Shangguan Xuanyi returned to Zezhou soon.

"Is Xiao'er awake?" Shangguan Xuanyi asked as the first thing he saw.

Shangguan Xuanjun saw that he came back so quickly and asked Xiaoer if she was awake, so he said, "Didn't you get the soul-returning pill?"

"Brother-in-law, have you got the soul-reviving pill?" Xi'er asked hopefully.

"Got it!" Shangguan Xuanyi saw their reactions. Although he had already guessed such a result, he was still a little disappointed. He took out the soul-reviving pill and handed it to Xi'er: "Let's see what ingredients it is made of." of!"

Shangguan Xuanyi had already seen the soul-reviving pill halfway, and there was indeed a faint green light flowing.

But he didn't know the medicinal materials, so he wasn't sure if it was a soul-reviving pill. Even if it was a soul-reviving pill, he didn't know if it was poisoned.

He is cautious by nature and is always cautious about what he puts into his stomach.

Xi'er took the soul-reviving pill and couldn't wait to go back to the house: "I'll go study it!"

Shangguan Xuanyi nodded.

Shangguan Xuanyi wouldn't dare to let Xiaoer eat it if he didn't study the food carefully.

Xi'er took the soul-reviving pill and went back to her room to study it carefully.

Shangguan Xuanjun looked him up and down and couldn't tell if he was injured: "You got it so easily? Are you injured?"


"Didn't that bastard Gong Qinghua lay a trap waiting for you to come to your door?" Di Shaowei also looked at Shangguan Xuanyi, and it was a bit hard to imagine that he could steal the soul-reviving pill so easily.

"It's not really a dragnet, just a thousand internal-strength archers and three thousand elite soldiers." Shangguan Xuanyi said calmly.

It's just that there are so many arrangements, but they don't have much effect! His lightness skills are something they cannot catch up with even on horseback! How could you possibly hurt yourself!

Even those thousand archers all have internal strength. The arrows they shoot are faster and more powerful than those shot by ordinary archers, but they are useless!

Two years ago, I might have been seriously injured because of this, but now the difference in strength is too big! To him, there is no difference between an arrow shot with inner strength and an arrow shot without inner strength! Because their skills are not deep enough!

"A thousand internally skilled archers shot at you, but they didn't shoot you into a honeycomb?" Di Shaowei said in surprise.

Shangguan Xuanyi rolled his eyes at him: "This kind of thing can only happen to you! Your martial arts seems to have not improved much in the past few years!"

Dishaowei was heartbroken after hearing this! Of course his martial arts has improved in recent years, but he just isn't as perverted as someone else!

Now he doesn't even know how high Shangguan Xuanyi's martial arts is!

In the past, it took one hundred moves to defeat him, then it took fifty moves, and now it takes less than thirty moves to defeat him!

Dishovi decided not to talk to him!

At this time, several children also knew that their father was back, and the four of them rushed out on their short legs.

Yangliu and Yangmei followed them nervously and kept shouting, asking them to run slower!

But several children seemed not to hear.


"Father! You are finally back!"

The four children ran out while shouting for their father, and then immediately hugged Shangguan Xuanyi's thigh.

After not seeing each other for more than half a month, Shangguan Xuanyi found that the children were running more steadily and seemed to be a little taller.

Shangguan Xuanyi squatted down, opened his hands, and held the four children in his arms: "Father is back."

Several children were chattering and rushing to talk to Shangguan Xuanyi.

Most of them talked about how hard they tried to wake up Xiaoer, but Xiaoer still didn't wake up.

Shangguan Xuanyi interacted with the children and found out that when he left, Yun'er gave birth to a pair of twins, and the children had a younger brother and younger sister!

When Shangguan Xuanyi came back, he was pestered by everyone, so he took his children back to the house to see Xiaoer.

After about twenty days away, Xiaoer lost a little weight again.

Shangguan Xuanyi sat down on the edge of the bed, and he held her hand: "Girl, I'm back!"

Xiaoer didn't respond.

Shangguan Xuanyi looked at her quietly for a moment.

When the children saw their father like this, they were obedient and didn't say anything. They looked at their mother and concubine on the bed with him.

After a long time, Yang Liu knocked on the door and said that Xier had researched the pill.

Shangguan Xuanyi walked out immediately.

"The ingredients of the pill have been studied. It is the same as the prescription of Huihun Tang, except that there is an extra soul-breaking grass. But it can be confirmed that this pill is not poisonous!" As for whether it was refined with magic, Xi'er didn't know. Got it!

Soul-breaking grass? Intuition doesn’t sound like a good thing! Shangguan Xuanyi frowned.

"What does the soul-breaking grass do?" Di Shaowei asked.

"It's just what the name says, it's for soul-breaking! So I guess this one is not a soul-reviving pill, but a soul-breaking pill, specially used for those who can't wake up!" Xi'er explained.

Because she was also studying knowledge about the soul during this period, she knew from some books that Xiaoer had given her before that in addition to the soul-reviving pill, there was also the soul-breaking pill. Although she doesn't know how to refine these elixirs, with her talent in medicine and poison, this elixir must not be eaten! Even if it’s not poisonous on the surface!

Dishovi: "."

So Shangguan Xuanyi has been busy for so many days and just came back with a soul-breaking pill!

If no one among them recognizes that this is the soul-breaking pill, then Xiaoer will die if he takes it!

Shangguan Xuanyi saw the green light glowing on the pill. He really thought it was the soul-reviving pill!

He is full of hope!

He thought Xiaoer could finally wake up this time!

Unexpectedly, I was disappointed again!

Shangguan Xuanyi couldn't help but punch the round table, and then the whole round table shattered! It turned into a pile of powder and fell to the ground.

Dishaowei originally wanted to step forward and pat him on the shoulder to comfort him!

Seeing this scene, he decisively retracted his outstretched hand and swallowed subconsciously!

This round table is made of jade!

When Shangguan Xuanjun saw Shangguan Xuanyi like this, he motioned for everyone to leave and let him be quiet.

Shangguan Xuanyi said at this time: "Wait!"

What does he want to do? The people in the room became nervous instantly.

Shangguan Xuanyi took out a bundle from the cabinet and threw it to Shangguan Xuanjun.

"What is this?" Shangguan Xuanjun reached out to catch it and asked while untying it.

"The list of Nangong Kingdom's spies ambushing Minze Kingdom, as well as Nangong Kingdom's military aircraft information, agreements signed with other countries, and the like!"

When Di Shaowei heard the first item from Shangguan Xuanyi, he immediately rushed to Shangguan Xuanjun and rushed to look through the contents of the bag.

Every time Shangguan Xuanyi said something, Shangguan Xuanjun, Di Shaowei and others were a little surprised. By the end of the sentence, everyone was so shocked that they forgot to close their mouths!

Thank you 138******7, Tan Ping and Sutang for the reward, and thank you book friends who voted!

He continued shamelessly:

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