In the end, Zhang Qingqing did not get the Queen Mother's permission and promised her to Shangguan Xuanyi.

The Queen Mother's reason was that King Rui liked women with stunning looks, talents, and strong martial arts skills, not her type.

Zhang Qingqing was heartbroken after hearing this. What did the Queen Mother mean by this? Aren't you a beautiful and talented woman?

As for being strong in martial arts, shouldn’t a woman be as gentle as water? How rude is it to be a strong martial artist! How could a man like it?

The Queen Mother rejected Zhang Qingqing and asked the Queen to help her find a good marriage, and then she didn't bother to care about her!

The Queen Mother left Zhang Qingqing to the Queen to deal with. Now that her health is deteriorating, the Queen Mother really has no energy to take care of the marriage affairs of other people's daughters.

It’s better to save some energy and watch your golden grandchildren grow up, and watch your golden grandchildren become golden grandchildren again!

The Queen Mother thought that when her four golden grandchildren were one year old, none of the prepared first-year gifts were given out because they were not around. She said to the maid serving her: "Go and give the gifts that the Ai family had prepared to Chen'er and the four of them." I'll take out the first-year gifts and take a look at them before sending them to Prince Rui's Mansion. The Ai family just forgot to give them to the children."

After hearing this, the eldest maid quickly retreated to make arrangements.

After Zhang Qingqing heard what the Queen Mother said, she thought that since the Queen Mother would not help her, she would take the initiative to pursue her own happiness!

So she said: "Queen Mother, after being in the imperial capital for so long, I haven't even visited King Rui and Princess Rui. It just didn't matter if they were not in the imperial capital before. Now that they are back, I have to pay a visit for both reasons and reasons. Let me deliver the first-year gift to the Queen Mother!"

After hearing this, the Queen Mother glanced at her, knowing that she was not determined to give up, but she still nodded: "Okay then!"

Since she was going to hit a wall, she didn't stop her, lest she say that her aunt didn't care about her.

The eldest maid had people carry out the first-year gifts that the Queen Mother had prepared for the four children.

The Queen Mother prepared many gifts for the child's first birthday. In addition to longevity locks, silver bracelets, jade Ruyi, safety buckles, jade pendants, clothes, etc.

Especially for the two little granddaughters, the Queen Mother even dug out all the jewelry from her youth, sorted out two boxes, and sent them over.

The Queen Mother plans to save some dowry for her two granddaughters every year!

Zhang Qingqing's eyes widened when she saw the Queen Mother's first-year gift for her child!

A toddler who has just learned to walk has more jewelry than he does! And it’s much more beautiful and refined!

These jewelry pieces are much more gorgeous and dazzling than my own!

"Your Majesty, these jewelry are very beautiful! But the princess and the others are still young, so they are not suitable for wearing them, right?"

The Queen Mother was checking what she had prepared before to see if she needed to add anything more. After hearing this, she said without raising her head: "These jewelry are not for the two little girls to wear now, they are here to keep." It will be used as a dowry for them when they grow up, and it will be used at the bottom of the box."

The jewelry her granddaughter will wear is of course the most popular of the season! No shortage of money! Just go buy it when the time comes!

Zhang Qingqing became even more envious and jealous after hearing this! Although his parents started preparing a dowry for him when he was only one year old, they did not prepare as much as the Queen Mother prepared for her granddaughter in one year. It is really infuriating!

"The Queen Mother is so kind to the two little princesses! I have saved so many years of dowry, but not as much as the little princesses!" Zhang Qingqing said at the end, with a little pity in her voice. She hoped that the Queen Mother would feel sorry for herself and give her to her. Prepare a dowry for yourself as well.

After hearing this, the Queen Mother raised her eyelids and glanced at her: "Can you compare with the great-grandsons of the Ai family? The granddaughters of the Ai family are the sons of dragons and phoenixes! But if you want to find a family to marry in the imperial capital, then you remember I remind you that your mother has prepared more dowry for you. If you want to marry into an official family in the imperial capital, it will be embarrassing if the dowry is too small! Don’t embarrass the Ai family! There are many grandchildren in the Ai family, even if they want to help you, they still have the intention to help you. I’m powerless!”

The Queen Mother couldn't help but feel angry. This Zhang Qingqing, like her sister, was a short-sighted person, and she actually wanted to take away her own things!

Her things are all good, how could she, an outsider, get cheaper! At this time, the Queen Mother's temperament of being kind to her children and grandchildren but being mean to others was exposed again!

Humph, her own great-grandson doesn’t even get enough of her things!

Princess Rui can’t just give birth to a baby and stop giving birth, right? At Princess Rui's current age, she can probably give birth to four more children, maybe even five! If she gives birth to five children, each with four children, that means she still has twenty great-grandchildren waiting for her to give her gifts!

She can't be too partial. She also has to give away the children born to Princess Qi, Princess Xian, Princess Crown Princess, and the fifth princess!

Altogether, she should have thirty or forty grandchildren waiting for her to save betrothal gifts and dowries for them!

Thinking of this, the Queen Mother felt that her private treasury plus the things left to her by the late emperor were not enough! Outsiders don't even want to get her things!

Zhang Qingqing's face froze after hearing this, couldn't she just say no?

Why must she compare herself with her grandchildren?

Who doesn’t know that she is the Queen Mother?

If she hadn't snatched away her mother's marriage! Today I am still a princess! How could she speak in front of him!

And this old godly woman, who has so many things and is reluctant to buy herself a decent dowry, what an ungrateful thing! If she hadn't robbed her mother of her marriage, these things would have been hers!

The Queen Mother didn't know what Zhang Qingqing was thinking. She watched the palace maid finish counting the gifts and then ordered the palace maid to add a few things and some food before having them delivered.

Outside the gate of Prince Rui's Mansion

An old man with white hair and coarse clothes came to the door of Prince Rui's mansion and said to the soldier guarding the door: "Are Prince Rui and Princess Rui in the mansion?"

"Who is the old gentleman? What do you want from the prince and princess? Is there any message?" The guard did not mean to look down on the old man, but routine inquiries were still needed.

Otherwise, anyone who enters Prince Rui's Mansion just needs to ask, "Are Prince Rui and Princess Rui in the mansion?" That’s it!

At this time, a gorgeous carriage stopped outside the gate of Prince Rui's Mansion.

The old man replied: "There is no post, I am."

Before the old man finished speaking, Zhang Qingqing got out of the carriage. When she saw the old man in coarse clothes, she frowned in disgust: "Where is this beggar? You dare to beg in front of Prince Rui's Mansion! What are you doing? When you are a guard, you still don’t drive people away!”

After hearing this, the old man took a few steps back and let them go in first. He planned to wait for a while before asking to see them.

Zhang Qingqing saw him step aside, making it clear that he wanted to continue asking to see King Rui. How could King Rui meet such a low-status person! So she scolded: "Don't leave yet! If you don't leave, I will have you put in jail!"

The old man shook his head after hearing this and walked away.

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