Every time Shangguan Xuanyi said something, Shangguan Xuanjun, Di Shaowei and others were a little surprised. By the end of the sentence, everyone was so shocked that they forgot to close their mouths!

"Uncle Di, if you don't shut up, your saliva will drip down!" Roof kindly reminded him.

Dishaowei quickly shut his mouth! But he continued to look at the booklet in his hand, his eyes widened as big as an ox!

After a long while, Shangguan Xuanjun found his voice: "Are the lists recorded in these books true? How did you get them?"

"It can't be false. I found it in the secret room of Gong Qinghua's imperial study!"

"You actually even entered the secret room of the royal study! How can you come back intact like this?" Di Shaowei said in surprise.

Such an important place as the Imperial Study Room is always heavily guarded!

How could he sneak in and get a country's confidential information? !

Are all the guards outside the imperial study sleeping together? !

Otherwise, when he appeared near the Imperial Study Room, he would have already alerted thousands of troops!

Di Shaowei couldn't understand how Shangguan Xuanyi managed to enter the royal study and even enter the secret room to steal these documents that were even more confidential than secrets!

If I don’t obey anyone in this world, I will obey him!

"Gong Qinghua happened to spend the night at his concubine's place that night. I dressed up as Gong Qinghua and walked in swaggeringly!"

Dishaowei: "." How could he not think that this could happen?

Shangguan Xuanjun: "Is this okay?"

Why not? He also pretended to be Gong Qinghua and made Gong Qinghua's bodyguard identify as the wrong master! Then he went head-to-head with him and almost got into a fight!

However, Xiaoer's hope of waking up was shattered. Shangguan Xuanyi was not in the mood to satisfy their curiosity, so he said nothing.

Shangguan Xuanyi took out the other two booklets and handed them to Ri Geer: "This is about the collusion between certain people in the Nangong Kingdom and the Eastern Jin Kingdom, and there is also a list of traitors!"

"Did you get the one from the Eastern Jin Dynasty too? Brother-in-law, thank you!" Brother Ri quickly took it, opened it, and flipped through the pages.

The more Brother Ri watched, the more frightened he became, and of course, the more he watched, the happier he became.

Ri Geer rushed over to accompany Yun'er before she gave birth! He originally planned to take Yun'er back to the Eastern Jin Dynasty after her confinement.

But he has been worried that something like Yun'er or his child being kidnapped will happen again. After all, some things are impossible to guard against! But staying in Zezhou without going back is not an option.

Now that he has this book and knows who is a human in the front and a ghost in the back, he can safely take Yun'er back to the Eastern Jin Dynasty!

"Thank you so much!" Brother Ri raised his hands and saluted Shangguan Xuanyi.

"You're welcome, I gave it to you for Xiaoer's sake! Who asked you to marry her good sister!"

"No matter what, I will remember this love!" Ri Geer said gratefully.

Shangguan Xuanyi nodded to show that he understood.

At this time, Zhao Yong hurried in: "Master, Master! There is news about Master Yunfa! There is news about Master Yunfa!"

"What did you say?" After hearing this, Shangguan Xuanyi quickly walked up to him.

"There is news about Master Yunfa. The princess is saved! The steward of the caravan that just returned from overseas asked someone to send a letter to say... We, the merchants we cooperate with overseas met Master Yunfa half a year ago. Master Yunfa Give him a message to his master, and he will return to the imperial capital in half a year!" Zhao Yongyong panted.

After hearing this, Shangguan Xuanyi felt an indescribable excitement in his heart.

I thought it would be a long time before Xiaoer wakes up!

Unexpectedly, there is another village where there is a bright future!

Shangguan Xuanyi couldn't help but reveal a long-lost smile.

"In this case, Master Yunfa should return to the imperial capital soon!" Xi'er calculated in her mind and then said excitedly.

That's right!

I met Master Yunfa half a year ago. Master Yunfa said he would return to the Imperial Capital in half a year!

The caravan traveled across the ocean and stayed in several countries. Calculated this way, it would take about half a year. This means that Master Yunfa should be on his way back to the Imperial Capital. If it's quick, he might already be in the Imperial Capital!

Shangguan Xuanyi could no longer calm down: "I want to go back to the imperial capital! Yangliu and Yangmei pack their things immediately. Zhao Yong, go and prepare the carriage! Let's go back to the imperial capital immediately!"

"Do we need to be in such a hurry? If Master Yunfa appears in the imperial capital, there will definitely be news!" Shangguan Xuanjun said.

"I can't wait for even a quarter of an hour! By the way, Gong Qinghua was injured by me. He was poisoned by Xi'er's newly developed poison. If nothing unexpected happens, he is not dead or unconscious now! Gong Zixuan is also seriously injured and has not recovered. ! You can arrange for people to spread this news. In this case, I believe that officials in many places in Nangong Kingdom will be panicked! In addition, the eager descendants of the Nangong Kingdom royal family will definitely take action! After all, the emperor He's in a coma. The country cannot be without a king for a day! Let's attack the remaining cities of Nangong Kingdom, it will be much easier than before!"

"The poison developed by Xi'er is extremely toxic! If the imperial doctor around Gong Qinghua cannot detoxify the poison or control the spread of the poison within a day, he will definitely be hopeless!" Shangguan Xuan Yao said at this time .

"Great! In this case, we spread some news that the Emperor of Nangong Kingdom was assassinated by Min Zeguo's assassins and died of poisoning, or that the Emperor of Nangong Kingdom was poisoned and fell into a coma, and then the local officials and people of the entire Nangong Kingdom were panicked. It is estimated that many people will surrender! In the end, we may win without a fight!"

As the saying goes, to catch the thief first, catch the king! The emperor of a country was assassinated by the enemy! The morale of the soldiers has definitely plummeted!

After all, the emperor is no longer here, so who else is fighting this battle for?

"I'll leave the rest to you!" Shangguan Xuanyi patted Shangguan Xuanjun, Di Shaowei and Feng Qing on their shoulders.

He wants to take the girl back to the imperial capital to find Master Yunfa!

"Okay! Don't worry! You have even captured the emperor of Nangong Kingdom. The most important thing has been completed. Let us finish the rest! We will return in triumph soon!"

After Shangguan Xuanjun said this, he couldn't help but think to himself: Xiyue Kingdom let Shangguan Xuanyi fall into the love poison, and then stabbed Xiaoer, making her unconscious. Shangguan Xuanyi killed him in anger. of!

Now that Nangong Kingdom has also provoked Xiaoer, Shangguan Xuanyi decided to use cavalry to destroy it and avoid future troubles forever!

Shangguan Xuanjun is deeply aware that no one in this world should be provoked by Xiaoer. The consequences will be very miserable, the country will be destroyed and the family will be destroyed!

Because he offended Xiaoer, it meant he offended the King of Hell!

Shangguan Xuanyi nodded.

"Xier and Qiling, you two should follow King Rui back to the capital!" Jing Hao said at this time.

Because Xiaoer was unconscious, Xi'er also wanted to go back to the imperial capital to find some more books to study to see if she could revive her sister, so she nodded without hesitation: "Okay! I want to go back and study how to save her sister. Wake up sister!”

Soon Shangguan Xuanyi and his party were on their way back to the imperial capital.

Thank you King Kong for the reward, and thank you book friends who voted!

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