! However, identity is not important, a village girl is a village girl! Just let her come back alive to take revenge!

As a person, what matters is not where you are, but where you are going.

So Lu Yao is working hard to transform herself back into a wealthy family! Then she accidentally saved a mysterious handsome man, and she has been obsessed with this mysterious man ever since! No matter how hard you try, you can't get rid of it!

Lu Yao: "Hey! Why are you always pestering me? I saved you and you helped me. We no longer owe each other anything!"

The man's beautiful eyes glanced at her lightly: "Don't you understand what it means for a man to be attentive to a woman for nothing?"

Four big words instantly appeared in Lu Yao's mind: Either adultery or thief!

"Also, since ancient times, how have you repaid the kindness of saving your life? Huh?" The man leaned lazily on the back of the sofa and asked lightly.

Four big words suddenly appeared in Lu Yao's mind: I pledge myself to you!

The new book is in modern Chinese! No abuse! Sweet pet article! Try a new style, I hope book friends will support me!

I will try my best to write it wonderfully!

After everyone watches Xiaoer, go and see my new baby!

In addition, the new book needs your support by voting and collecting! Please vote for your valuable recommendation!

Thank you! Mmm~(^з^)-☆!

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