Shangguan Xuanyi heard in the house that the Queen Mother sent people to bring first-year gifts to several children, so he asked them to carry the things in.

Zhang Qingqing walked into Prince Rui's Mansion for the first time, and then walked all the way from the front garden to the inside. She was fascinated by the exquisite and picturesque scenery of Prince Rui's Mansion, which was like a fairyland on earth!

If the palace gardens are magnificent and show wealth and splendor everywhere, then the gardens here are charming, lively and joyful.

How happy it would be if I could live here all my life! Zhang Qingqing thought.

After walking for almost half an hour before stopping, Zhang Qingqing felt that her eyesight was not enough! It feels quite a bit unfinished.

Then she saw the person standing in front of the house and her eyes lit up!

Shangguan Xuanyi was dressed in white today, with a tall and erect figure, like a banished immortal, which made the whole garden eclipse.

Zhang Qingqing's heart was pounding, and she bowed with a blushing face: "My maid, please see King Rui..."

Shangguan Xuanyi was annoyed when he saw Zhang Qingqing. His face instantly turned cold, and the cold aura on his body was so oppressive that people dared not even breathe: "When will even dogs be allowed in the palace?"

Is this because you think you are not upset enough, so you come here to bother yourself? Shangguan Xuanyi was furious when he saw Zhang Qingqing appearing in his territory!

Zhang Qingqing's ceremony hasn't been completed yet, and her ceremony can no longer be performed!

dog? Is this scolding yourself?

However, King Rui's angry look was so terrifying that she didn't even dare to say anything anymore. She only dared to squat half down and didn't dare to stand up, so she could only lower her head.

The eunuchs around the Queen Mother were so frightened that they wanted to run away!

King Rui is famous for his ruthlessness! When this person gets angry, he won't give anyone any face! Even the emperor can't do anything to him!

But the eunuch still bowed and said bravely: "This servant is here to see the prince. May your prince be blessed! This servant is here to give first-year gifts to the little emperor and his grandson on the order of the queen mother."

It’s so timid to give gifts! It is also unprecedented!

I’m still thinking about getting the silver reward! Now it seems that it’s better if I don’t hit the board!

Shangguan Xuanyi made a sound from his nose: "Yeah!"

Then Shangguan Xuanyi stopped talking.

Shangguan Xuanyi glanced at Yangliu and motioned for her to see off the guests.

Yang Liu then said: "Thank you, father-in-law! I would like to thank the Queen Mother for my young masters!"

The eunuch knew that King Rui was angry and was very angry! He did not dare to delay, so he quickly asked someone to put down a few things, and then said goodbye: "Your Majesty, I have resigned. The Queen Mother is still waiting for my servant to return."

Shangguan Xuanyi didn't say anything. Just leave. Do you still have to go see him off yourself?

The reason why I didn't drive them out was because of the gifts the Queen Mother gave to the four children! At least save some face for the Queen Mother, otherwise, he will be driven out of the palace with gifts!

"Father-in-law, please! I will send you out!" Yang Liu said.

The eunuch nodded: "Thank you, Miss Yang!"

She was about to leave Prince Rui's Mansion. She had not met Princess Rui yet. She had to meet Princess Rui no matter what in order to know herself and the enemy. So Zhang Qingqing gritted her teeth and said: "Your Majesty, I have come here specifically to visit Princess Rui."

Shangguan Xuanyi glanced at her after hearing this: "What is your identity? What qualifications do you have to come to visit? Is this king's concubine something you can see whenever you want? Get out!"

Don't you know that your girl is in a coma? How come we meet! Hypocrisy! Even if Xiaoer is awake, she is not qualified to see her and cause trouble for her girl!

Zhang Qingqing's face turned pale immediately, and she didn't know whether she was angry or scared.

Yangliu and Yangmei despised in their hearts: This is a good excuse, but it is too false! She is here to cause trouble for the princess! It was a good temper that the master didn't kick her out!

After Shangguan Xuanyi said this, he turned around and went back to the house.

At this time, the woman from the second door came in and said to Yang Mei: "Miss Yang Mei, there is an old man outside who wants to see you, saying that he has a relationship with the princess."

After Shangguan Xuanyi heard this, he stopped, turned around and asked, "Did he say who he was?"

At this time, Zhang Qingqing felt that her opportunity had come, so she said: "Go back to your lord, I have seen that old beggar just now. He was dressed in coarse cloth and he was just a refugee! I had already driven him away once, but I didn't expect him to come again." , I’m going to drive him away!”

Shangguan Xuanyi's face darkened after hearing this. He was so angry that he kicked Zhang Qingqing directly, and then strode out the door.

Zhang Qingqing didn't know where she had offended Shangguan Xuanyi, so she was kicked away, fell to the ground, and fainted.

The eunuchs of Cining Palace were so frightened that they lowered their heads and did not dare to take a breath.

When King Rui passed by him, he was so scared that he didn't even dare to breathe!

It wasn't until he left in a gust of wind that he breathed a sigh of relief.

Yang Liu glanced at the eunuch beside the Queen Mother: "Thank you, please take her away quickly. Otherwise, when the prince comes back and sees that she is still there, I don't know how angry he will be!"

After Yang Liu said this, he ran out in a hurry.

The person outside the door asking to see you might be Master Yunfa! The only hope is for the princess to wake up!

This Zhang Qingqing actually dared to drive Master Yunfa away!

She thinks she has a long life!

If Master Yunfa is confirmed, the master will probably kick her again if he comes back and sees her.

She was seriously injured now, and she would probably die if kicked again.

Although King Rui is not afraid, after all, they are the people around the Queen Mother. If they are killed, the Queen Mother will not be able to bear it!

It’s better not to ruin the relationship between Prince Rui’s Mansion and the Queen Mother because of such a villain!

not worth it!

So Yang Liu asked someone to take her away quickly.

The eunuch was immediately frightened!

He never imagined that King Rui would be angry and kick someone directly! horrible!

They are still here to give the little emperor grandson a first-year gift!

Yang Mei saw what the eunuch was thinking and said: "This girl is very arrogant and has driven away the prince's distinguished guests! So you should leave quickly! The prince is angry and you cannot bear it!"

After hearing this, the eunuch realized why King Rui suddenly became angry.

It quickly said to its little eunuch: "Quick! Take Miss Zhang away quickly!"

Only then did the few little eunuchs come back to their senses. They had been frightened out of their wits for a long time!

Yang Mei summoned a little maid, but they bypassed the path Shangguan Xuanyi would take to prevent Master Yunfa from seeing this scene.

Shangguan Xuanyi walked out of the mansion and saw an old man in simple clothes and a calm demeanor standing at the gate, looking at ease and contented.

No matter how ordinary this person is dressed, he still gives people a feeling of spring breeze.

A truly enlightened person has an aura of calmness and a return to nature. This is probably the aura of immortality!

The old man saw an extraordinary and noble man coming out. Just by looking at his face, he knew that he was an extraordinary noble man.

He calmly raised his hands and saluted: "I see you, Prince Rui!"

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