Shangguan Xuanyi took Xiaoer and the children back to the imperial capital.

Xi'er and Gu Qiling also followed back together.

Because the four children were still young, even though Shangguan Xuanyi was very anxious and wanted to return to the imperial capital immediately, the carriage did not go too fast all the way until he got on the boat.

But on the boat, the four children were so active! If you accidentally miss it, you will see several children either lying on the window lattice or hanging on the guardrail of the boat. In short, it can scare people half to death!

Yangliu, Yangmei and Zhao Yong spent every day in fear!

Xi'er finally accepted the four children's unusually noisy temperaments!

Everyone used to say that she was very troublesome when she was a child, but Xier felt that these children were even worse!

In fact, I don’t blame the children. They have been playing around in the space since they could crawl. The space is very safe. If there is anything unsafe, barriers will be set up during the day to prevent the children from crawling through.

And during the day, they have been flying in the sky with several children since they were young, swimming in lakes, floating in the sea, and picking fruits from trees to eat. So the four children have long been used to it and can't stop at all!

Finally returned to the imperial capital! Everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

After Shangguan Xuanyi returned to the imperial capital, he settled Xiaoer and immediately summoned the steward of the palace and asked him if he had any news about Master Yunfa.

"Back to Master, not yet. Master Yunfa's whereabouts are unpredictable and elusive. Unless his whereabouts are deliberately known, few people can find him."

Shangguan Xuanyi didn't say anything, and the steward told the truth.

After he changed his clothes, he took his four children into the palace.

He first went to meet the emperor and queen.

After the queen hugged several golden grandchildren and had a warm conversation, she knew that Xiaoer was unconscious, so she asked casually: "Is there no news about Master Yunfa yet? After being comatose for so long, the body is broken when you wake up! "

After being unable to eat normally for several months and unable to move my body, when I wake up, my body is broken!

However, Shangguan Xuanyi helped Xiaoer with massages and flexed her hands and feet every day, but even so, her body would not be as flexible as before when she woke up, and her body's functions would definitely be much worse.

"My son got the news that Master Yunfa would return to the imperial capital, so he rushed back with Xiao'er."

"Master Yunfa's whereabouts are uncertain. Why don't we let the Imperial Master go take a look first and see if we can find a way to wake up that girl Xiao'er?" The emperor also said at this time.

"Okay!" Shangguan Xuanyi did not refuse after hearing this.

Then Shangguan Xuanyi left the child in Kunning Palace, and then he and the emperor went to the study to talk about the attack on Nangong Kingdom.

The two talked all morning. The emperor was very satisfied with the progress and current situation of the attack on Nangong Kingdom.

When he heard that Shangguan Xuanyi had stolen all the confidential information in the secret room from the royal study room of Nangong Kingdom, he couldn't help but laugh a few times and said yes!

"I was still wondering how you got such an important list! I didn't expect you got it like this! Okay! Haha."

Shangguan Xuanyi had already sent back some important information, especially the list of traitors in Nangong's country. The purpose was to catch these people as soon as possible. Otherwise, if Nangong's country found that the information in the secret room had been stolen, I will definitely notify the spies here.

In order to catch them all in one go, Shangguan Xuanyi immediately copied these lists and sent them back to the imperial capital in a flying pigeon letter after leaving the imperial capital of Nangong Kingdom!

"Everyone on the list was arrested as soon as possible. No one was left out! I didn't let you down and took the risk of going deep into the tiger's den. Take these things out! Haha, some people were arrested, and we don't know what they did!"

"Even if my father doesn't catch any of them, I won't be disappointed. Anyway, I took them out by the way!" Shangguan Xuanyi said calmly after hearing this.

The matter of traitors should be more important to the emperor!

The emperor's laughter stopped: Can we still have a good chat? .Forget it, just pretend that he didn’t mean what he said!

If he didn't want to catch all the traitors, Fei Ge would send the message back as soon as possible! Anyway, he has returned to the imperial capital, so he can bring him back with him!

He has been busy with a lot of things recently, and he hasn't slept well for several days! It’s great to have my son back!

The emperor took a pile of memorials from the table and prepared to hand them over to Shangguan Xuanyi.

"Father, I have just returned from Zezhou. After fighting in the war, dealing with Gu Xuan, and stealing information, these things have made me physically and mentally exhausted, so I need to rest for a while, and don't ask me to handle political affairs." Shangguan Xuan Yi saw the emperor's action and said quickly before he could say anything.

Are you kidding me? He just stuffed himself with a lot of things when he came back. Xiao'er hadn't even woken up yet. He had to stay with her, and he had to wait for Master Yunfa to come to the door. He was not in the mood to deal with political affairs!

After hearing this, the emperor paused. He thought about it and realized that he had indeed gone a bit too far! The child had just come back from a long journey, and the girl Xiaoer was in a coma again. He must be extremely troubled. Forget it, forget it, let him rest for half a day or one day!

The emperor felt a little depressed when he thought of this. He was also tired and hadn't rested for a long time! The emperor’s destiny is the destiny of hard work! It is to work as a cow and a horse for the common people! !

"Well, now that you're back, take your children to see your royal grandmother! She misses a lot of her children!"

"My dear, please retire!" After hearing this, Shangguan Xuanyi bowed and resigned, lest the emperor regret it.

The emperor waved his hand impatiently: Let's go! Let's go! If you don't help approve memorials and handle political affairs, are you still here waiting for dinner?

Here, those who have merit will be left with food and vegetables, and those who have no merit will not be left with food!

After Shangguan Xuanyi left Zichen Palace, he went to Kunning Palace to pick up a few children and went to Cining Palace together.

The Queen Mother's health has become worse since she was burned, and she doesn't like to see people on weekdays.

I used to go for a walk in the Royal Garden, but I don’t go there anymore.

The Queen Mother heard that Shangguan Xuanyi came with several children to greet them, and she quickly said: "Please come in quickly. It is almost noon. It is the time when the sun is at its strongest. Several children have been sunburned."

The maid hurriedly walked out and invited Shangguan Xuanyi and others to come in.

"I have met the Imperial Grandmother, may the Imperial Grandmother be blessed!" Shangguan Xuanyi saluted the Queen Mother.

Before entering the palace, Shangguan Xuanyi specifically ordered Aunt Rong to teach the four children to salute. The four children learned everything quickly, so now they also salute the Queen Mother in a strict manner:

"Chen'er\\Nuan Nuan\\Mo'er\\Qingqing sends my regards to the great-grandmother, may the great-grandmother be blessed!"

"No gifts, no gifts... The golden grandson of the Ai family has been talking to me after not seeing him for several months! I miss my great-grandmother so much! Come over to my great-grandmother quickly."

In fact, it has been almost a year since they went to Zezhou!

The children glanced at their father, and when they saw his father nodded in agreement, they immediately ran to the Queen Mother and hugged her like a baby.

At this time, a young girl next to the Queen Mother blessed Shangguan Xuanyi: "My daughter Qingqing has met King Rui."

Thank you 182******0 for the reward, and thank you book friends who voted!

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