At this time, a young girl next to the Queen Mother blessed Shangguan Xuanyi: "My daughter Qingqing has met King Rui."

After the young girl finished her salute, she couldn't help but quietly raised her head to take a look at the noble and handsome man in front of her.

He is like a luminous person, making people unable to take their eyes away.

Shangguan Xuanyi glanced at her coldly and ignored her.

Zhang Qingqing was a little dumbfounded when she saw Shangguan Xuanyi ignoring her like this.

Because she is extremely beautiful, everyone has been unable to take their eyes off her since she was a child. I didn't expect that some people could ignore her!

She has been in the imperial capital for a while, and what she has heard most about is how beautiful Princess Rui is, how she enchants the country, and how stunningly talented she is!

Is it because Princess Rui is more beautiful than him, so he can't see his beauty? Zhang Qingqing couldn't help but think.

Because she is the daughter of her parents, she is deeply loved. She has never been ignored like this before, and she felt a little aggrieved for a while.

The Queen Mother was busy hugging each of her grandchildren, but she also paid attention to the movements of the two. When she saw this, she introduced Shangguan Xuanyi: "This is the daughter of the concubine of the Ai family, and she can also be regarded as your cousin! Yes! The daughter of the Shanxi magistrate."

"It's my old cousin!" Shangguan Xuanyi said calmly after hearing this.

Old, cousin, aunt!

Zhang Qingqing almost cried when she heard this. She was only 16 years, 11 months and 28 days old. 17 years old was not enough! Where is it old? !

Princess Rui has given birth to four children, she must be older than herself!

The Queen Mother almost didn't laugh out loud when she heard this, but when she saw her niece looking like she was about to cry, she coughed: "The Ai family just made a mistake about their seniority, it was my little cousin! Ahem, that one I heard that Princess Rui was injured and unconscious?"

The Queen Mother quickly changed the subject at the end.

"Yes." Shangguan Xuanyi responded lightly, and then fell silent.

The Queen Mother also knew that her grandson had always had a cold temperament, so she did not blame him: "Let's find some more imperial doctors to take a look at it! The palace cannot be without her as its mistress."

The Queen Mother didn't know how Xiaoer was injured, so she asked an imperial doctor.

"I know. How is the Queen Mother's health lately?" It was rare to hear the Queen Mother say a word of concern for Xiao'er, and he also expressed concern.

"The Ai family's health is much better!" The Queen Mother was very happy to hear that her grandson, who usually didn't talk much, actually cared about her health.

"That's good, I'm going to retire." Shangguan Xuanyi always said little and had nothing to say to the Queen Mother, so he resigned.

The Queen Mother hasn’t had enough intimacy with her golden grandchildren!

But after what happened last time, she no longer dared to leave her grandchildren to take care of her in Cining Palace, so she reluctantly hugged the children and said, "When you have time, come to the palace to accompany the great-grandmother. !”

The four children nodded obediently: "Okay!"

Rooftop continued: "Great Grandmother also comes to play with us when she has time!"

"Okay! Chen'er is so good!" The Queen Mother couldn't be more happy after hearing this! Such a young child knows how to invite her to play in the house. How can she be unhappy if she is so smart?

Sure enough, if you marry a smarter wife, the children you have will be smarter than others.

"Salute to the great-grandmother and retire!" Shangguan Xuanyi said.

"Great Grandmother, I have resigned!" The four children bowed to the Queen Mother in a decent manner, making the Queen Mother laugh so hard that her eyes narrowed, and she said: "Okay."

After Shangguan Xuanyi left with several children.

Zhang Qingqing then said: "Queen Mother, Princess Rui has been in coma for several months, right? Isn't she still awake? What should Prince Rui do?"

It seems that two or three months ago, she heard the Queen and the Queen Mother chatting that Princess Rui was injured and fell into a coma, but she didn't expect that she hadn't woken up yet.

In that case, who will take care of King Rui?

In fact, when she came to the imperial capital, in addition to hearing about how Princess Rui was doing, she also heard about how King Rui treated Princess Rui!

King Rui, who is said to have a cold temperament, dotes on Princess Rui to the bone!

It is said that when King Rui met Princess Rui, it was like winter snow meeting the scorching sun, and it immediately turned into a pool of water, or a pool of hot spring water.

So she's always been curious about both of them!

She had always imagined King Rui, whom everyone said was ruthless and cruel, to look fierce and evil, but she didn't expect him to be so handsome!

"Yes." The Queen Mother responded lukewarmly.

Who is he? People who have lived in the harem all their lives, although there are not many women in the harem, are still very familiar with the queen mother!

She knew what Zhang Qingqing was thinking at a glance!

But the Queen Mother would never dare to offend Shangguan Xuanyi, her grandson, in order to see her four great-grandsons in the future!

After all these years, it’s all in vain if you provoke me! He never does his own thing.

The most important thing is that although Zhang Qingqing is by his side these days, the Queen Mother really doesn't like her!

And with her background, she wants to be her grandson's concubine. How is this possible?

"Queen Mother, Princess Rui has been unconscious for so long. I heard that Prince Rui has no concubines, no concubines, and not even a connecting room. Then who will serve Prince Rui! Besides, the palace is so big, how can it be done without a mistress? Okay!" Zhang Qingqing reminded the Queen Mother when she saw that the Queen Mother just hummed and said nothing, thinking that she had not thought of the key point.

"What you said is right, but the Ai family has no control over Prince Rui's affairs. The Queen does!"

"." Why does she feel that the Queen Mother has no dignity at all? Zhang Qingqing was extremely depressed! His mother sent him to the emperor because she wanted to rely on the Queen Mother to help her find a good marriage!

Now that she clearly has the opportunity, the Queen Mother doesn't fight for herself. What does this mean?

You must know that King Rui is the most likely person to become the emperor. If you can become King Rui's concubine, then won't you be able to become a noble concubine in the future? If Princess Rui never wakes up, you may even have a chance to become the queen?

Thinking of this, Zhang Qingqing couldn't help but said: "Queen Mother, aren't you helping Qingqing choose a good marriage? In fact, Qingqing thinks Prince Rui is quite good!"

After Zhang Qingqing said this, she couldn't help but blush and lower her head.

Zhang Qingqing has been pampered by her parents since she was a child. She has been accustomed to asking her parents for what she wants since she was a child, and her parents will try their best to get her what she wants!

Moreover, Zhang Qingqing's mother told her before sending her to the imperial capital: If you want anything, please mention it to the Queen Mother in front of everyone. The Queen Mother loves face very much, and she will agree to it for the sake of her reputation!

So even though Zhang Qingqing was a little embarrassed, she still expressed her thoughts!

The Queen Mother immediately sprayed tea after hearing Zhang Qingqing's words!

The maids of Cining Palace couldn't help but roll their eyes after hearing this! This girl is too whimsical!

Thank you to Fenfang for your reward, thank you to the book friends who voted, and good night everyone!

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